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Valleyfair (VF) Discussion Thread

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This was a bit over the top. Sometimes I think you're just trying to start meaningless arguments and get people fired up for no reason. My advice to you--chill out.


^ I agree. You seem to always want to get an argument going, or you always assume that you're right about everything. Well you're not, so please stop your nonsense.


It's OK, guys. He's from Missouri. There's no hope for him, anyway.

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Insider Notice


Told by Dave Frazier, to MillerInsider (myself), Excalibur and Thunder Canyon will close for the season on Sunday, September 13th, during coaster camp out and dollar days. If Valleyfair opts to go with Excaliburs removal, which seems doubtful, Excalibur could have as few as 6 days left.


5 Days Till Announcement

More News to Come throughout the week


Miller Insider

Valleyfair Insider

Minnesota Screamscape Correspondent

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If Flyers, Expect More


My sources tell me that if Valleyfair is to revive Larson flying scooters, they will be accompanied with either a Planet Snoopy expansion, a Soak Cory expansion (likely one funnel slide), or most likely, an additional thrilling flat ride. This thrilling flat ride is rumored to be either a frisbee (rumor is that CF bought 2 and got a deal), or a star flyer. Some have said that Vf would get the new ride that CW got, but my sources have said that this is just a test ride, as CW is CF's test ground.



Minnesota Screamscape Correspondent


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If Flyers, Expect More


My sources tell me that if Valleyfair is to revive Larson flying scooters, they will be accompanied with either a Planet Snoopy expansion, a Soak Cory expansion (likely one funnel slide), or most likely, an additional thrilling flat ride. This thrilling flat ride is rumored to be either a frisbee (rumor is that CF bought 2 and got a deal), or a star flyer. Some have said that Vf would get the new ride that CW got, but my sources have said that this is just a test ride, as CW is CF's test ground.



Minnesota Screamscape Correspondent



I sure hope you're right. Flyers and a Frisbee would be an amazing expansion, and would be very welcomed by everyone on this thread.

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Insider Notice


Told by Dave Frazier, to MillerInsider (myself), Excalibur and Thunder Canyon will close for the season on Sunday, September 13th, during coaster camp out and dollar days. If Valleyfair opts to go with Excaliburs removal, which seems doubtful, Excalibur could have as few as 6 days left.


5 Days Till Announcement

More News to Come throughout the week


Miller Insider

Valleyfair Insider

Minnesota Screamscape Correspondent


Both of these pieces of information can be found on the Valleyfair site. You're starting to sound like coaster studios

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Insider Notice


Told by Dave Frazier, to MillerInsider (myself), Excalibur and Thunder Canyon will close for the season on Sunday, September 13th, during coaster camp out and dollar days. If Valleyfair opts to go with Excaliburs removal, which seems doubtful, Excalibur could have as few as 6 days left.


5 Days Till Announcement

More News to Come throughout the week


Miller Insider

Valleyfair Insider

Minnesota Screamscape Correspondent


Both of these pieces of information can be found on the Valleyfair site. You're starting to sound like coaster studios


Where are you finding this information on the Valleyfair site? It's not unexpected to see Excalibur and Thunder Canyon closing on Sunday. They always close the back of the park for Haunt. I would not be surprised to see Excalibur come down after that though. Valleyfair has a history of removing rides without any fanfare or announcement.

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^^I agree. Say the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers greenlights the permit in early November, I don't think Valleyfair is going to delay a humongous infrastructure project for six-plus months in order for people to properly say goodbye to Excalibur. My guess is that they would do their damnedest to get the work finished before May 2016.

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The Valleyfair website had closing dates (they do it every year so most people know about) on their website. They may be taken down, I really havent checked that area of the website since may or june.


That information was from last year. I contacted Mr. Frazier about a month and half ago about it and they were removed the next day. I am a bit surprised that no new info has been posted about when those two attraction will close for the season although Valleyfair has been a bit slow updating their website and now I see the blog that was started earlier this year has been taken down too.

