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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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On that note, I just rode Shoot the Rapids for the first time during CoasterMania, and we loved it so much we ran right back around for another ride! Truly a success for Cedar Point, and Intamin, and I think it fits perfectly where it is. So that thing could've been a year late - the end result was very much worth it!

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People definitely need to take deep breaths when it comes to new technology, especially complex stuff like rides. I'm hoping that part of the reason that there is very minimal "Mondial Hate" this time around is that people took the time to look back upon STR last season and realize that this stuff happens and that the best course of action is to take it in stride and not blow up over something that was out of the park's, or even the manufacturer's, control.


^I still need to hit up STR soon. Hopefully I'll get to very soon, what with all this unseasonably hot weather we've been having!

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There's a huge difference between Intamin rides and Mondial ones.


Everyone expects awesomeness from Intamin. No one expects Windseeker to be great. Any ride Intamin makes is expected to be really really good, and people don't like delays from rides with lots of hype. In fact, everyone is especially hopeful for Intamin rides because there is so much standard being built out there and not enough greatness.

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Except what people don't realize is that with that big difference comes a HUGE plate of potential problems to fix and kinks to work out and downtime to be had. So everyone runs around excited that they're getting an Intamin, not some plug-and-chug B&M or some rough Vekoma, and then the second something happens those same people run around throwing blame and hating on the world because, really, they're getting exactly what they wished for.

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I think that outlook and expectations play a big role in how the enthusiasts react. Like it been said, Intamin is an established company that many expect higher expectations while Mondial... well... before the Windseekers had anybody heard of Mondial? I had my expectations for these rides.

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Well said Robb. I'm happy the manufacturers and parks take the extra time needed to make sure everything is operating as intended. Not to mention if you go to the park and the ride's closed that's more of a reason to visit the park again.

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I think that outlook and expectations play a big role in how the enthusiasts react. Like it been said, Intamin is an established company that many expect higher expectations while Mondial... well... before the Windseekers had anybody heard of Mondial? I had my expectations for these rides.


Yes. I'd actually say that, along with Huss, Mondial are the best when it comes to flat rides. Thsis company manufactures some of the most insane death machines, like Top Scans, Capriolos, Airwolf, etc.

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Mondial has been creating neat fairground rides for years... including those Top Scans and Fighters.


A quick note on Wildcat, many of you think that there is room to put a eurofighter or spinner there which isn't the case because Wildcat is so compact, it's the equivalent of two flat rides—or a Wild Mouse. You also need to remember that the Park has the Laser Light Spectacular there and they need the wide midway.


The fact that Wildcat reopened so quickly makes me think it was operator error and there was little to no investigation needed. That ride bumps cars all the time, but this time it had riders in it. My guess is the cars were dispatched too close together, and I'm "guessing" it was hit near the end of the circuit.

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They could honestly rip out the Cedars Dorms and reconfigure Perimeter Road, then they would have ample more room there.


Aren't they considered some sort of landmark? I thought I seen a plaque or something when I lived there the summer of 93.

I don't think they would come down anytime soon.

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^Possibly. I honestly never stepped foot in there the two years I worked there. I know they were built in 1905, but they're ugly, dirty, don't have air conditioning, and take up a decent amount of real estate. I'm sure nobody would complain.


Plus, the fact that Breakers was a national landmark didn't stop them from ripping out most of the wings of the hotel and replacing them with the newer facilities. Times change, they need to change with them sometimes.

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Mondial has been creating neat fairground rides for years... including those Top Scans and Fighters.


A quick note on Wildcat, many of you think that there is room to put a eurofighter or spinner there which isn't the case because Wildcat is so compact, it's the equivalent of two flat rides—or a Wild Mouse. You also need to remember that the Park has the Laser Light Spectacular there and they need the wide midway.


The fact that Wildcat reopened so quickly makes me think it was operator error and there was little to no investigation needed. That ride bumps cars all the time, but this time it had riders in it. My guess is the cars were dispatched too close together, and I'm "guessing" it was hit near the end of the circuit.


Isn't there supposed to be some kind of safety or blocking so it is not possible for an operator to dispatch cars too close together on this ride and if there isn't why not? And the cars "normally" bumping in the station......that just seems like you are asking for trouble.

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I don't run Wildcat, so I don't know the blocking procedures, even though I know they exist as I have seen them in action. Again, I was just guessing, but if two cars hit hard enough to send rides to the hospital, I would think you would have a force hard enough to do so, and that force can be found at the end of the ride since the loading areas feature low speed tires... but sure, people have in 5 mph accidents before and have gone to the hospital.


As for the dorms and the perimeter road: Today, those would cost Millions upon millions of dollars to relocate or build new ones, and moving the road, the plumbing and drainage, the electrical, etc. makes no sense to put in a new ride.

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^ No, it doesn't make sense to get rid of them, but at the same time they REALLY need to either remodel or build new dorms in place of both Bayside and Cedars. They're awful to live in during the summer (I speak from experience).

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That's what I don't like about Cedar Point; it's a bit too compact. If only they had more room to build rides. I know there are people who are thinking, 'they have plenty of space left to build rides' which they still do. It just seems like everything is so close together. That's why I love going to King's Island because there everything is spread out; the reason being that they arn't land-locked.

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That's what I don't like about Cedar Point; it's a bit too compact. If only they had more room to build rides. I know there are people who are thinking, 'they have plenty of space left to build rides' which they still do. It just seems like everything is so close together. That's why I love going to King's Island because there everything is spread out; the reason being that they arn't land-locked.

I actually kinda like compacted parks. Or rather, compacted coaster areas. If there are several coasters in one area, it's a lot easier to get off of one and go to the other. When I have to walk like a half mile to get to each ride, I just get tired out a lot easier and then the rides are more "I FINALLY get to sit down now!" instead of "Wow this is exciting!"


The main downside is the crowding. That part of Cedar Point sucked. Tons of people in the same area walking in all different directions... O.o

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That's what I don't like about Cedar Point; it's a bit too compact. If only they had more room to build rides. I know there are people who are thinking, 'they have plenty of space left to build rides' which they still do. It just seems like everything is so close together. That's why I love going to King's Island because there everything is spread out; the reason being that they arn't land-locked.


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^That picture proves that even if a park appears to not have room to build more, if they wanted to, they would find a way to do it, as clearly show there. And that applies to ANY park.


Btw, what park is that a photo of?


Looks like I'm going to be downloading some more POV videos.

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Wow.... now THAT'S a bit much.... but I guess it works for that park. And it probably would be really fun to ride the wooden coaster, then get off and ride the steel coaster (or vice versa) and ride over and between the coaster you just rode.


But what about loose articles on the ride? Even though people aren't supposed to bring them on, it still happens. If someone looses their hat on the steel coaster, does that present a problem for the wooden coaster? What about people who lose change on the steel coaster? It doesn't look like there are nets between the coasters going over the GP. Some falling change could really hurt if it hit you in the head...

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