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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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I've never seen so many people excited for a new family ride announcement before!!


But in regards to the tweet..Eggs to hatch,


Sounds like a Larson Flyers hint. Canada's Wonderland named their new Larson Flyers "Flying Eagles," so perhaps they will use the same name..


Solid guess, makes sense. Do you think they may personalize it with some local flavor and call them 'Flying Loons'?


The reason I am excited is because it sounds like the park is getting something instead of just 'general improvements.

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Humorously, I was told that MA's GM and her husband absolutely crave Zamperla diskos and Larson Loops, both able to be called coasters.


That would be SUCH an "MiA thing" for them to do! Know that I am laughing on the outside, but crying on the inside... (Not over a Disk-o - I think that's a great addition for MiA! Just that it would be considered a "coaster", after all these years of waiting for a new one...)

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Wow, I thought the announcement was tomorrow and so I came here to see what is up and just read through the rollercoaster of emotions. I'm glad I missed the Friday announcement tweet because you guys had quite the bi-polar day. I am sad it won't be until next week now. There is no way it's a coaster though, but I'd like to say I was wrong.

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Lol I think that Valleyfair just wants to see this thread explode. Hundreds of pages of rambling on about a new coaster, and how underappreciated the park is, and now these teasers. Sounds to me like a Flying Scooter ride themed as a bird.


If you get a Frisbee with it, that would be a giant plus and one of the best rides at the park. I'm sure many people will still complain though. Look how much crap people gave KD about it; and this is a park that could really use it.

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The bird themed flying scooter is pretty on point, I don't see them naming the putting the frisbee with a bird theme. BUT we could be surprised with this. We were pretty left in the dark about Renegade and I have seen screamscape reports wrong even with reliable rumor sources.

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Here is some food for thought. If we were only getting a flyers then the delay makes no sense at all. We just found out today that the amphitheater is coming down. My guess is that Cedar Fair is making some last minute changes which i interpret as good news! Maybe they got an answer about the permit for the back of the park.

I personnely think the Friday announcement was tweeted mistakenly. But that doesn't explain the delay. Something is going on and we have to wait now for a few more days. Ah well!

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