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^^I agree. Say the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers greenlights the permit in early November, I don't think Valleyfair is going to delay a humongous infrastructure project for six-plus months in order for people to properly say goodbye to Excalibur. My guess is that they would do their damnedest to get the work finished before May 2016.


The work involved in that permit is quite extensive. If they get approval this year I don't see it being completed until next summer long after the park has opened for the season. It would not surprise me at all to see Excalibur removed during the off season and Thunder Canyon closed all next season for refurbishment while they remove the existing access road and build a new one to the west. All that work may even be announced this coming Saturday. We shall see!

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If Flyers, Expect More


My sources tell me that if Valleyfair is to revive Larson flying scooters, they will be accompanied with either a Planet Snoopy expansion, a Soak Cory expansion (likely one funnel slide), or most likely, an additional thrilling flat ride. This thrilling flat ride is rumored to be either a frisbee (rumor is that CF bought 2 and got a deal), or a star flyer.


You basically just threw out every possibility for new additions. They could get Larson Flyers, they could get a Frisbee, it could be a different flat ride, they could get a water park expansion, etc... Of course your "sources"/you will be right to some extent.


^Anybody who follows the industry and looks at what Cedar Fair has been doing with their parks could guess that...


I'm really surprised something hasn't leaked yet. In the past we have always had somebody come out of the woodwork and basically nail exactly what we are getting right before it is announced. Not the guessing game as mentioned above...

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If Flyers, Expect More


My sources tell me that if Valleyfair is to revive Larson flying scooters, they will be accompanied with either a Planet Snoopy expansion, a Soak Cory expansion (likely one funnel slide), or most likely, an additional thrilling flat ride. This thrilling flat ride is rumored to be either a frisbee (rumor is that CF bought 2 and got a deal), or a star flyer.


You basically just threw out every possibility for new additions. They could get Larson Flyers, they could get a Frisbee, it could be a different flat ride, they could get a water park expansion, etc... Of course your "sources"/you will be right to some extent.


^Anybody who follows the industry and looks at what Cedar Fair has been doing with their parks could guess that...


I'm really surprised something hasn't leaked yet. In the past we have always had somebody come out of the woodwork and basically nail exactly what we are getting right before it is announced. Not the guessing game as mentioned above...


Does that mean it's already been leaked last June and we're getting a parking lot?

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Does that mean it's already been leaked last June and we're getting a parking lot?


No, I meant that in past years, someone (Drewbie, rjoles, and others on other forums I've been apart of) have basically came out and said, "We're getting 'X' ride and it's going in 'Y' location." Then a short time later, an announcement comes out and it's exactly what they said.


I was just surprised we haven't had that this year with so many Valleyfair enthusiasts being dedicated to this thread. This year we've had a proposal found online in April and a bunch of people figuring we will get a Flyers cause everybody else in the chain has one. No solid details mentioned by anyone...thats all.


Guess all we can do is wait till Saturday. Does anybody know if they will have an announcement presentation at the campout?

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- Valleyfair will have an all season soda cup next year (Orange) with free refills all season (not 99 cents). This is $25. SOURCE: Valleyfair Online Season Pass Checkout


- Valleyfair may institute snacks in their dining plans next year. Small stickers were seen on several Dipping Dots stands throughout the week, stating Dining Plan Snack.


- Valleyfair is having some sort of Haunt food festival. There is a sign outside Enterprise with more detailing. I believe it is called Fright Feast.


- Valleyfair's games department supervisors said to me that there could possibly be even more dollar day games open, as Valleyfair has to get rid of a lot of prizes before season's end.


- The 2016 announcement will come in the morning and will NOT be at coaster camp out sources tell me. The announcement may just be online.


Miller Insider


MN Screamcape Correspondent

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If anyone cares, Haunt info is up (both day and night!). 2 new attractions: Human(e) Habitat (replacing Camp Wekilou) and Trails End. New location for Hellside (Soak City) and Chateau (the nice new building we all know). Plus 2 new shows and one returning one, Skeleton Key, and a pretty terrifying line up for the night! Daytime stuff for (mostly) the kiddos sounds pretty good too.

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