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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Great news! Nice to see them go for the record next year. It's very important from a marketing standpoint for SFMM to have that angle next year, as there are 2 other major attractions next year locally, 1 a@ DCA, 1 @ Universal that will also stand out. The Zacspin looks cool with a great use of space (flip Tidal Wave to Aquaman and you have a chain of DC Heroes attractions) and money. I am wondering how much theme is going into the station? I hope they did manage to get some money out of WB to help offset the cost. Condsidering the Green Lantern character might be in upwards of 3 movies over the next 5 years, a great themed area for the movie franchise on each coast could be work out well for the park and the studio. In a way, SFMM could start assembling the "Justice League" and keep moving with that overall theme for that area of the park, and have it completed by the time the League hits the movie theaters.


If anything, I think that is where SFMM will be transitioning the appearance of the park. Using more highly themed stations along the lines of Terminator, than say instead of a series of barely themed flats. I also consider Zac Spin to be a good mix of what one would want in a flat - height of a small drop tower combined with a spin element, but as a coaster.


I hope that the generic name of Kid Coaster just means that they are currently looking for a sponsor of the attraction.


I also agree that I hope that they don't lose sight of the infrastructure improvements that have made a big difference over the past few years.

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I think we now know why the Kiddy Coaster was postponed from 2010. There is no way you can market that ride at Magic Mountain as a single attraction, but to wait 10 Months and now can boost 3 new coasters instead of 2 makes one heck of a difference.(In regards of marketing)

I am sure Kid Coaster is not the final name. Come to think of it, the video has not officially been released by SFMM, Screamscape got some major scoop right there last night

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What if SFMM went back to XTREME PARK without making the mistakes of the past? What if the park went XTREME PARK while maintaining the turnaround and committment to cleanliness and upkeep that has been seen in the past few years? This is absolutely a step in the right direction, and another step towards this park finally realizing its true potential.

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Very excited to have a Zac Spin in my backyard. Really hoping that they run it like Insane and not like the little one in Finland that doesn't even go upsidedown.


I REALLY hope they have Flashpass on this one as I can't imagine the capacity on this one will lead to anything under 90 minute lines most of the time!

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Yea..... capacity could be an issue but I wouldn't mind a wait for a new ride like this.


On a side note why can't Roller Coaster Tycoon have graphics like what was in the video?!?! Haha Robb should partner with Chris Sawyer and Atari and get that done for yet another surprise in 2011!!

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Wow! Hope to visit soon but I don't see it in my near future.


Zacspins are a lot of fun. I've been on the first model which is also very short and needs multiple rides to be fully enjoyed.

I was hoping to see that new paintjob on Superman since it was rumored a couple of years ago and now I can't wait for it to be finished.

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Really hoping that they run it like Insane and not like the little one in Finland that doesn't even go upsidedown.


Unfortunaely, I don't see it happening.


I'll applaud SFMM for being awesomely sneaky. Compared to a certain Florida coaster... (Cheesy Chunks) All the information stay hidden until Its big! but unknown reveal.


The Zac Spin doesn't need a big footprint and land clearing, so it can be more easily hid. How do you propose Busch could of hid the land clearing that is going on for Cheetah Hunt? Many people really enjoyed the excitement of the Cheetah Hunt teaser campaign. You can't please everybody.

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To be technical, isn't it 19 coasters as Colossus is clearly two different tracks? Just wondering.


It's just 18, Colossus only counts as a single coaster.


This really did come out of left field, however I think it'll be a good move for the park. While I don't want to see the return of the Xtreme Park I do think SFMM should stick as being a coaster park. What would be great is if they could continue putting in coasters while keeping the infrastructure from falling apart again. Time will tell on this one!


Also I'm thrilled to see SFMM finally working with Intamin again!

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^^^I know Kirnu CAN flip, but it would maybe do one and they were so carefully loading the sides equally that I would have brought KT on that one! Insane on the other hand was killing our participants, it was AMAZING!!! Bring it on!

Edited by SharkTums
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^^^I know Kirnu CAN flip, but it would maybe do one and they were so carefully loading the sides equally that I would have brought KT on that one! Insane on the other hand was killing our participants, it was AMAZING!!! Bring it on!


I know for a fact that if you have two pretty big guys on one side, Insane is pretty damn scary!

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Two things came to mind about this announcement:

-Let round 2 of the coaster wars begin between Cedar Point and SFMM begin.


-Go Big Go Six Flags = The Xtreme Park.


While it does seem like this, but then again it is Six Flags's 40th Anniversery next year and we should at least let them celebrate a little. Good to hear about a ZacSpin coming to America.

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Can't decide if I love the superman renovation or not.


I love the new cars and paint job (Are they new cars, or renovated old cars?)


I hate the OTSRs. Part of what made superman so thrilling was the fact that only a lap bar held you in.


Some musings/questions


The cars look to be redesigned, smaller, more streamlined (As I imagine they'd have to be to run in the other direction)... does this mean there might be some reduction in the noise created when the things launch? ANY reduction in that racket would be appreciated like nothing else.


Any idea if the renovation includes a launch system upgrade? I remember in a WCB years ago it was mentioned that it was the computer system that prevented the ride from reliably hitting 100 mph and maybe someday they'd get the cash to renovate the deal and crank it up there again. Computers have come a ways since the 90s.


In the end, this is definitely a positive development for the park. I'm not too worried about the 'turning into an XTREME park again' bit... these plans were likely in development years ago, even under the 'let's bring families back' days. Do I think we still need some quality flats? You betcha, but this feels a lot more like a 'We need to fix what's there, but we can't market updated Superman and a kiddie ride... what can we do that will be exciting, still relatively inexpensive, and let us hit the marketing hard?'

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I know for a fact that if you have two pretty big guys on one side, Insane is pretty damn scary!


Yay! I'm a big guy! Hopefully not too big though, I do want to fit!


I keep watching the video hoping to find the message "Suck it, Cedar Point!" in the clouds somewhere.


Here's to hoping they improve Superman's launch so the train actually makes it to the red section of the tower.

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From a coaster enthusiast standpoint...this is an awesome investment. From a business standpoint, this is a bad investment. Realistically, these additions/improvements should have been made over the course of a few years. Putting multiple thrill rides in one year is what buried Six Flags in debt in the first place. It would have been a better idea to renovate Superman and add the kid coaster this year and in two years add the Green Lantern. I just hope that this is not the new "Six Flags" trend. I don't want to see them go under for good. And in all honesty, the one thing that Magic Mountain needs is rides with good airtime. Not more loops and spins.

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