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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Anyone who has ever even looked at this forum should know what to expect on opening weekend for ANY park.


Most of the discussion in this topic hasn't been about "people who looked at this forum" - it's about the general public who pay full price without being told in advance that rides will be closed, which the best-in-class theme parks are very good about doing. It's about understanding why a park that was once voted "best in the world" (and is still considered so by many) is not following the examples of those best-in-class competitors.

Please just shut the hell up. Your complaints and comments are insanely stupid and it's not even worth my time trying to explain to you why. Go back and read what I wrote. And if you can't grasp that sense of rationality, our forum isn't for you and please just leave and post your crap comments somewhere else. Thanks.


--Robb "Has anyone else noticed that Robb seems to have lost all patience with stupid people lately? It's refreshing, isn't it?" Alvey


EDIT: You know what...nevermind, I'm just going to ban this guy. So sick of trying to rationalize with irrational people. Don't want 'em on our forum. Don't need 'em. Bu-bye Felicia.

Edited by robbalvey
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I would also like to point out two things for anyone who is still thinking about bitching and complaining about this....


1. Cedar Point is offering a discounted rate during these early season dates:



Last I checked Disney isn't offering a discounted rate for half of Hollywood Studios being closed, and they don't need to. Why? Because there is



2. Cedar Point posts this on their website and I'm sure it's on tickets and other information throughout the park....



Again, I just don't understand the complaining. Year after year. The same complaints and bitching. Seriously people, SHUT UP and just go enjoy the park. Sorry your stupid favorite ride is closed or whatever, get over it.

Edited by robbalvey
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So how about that new Mean Streak!?!?!

Yes, exactly. What I don't get it how over the off-season people were chomping at the bit for Mean Streak photos that we were asked not to be posted and now that the park is open, where are the Mean Streak photos now that it's okay to post them???

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Has anyone else noticed that Robb seems to have lost all patience with stupid people lately? It's refreshing, isn't it?


I have actually, and it is very nice. Nobody to my knowledge has been banned for their strong ideas on vertical videos, despite you repeatedly stating they are bad and useless, (which they kind of are) and other things like that. Has anyone noticed that I have been less dumb recently? Probably not As for COFOKAMS here are some pictures I found on Ohio Valley Coasters. Look at the angle of the banking at the top of the hill. I thought RMC had thrown out the rule book with their other coasters, but this seems to break all taboos/rational thinking of track design. I love it.


Looks sweeeeet

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I bet if Magnum and Gemini were down on some random weekend during the middle of summer it wouldn't be a big deal. But since it was opening weekend, "oh how dare CP not be perfect right out of the gate".


I'd say there's a difference between a mid year ride closure and opening weekend ride closure. If its mid year, its most likely a mechanical issue. That's unavoidable and understandable. This was not the case. This seemed to be them being ill prepared for the weekend. There isn't a good excuse to not have rides state certified yet.

I do not work at Cedar Point so I have no idea why these rides were down this early, but I don't think the weather was bad enough to not have planned for this in advance. I am an enthusiast, so I know not to visit on opening weekends if its not my home park, but for the general public who some drive from a far distance, it would suck for rides to be closed. I know how it feels, especially because it takes me 6 hours to drive to Cedar Point and for the entire 3 days I was there Maverick, (my favorite ride at the time) was closed. I was pretty annoyed, but I knew it wasn't Cedar Point's fault. If it was some crap about not getting certified because they didn't test it early enough, I would be more annoyed, but then again I am thankful for the privilege to be able to get to Cedar Point once a year, and that I would look forward to my next visit even further.

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Thanks Robb and Henry for getting back on the all important topic of New Mean Streak. That outside banked turn is totally nuts. The lateral airtime on that element is going to be insane. Really looking forward to all the construction updates throughout the season! CP trip 2018, baby!

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Thanks Robb and Henry for getting back on the all important topic of New Mean Streak. That outside banked turn is totally nuts. The lateral airtime on that element is going to be insane. Really looking forward to all the construction updates throughout the season! CP trip 2018, baby!

I can't wait to see it in person in 2 weekends! The only RMC I have seen with my eyes is Twisted Colossus, and this thing is pretty much twice as high with much better elements.

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Thanks Robb and Henry for getting back on the all important topic of New Mean Streak. That outside banked turn is totally nuts. The lateral airtime on that element is going to be insane. Really looking forward to all the construction updates throughout the season! CP trip 2018, baby!


I'm really interested to see how that thing rides. It's one of those elements that's so unique that I honestly have absolutely no clue what to expect from it.


As strange as this sounds, I'm almost more excited to see what they have planned for the second half than the first half. Since those elements are so close to the ground and compact I fully expect them to go absolutely bonkers.

