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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Ouch Ouch Ouch


Hopefully theyll be tearing it out by Sollace...Ill get a piece of wood, no turtle, and film that crap getting knocked down the hill.


My idea still stands, pull apart Flashback / Pysclone, and scatter thier remains at the floor of SCREAM! Rename it Junkyard Coaster or something of the sort, it will add to a much needed theme!





Laura lost her Virginity...AGAIN!

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*jaw drops to the ground*







I could die. I could just die! Upon hearing this news, I have become content with life and could just die now!


I honestly am taken by surprise! I thought I'd never see the day!


I have nothing else to say. I want to sit back and see what actually happens here.





p.s. I was joking about the dying thing. I still need my 3-Musketeers bars.

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Wow, this is shocking news.....although not really surprising to me. I think it's an excellent decision on Six Flags' part, and a step towards improving SFMM as these two coasters had to be the two least popular at the park. I hope these are the only two that leave. The only other coaster I could realistically see them taking out is Viper (as they already have an IMHO superior multi-looping sit down coaster with Scream) but I'm hoping it stays as well.


I don't think the park will get any new coasters for another few years nor should it, but I would strongly suspect that when they do get a new coaster, it will be either a family wild mouse type coaster or a wooden coaster (or maybe even both over a few years time) to fill the void left by these two. The addition of the train ride is also an excellent, and much needed idea.


Now, if they would just get new trains for X and keep it up and running once it reopens, make sure Tatsu isn't going to slide off the mountain and maybe throw some gravel under Scream, I would be extremely happy!

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Well i think that they could be remodling or fixing it.... or they could even be putting in the loop from the son of the beast??? even thought ones sixflags and ones owned by cedar fair

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Two B&M's less. Flashback was designed by Walter & Claude, while Psyclone ran with B&M manufactured trains.


Flashback was a milestone in roller coaster history.


It featured the first box track design, which was neccesary to construct the (also first) "space curves". Over 1000 coordinates were used to make sure those diving curves were as smooth as possible.

Werner Stengel (who came up with the idea) already proposed it to Schwarzkopf back in the seventies, who found it too difficult to manufacturer and stayed with the tubular backbone.


Another fun fact, the tight Raumkurve (space curve) turns are only 6m (19.7 ft) in diameter and you go through them at a speed of 61 kph (37.9 mph), yet you only have 0.75 lateral G-forces.

A wide, 23m (75.5 ft) diameter Jet Star 3 curve, had 0.9 G.

This spectacular mathematical feat, was the work of Harald Wanner, a very skilled technican, still working at the Stengel bureau.

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yeah dude B&M made the trains. not the coaster.


I know. Those were horrible, heavy, poor articulating trains which contributed heavily to Psyclone's demise.


Trying to bash me, and then immediately changing your avatar to avoid the error of your ignorance?? Get a clue.



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Two B&M's less. Flashback was designed by Walter & Claude, while Psyclone ran with B&M manufactured trains.


Not really, Acoording to "The Book", Flashback/Z-Force was designed by Werner Stengel and built by Intamin/Giovanola. Claude & Walter may have well been involved in the process at that time, however nowhere it says that it's a B&M coaster, not even here: http://rcdb.com/id126.htm


Flashback was a milestone in roller coaster history.


It featured the first box track design, which was neccesary to construct the (also first) "space curves". Over 1000 coordinates were used to make sure those diving curves were as smooth as possible.

Werner Stengel (who came up with the idea) already proposed it to Schwarzkopf back in the seventies, who found it too difficult to manufacturer and stayed with the tubular backbone.


Another fun fact, the tight Raumkurve (space curve) turns are only 6m (19.7 ft) in diameter and you go through them at a speed of 61 kph (37.9 mph), yet you only have 0.75 lateral G-forces.

A wide, 23m (75.5 ft) diameter Jet Star 3 curve, had 0.9 G.

This spectacular mathematical feat, was the work of Harald Wanner, a very skilled technican, still working at the Stengel bureau.


Indeed. Therefor this (along with the accurate technical details you provided) is intentionally quoted here again.


So just in case some of you did not realize yet, I hereby repeat:


"Flashback was a milestone in roller coaster history."

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yeah dude B&M made the trains. not the coaster.


I know. Those were horrible, heavy, poor articulating trains which contributed heavily to Psyclone's demise.


Trying to bash me, and then immediately changing your avatar to avoid the error of your ignorance?? Get a clue.





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So long? They got Scream in 2003. If three years is really that long, then yes, they haven't gotten a coaster in a long time. I support SFMM's descision to remove Psyclone. Flashback may have been a one of a kind, but it proved failure. Whatever replaces them will be better than what currently occupies both spots. As for Metro, I think its also a great idea to bring back to Operation. It will definetly bring a new shine to SFMM and I believe that good things will happen both this year and in the coming years.


As for previous posts in earlier pages, I would NOT want Revolution OR Viper to leave the mountain as they both play roles in coaster history. Now lets sit back and watch what happens....actually somebody go to SFMM and bring us regular updates.

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^ I know there are a few guys on RCPRo going to the mountain tomorrow hopefully they will get some pictures. I find it funny that now that Psyclone is going (gone whichever) that people are coming out and saying how much they loved the ride. Especially for all the whining and complaining it got lol.



I am sad that I never got my flashback credit but apparently I was not missing anything . Psyclone was terrible so I am glad that is going away as well. All in all I am very pleased with how Shapiro is handling this. Go Shapiro!

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^OMG!!! You don't know how happy that makes me to hear that. We were actually joking about going to SFMM today to take some funny Psyclone pictures but then decided against it figuring there would be "too many RCPro Kids" there!!!

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