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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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You may have just answered your own question.


They're probably not going to lose any attendance over a flume ride and as you said, log Jammer probably costs more to operate than Jet Stream. This is Six Flags we're talking about here... that's all they need to hear.

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Along the vein of updating old rides, this would be a good opportunity to keep the water aspect of the ride area while also adding a coaster to their count in the form of an Aquatrax. Seems they have a new lease on their relationship with Intamin...


I know I wouldn't mind the removal of the Jammer ride system itself nealy as much as I'd miss the general ambiance of that area; whatever they do, hopefully it won't be too intrusive/destructive. Afterall we don't need every square foot of the park covered with roller coaster tracks.

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I thought Jet Stream was the one they were removing, as it was in worse shape? I suspect they're both in pretty bad shape, just because of their age, so perhaps whatever future plans they have make more sense in the Log Jammer area.


And an Auqatrax would be awesome in that spot.



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I'm sure the choice between Jet Stream and Log Jammer has nothing to do with maintenance costs, it probably has to do with the real estate. Jet Stream is intertwined with Ninja and there isn't a whole lot you can do with that area. Log Jammer holds a huge chunk of real estate that really only intertwines with Gold Rusher in only a small area. They could do a lot with that space.


If this is true, I will miss the ride because it's a great flume ride but I look forward to what's next. Also, I haven't ridden the thing in years because I hate the water cannons they added to the end. I like to get wet, not drenched.


On a side note, has anyone ridden Jet Stream lately? My wife and I like that one because you don't get soaked but it seems recently they added a little fountain of some sort at the bottom of the tunnel hill that shoots a huge chunk of water into the boat.

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Jet Stream has probably been the more expensive ride to maintain. I know in the last ten years it has had to have its lift belts reprogrammed, the station motor replaced, a newer PLC installed (Free falls old panel now resides at Jet Stream), plus constant fiber glass work. Not only that, water ride pumps are ridiculously expensive to run and maintain.

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I just watched a fantastic video of Log Jammer on YouTube, forgot what a long (and cool) ride that is! Incredible how it comes so close to Goldrusher!


I did also forget how in goes under the old monorail track....what a sad site to see! I have great memories of riding that monorail -- getting on over across from Log Jammer and hopping off over on the other side of the hill (just up from Spin Out). I don't recall it ever being that crowded, and thus remember thinking it's day must be numbered! It also brings back great memories of the sky ride over on that side of the mountain....man, I love those things!


Any update on DejaVu dismantling or Lex Luthor construction?

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^We will probably see Deja Vu dismantling progress by this weekend, Lex Luther has not been started yet as Superman was still running on Sunday but that will probably change soon.


I would not be surprised to see the Log Jammer removed, lets not forget it opened with the park and is 40 years old. It was closed last week but I thought that was because its queue had a maze in it. Either way, those pumps cost a lot to run and maintain, the fiberglass flume is probably falling apart, and it's just too bad considering what a great ride it is and the history it has.


But it is honestly one of the top 2 water rides in the park, Roaring Rapids is close but it's way short. The others are pretty pathetic. Jet Stream basically hasn't been floating on water for years, it just gets pushed by the current and rides on its boat wheels through the whole track. That thing is terrible, and I can probably see it being removed soon as well. Tidal Wave hasn't made a tidal wave in I can't remember how long.


I'm not so much concerned with the ride being removed as I am the surrounding atmosphere which may be destroyed as a result of the attraction going away. That may not happen, but I kinda wonder why they couldn't just put a new flume in its place and wah-lah you have a brand new water flume ride that you can advertise like any roller coaster. I would gladly take an aquatrax or mega-lite in its place though.

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If Log Jammer is actually leaving, I'm fine with that. Although it is a good ride, I honestly prefer the Jetstream (probably in the minority there) and I think Log Jammer is just an average flume ride when compared to all the others I've been on. I don't ride it very often because the line is usually longer than I'm willing to wait (I'll typically skip it if the line is greater than fifteen minutes) and it gets you a bit wet. Also, those water cannons are annoying. One thing I do hope, however, is that if the ride closes it is removed. I either want the park to close it and tear it down, or continue operating it, and not leave it sitting there dormant for a significant amount of time. As for the replacement, I've heard SFMM may be getting a complete circuit launched coaster in the next several years, and that would be a perfect site for a terrain hugging family-friendly launch coaster (maybe something like Cheetah Hunt, but on a mountain). If they took out that section of Metro track, they could use the tunnel as well.


As for the current construction projects, I'm guessing dismantling will begin in the next week or two for Deja Vu, but I doubt we'll see much significant progress on Lex Luthor until after winter break. The park will probably want to keep Superman open for the holiday crowds, and I can't see them installing Lex Luthor without at least a month of downtime for Superman.

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^They are some of my favorite as well.


However I do find myself avoiding them due to the whole water thing. Love the ride, I just don't wanna have to get soaked and have my shoes and socks or clothes being wet the rest of the day. Perhaps that is what a lot of the public is thinking in recent years as well. Especially with so many other "not get soaked and be miserable for the rest of the day" roller coasters.


Moving to the future though; I am WAY excited to see Lex Luther come to fruition. Love the idea, love the theming concept. I will definitely sit my big butt in line for an hour or more to be on the tallest drop ride ever. I am interested to see how they go about putting it together and fitting the queue smack dab near the base of the Superman tower. And as far as the new backwards Superman, it is definitely a face lift for the ride and it has become one of my newest "must ride" coasters in the park. When you're going backwards so fast you, you just start to wait for curve to vertical for the G's to hit, then you're soon facing the ground. Sweeeeet.

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Hit up the Mountain yesterday. Jet Stream had a LOT of water in its flume; the pre-lift section was nearly overflowing.


Deja Vu deconstruction is already underway:



The cars are sitting right behind Apocalypse's brake run/transfer track building.


Is that digging machine in the unused dirt lot (see last picture) anything to get excited about?

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