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Thanks Robb and Henry for getting back on the all important topic of New Mean Streak.


What am I, chopped liver!!? Sheesh.


Since you're from Philly, you're more like chopped rib-eye.

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As strange as this sounds, I'm almost more excited to see what they have planned for the second half than the first half. Since those elements are so close to the ground and compact I fully expect them to go absolutely bonkers.

And how it will duel with the first half.

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As strange as this sounds, I'm almost more excited to see what they have planned for the second half than the first half. Since those elements are so close to the ground and compact I fully expect them to go absolutely bonkers.


Exactly. If it's anything like the New Texas Giant, weaving left and right under the structure at break neck speed, we are in for a huge treat next year!

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Wow, that pic with the outward banked turn! This is the first pic I have seen from that angle and I didn't realize how much extra wood is still attached and sticking out... Do you think it's to build a wall/nets so flying objects won't be raining down below to smack someone in the face as they are strolling through Frontier Town? HAHA

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Thanks Robb and Henry for getting back on the all important topic of New Mean Streak.


What am I, chopped liver!!? Sheesh.


Since you're from Philly, you're more like chopped rib-eye.


It better be chopped. None of that Pats and Genos slop.


But yeah guys... overbanks!!! RMC insanity!! Woohhooo!!

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Thanks Robb and Henry for getting back on the all important topic of New Mean Streak. That outside banked turn is totally nuts. The lateral airtime on that element is going to be insane. Really looking forward to all the construction updates throughout the season! CP trip 2018, baby!

I can't wait to see it in person in 2 weekends! The only RMC I have seen with my eyes is Twisted Colossus, and this thing is pretty much twice as high with much better elements.

Nice! I'm going in two weekends too! Let's hope for something big before then!

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So how about that new Mean Streak!?!?!

Yes, exactly. What I don't get it how over the off-season people were chomping at the bit for Mean Streak photos that we were asked not to be posted and now that the park is open, where are the Mean Streak photos now that it's okay to post them???


I had this exact thought earlier today! It was kind of blowing my mind, too!

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^ Agreed.


Where the heck are all the photos of the "new coaster at the back of the park"? I saw what....like four photos of the coaster before all of the complaining about park operations started? I was quite disappointed to come here and see five pages of complaining after hoping for lots of PTR's showing what's new and what will be new in 2018.


All I have to say about the complainers is that they need to take into account that the winters are a LOT harsher on the Great Lakes shores than in other places in the U.S. and just as with Halloweekends, staffing at the beginning and end of the season is always going to be different than mid-season.


If you don't live near the shores of the Great Lakes, you don't understand the havoc a winter can cause. Heck, I have yet to mow my back yard because it is so wet and full of debris that I can't even walk on it without sinking up to my ankles. I can only imagine the work that it must take to make this park presentable by the first weekend in May. I would imagine that the rides have to be as cranky as us Great Lakers are after a seven month winter hibernation!


We all know that Tony reads the forum and he listens...the least we can do is keep the posts sensible and mature because I know that he will take the feedback into account as long as we're being rational about it.


In closing, I do need to comment on the Melt pic...it really looks great! It looks like it will incorporate the "local" flavor just like the one that we visited in Mentor, Ohio outside of Cleveland, which is really cool - I LOVE the retro CP stuff! And it looks like they will still incorporate all of the holiday decorations too (I saw the lighted snowman in the photo).


I just wonder if instead of using retro albums as menus (like they do at the other Melt locations) if they could print retro CP park maps and/or photos with the menus on the back? Now THAT would be really cool!


Can't wait to check it out on our next visit!

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I won't lie... In all my years of going to CP almost exclusively in May, I've almost never had any issues with excessive downtime of coasters, or closed coasters. Yes, there was the Wicked Twister snafu of a year ago (I think it was), and Opening Weekend is typically just NOT a great time to go. But other than that, I've found May, and early season in general to be a fantastic time to visit the park!

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I won't lie... In all my years of going to CP almost exclusively in May, I've almost never had any issues with excessive downtime of coasters, or closed coasters. Yes, there was the Wicked Twister snafu of a year ago (I think it was), and Opening Weekend is typically just NOT a great time to go. But other than that, I've found May, and early season in general to be a fantastic time to visit the park!


You're all just overlooking the fact that Mean Streak was closed the first few weeks of the season last year because nobody cared because you don't appreciate pure brilliance when you see it.


On to more important matters (food), I'm really excited about Melt but even more excited about the Famous Dave's quick service location. I'll still go to the one in the Marina but this one will be awesome when you're just looking for something quick. It's got to be my new favorite food location in the park almost by default.

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