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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Right now until Cedar Point reviles the "official" name of the Wing Rider, we're just going to have to take wild guesses and here are my name suggestions


1. Disaster Transport: The Second Mission (in honor of the ride it's replacing)

2. Spacehawk (as if Cedar Fair doesn't have enough coaster ending in "hawk")

3. Scream Xtreme

4. Demon Flight

5. Flight Deck (yeah right, like Cedar Fair needs another with that name!)

6. Starship Cedarprise

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Someone posted this on their Facebook page and thought I'd bring it over here. In the message Cedar Point posted it said, "Disaster Transport & Space Spiral will be dismantled this season to make space for @!!$!(*%%."


This was posted as a response to the character slang.

‎@ = 2 = B

! = 1 = A

!$ = 14 = N

!( = 19 = S

* = 8 = H

% = 5 = E

% = 5 = E


Could they be going after this name again?

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Disaster Transport: The Second Mission (in honor of the ride it's replacing)


That's a great idea! Just imagine the kind of queue they could build for it, and the type of theming the people could use while making their way to the coaster. They could even have...


Oh wait, this is Cedar fair we're talking about. How silly of me. I'm sure it'll be named something nice and generic, with a boiling outdoor queue to match. Besides, who cares about details when you're queuing for an awesome, gigantic coaster, am I right?

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Can't say that I'm surprised at this, though in all of my times, the closest I ever got to riding the tower was whilst riding MaxAir. Going to be interesting to see what its like now without the tower to give that disorienting feeling when you basically pull up to the top of the swing and see it upside down.


As for DT, can't say that it is a surprise. Nothing worked but the coaster the last time I was there, including the A/C. Though, it is a little sad because that is/was my first and only bobsled coaster. It does stink that a lot of the "filler" rides are leaving parks as of late though; I've always been one to just enjoy rides in general, despite not having the tallest drops, fastest speeds, or most inversions. There is something to be said for those rides that you can hop on with a relatively short wait, have fun, and move onto the next big one. I think we enthusiasts often forget that essential point to theme parks; fun can come from the most unlikely of areas or from the "least" interesting looking coasters.

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The only thing I enjoyed about DT was the Air-conditioning, and the glow lights. Which were in the que.


And it was more thrilling than when I last rode it, not saying anythings changed. But the ride is fairly decent, it's doesn't have insane air or G's but provides a great "moderate" ride.

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I always loved Disaster Transport specifically because it was such a bizarre and unique ride. Theres always something fun about flying around in complete darkness. It is kind of an eyesore though. Ugly building that blocks the nice view of the lakeshore. Space Spiral, you can take. I've never been a fan. Plus with Windseeker, who cares. Although Windseeker gives me terrible anxiety & I hate it. I'm really not one to ever be afraid of rides either.


Wingriders are alright. To be honest, I wasn't all that impressed with X-Flight at Great America. I love B&M, but it felt kind of slow and basic. The control tower & added effects were cool, however. I imagine Wild Eagle is much better though.

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This breaks my heart, some of my fondest memories of CP involve disaster transport, several of which cannot be spoken of in polite company. I might cry after my last ride, yea its old and the effects are a distant memory but I loved that ride and have been telling anyone headed to the point to make sure to ride DT as its days are numbered. Another fun ride headed to the big amusement park in the sky.


That said I've signed up for the GKTW event to try to get some small gain from a great loss and would appreciate any donations though I know everyone gave so generously for Coasting For Kids and we're all tapped out. https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/joseph-cappellojr/finaldispatch It will be an emotional event for sure at least for me.

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You know, I would kill to get some video of what DT was like when it first opened in 1990. Not likely, of course, but I can dream. I heard there were quite a lot of FX that were turned off over the years as things deteriorated.


Was anyone here lucky enough to ride it when it first opened, so they could at least provide some details?

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Was anyone here lucky enough to ride it when it first opened, so they could at least provide some details?


From what I remember...


The queue was split into three rooms and they would hold the line until a room was almost emptied out. The first room was a basic "airport" ticketing area with posters of various places. The second room had Dave, an animatronic robot that would talk and interact with pilots on a large screen. This didn't last but for a few years . The third room was the repair bay, which used to have a supervisor trying to motivate workers who were repairing one of the sleds.


As for the ride itself, all I remember there were more lighting effects on the lift than what is there now. I think there was a little smoke effect as you left the station but I do remember there was a light that used to blind you as went up the lift. As you began to drop to the right I believe there used to be some sort of satellite object right there. The turn after that was dark and you went up to the next block. Then as you dropped to the left there were asteroids hanging from the ceiling and a large screen that showed something being blown up (I remember there being a large fireball projected there) and then the turn to the next block. There might have been some "scenery" in the middle of the turn. Then after the next block there was the "I"m losing control" voice as you dropped and finally a shot of Alaska right before hitting the brakes.

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I realize that not everyone is head over heels with a possible new wing rider coaster coming in 2013. But, keep in mind that most major attractions planned for all Cedar Fair parks, including Cedar Point, for the 2013 season (and maybe for the 2014 season as well), are a legacy of Kinzel and his minions. These "marquee" attractions of 15+ million dollars were not planned yesterday.


I do believe it has been stated before that major attractions of this size and cost are usually 2-3 years in the making. Ouimet certainly did not have much say in this 2013 attraction. He has been with CF for about a year now and been in charge for only about 6 months.


This attraction was probably thought up by the park (late 2010 - early 2011 | I would assume this would include selecting a site and evaluating existing attractions as far as their potential for relocation or demolition); a manufacturer selected, design(s) created, and one chosen by CP (by late 2011 - early 2012); I would assume ride fabrication has already started; and it appears that site prep will start in August with the closing of Disaster Transport and the observation tower for dismantling.


The most influence I see Ouimet having is with the station design and landscaping around the new ride. I will be interesting to see Ouimet's influence on major attractions at Cedar Point and the rest of the Cedar Fair Parks. But, I don't see that until 2014 at the earliest.

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