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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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That checks out. Probably made that sign back when spinning classes were all the rage, hoping to sell it to a gym, only they were a bit too late and the fad ended. Then they got this order and Glen in the warehouse got all excited. "Wait RIGHT HERE, guys. I've got something you're gonna love!"

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
That checks out. Probably made that sign back when spinning classes were all the rage, hoping to sell it to a gym, only they were a bit too late and the fad ended. Then they got this order and Glen in the warehouse got all excited. "Wait RIGHT HERE, guys. I've got something you're gonna love!"



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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
That checks out. Probably made that sign back when spinning classes were all the rage, hoping to sell it to a gym, only they were a bit too late and the fad ended. Then they got this order and Glen in the warehouse got all excited. "Wait RIGHT HERE, guys. I've got something you're gonna love!"



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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
That checks out. Probably made that sign back when spinning classes were all the rage, hoping to sell it to a gym, only they were a bit too late and the fad ended. Then they got this order and Glen in the warehouse got all excited. "Wait RIGHT HERE, guys. I've got something you're gonna love!"



Best. Explanation. Ever.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
That checks out. Probably made that sign back when spinning classes were all the rage, hoping to sell it to a gym, only they were a bit too late and the fad ended. Then they got this order and Glen in the warehouse got all excited. "Wait RIGHT HERE, guys. I've got something you're gonna love!"


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Wow, you can pretty easily see where the old part of the sign ends and the fix begins

Not only is there a color change, but the lettering style from one side to the other is slightly different as well!

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  thrillseeker4552 said:
I really don't even care what they call it as this point, to be honest. I love pendulum rides so I'm super excited to ride this. I'm going in late July but I'm honestly not gonna get my hopes up for it to be open by then.


Late July seems about the time they opened Justice League last year so you should be OK. They need to open it BEFORE the 2019 Six Flags New Ride Announcement. That is the worse case

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Just finished my first shift as a ride op at Full Throttle and wow what a great time! Such a great crew and we were pushing trains out as fast (and safely) as we could. With 1 train operations, we were at about a 3:15 dispatch time and the ride itself is about 1:40 long. It’s very hard to go much faster with the station layout.


Can’t wait to see you guys around the park!

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^I think you should give credit to whoever took that photo if it's not yours.


But wow, that is HUGE!


Three cranes for a flat ride? Seems weird to me.


Also, how the heck did someone get to that location to take that picture? I don't know if I've ever seen the park from that angle!

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The photo was taken by me, I am one of the construction foreman doing the land development behind the park. Also, the land behind the park is not accessible at all to any public. It is private property And the property owners are very serious about trespassing. Not to mention now that we are doing all the work back there it is extremely dangerous. The reason for multiple crane is most likely due to the fact that 1/2 of the structure needs to be supported until the other half is in place.

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  sprkn_ranger said:
The photo was taken by me, I am one of the construction foreman doing the land development behind the park. Also, the land behind the park is not accessible at all to any public. It is private property And the property owners are very serious about trespassing. Not to mention now that we are doing all the work back there it is extremely dangerous. The reason for multiple crane is most likely due to the fact that 1/2 of the structure needs to be supported until the other half is in place.


A whole bunch of construction workers have been posting both stills and very great videos from the construction area back there in the mountains. Just look them up using the Six Flags hash tag on instagram and search them out as some are really cool sort of like watching dancing construction trucks.

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  _IntaMAN_ said:
^ That was really rude to assume it wasn't his. That photo location is pretty accessible if you go to SCV often, there's a hiking trail behind the park and on the other side of the road.


Rude to ask someone to give the photographer due credit in case it wasn't his? How else should I have asked?


What planet are you living on?


Last but not least, thanks for the nice photo sprkn_ranger. Very nice pic and I appreciate you shared it.

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  _IntaMAN_ said:
^ That was really rude to assume it wasn't his. That photo location is pretty accessible if you go to SCV often, there's a hiking trail behind the park and on the other side of the road.


How is it rude to ask someone to give the photographer due credit in case it wasn't his?


  _IntaMAN_ said:
That photo location is pretty accessible if you go to SCV often


  sprkn_ranger said:
I am one of the construction foreman doing the land development behind the park. Also, the land behind the park is not accessible at all to any public. It is private property And the property owners are very serious about trespassing. Not to mention now that we are doing all the work back there it is extremely dangerous.


Great post, IntaMAN. Really building up that credibility.


Last but not least, thanks for the nice photo sprkn_ranger. Very well done and I appreciate that you shared it. I just had never seen a pic from that angle and wonder how one could have gotten it, so hat's off to you.

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