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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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  DrachenFire2 said:
After studying the video for like...30mins, I figured it out. I'm not sure if anyone has said it & I didn't feel like going through the pages to see haha, so here's how it's set up:


- You start out on the blue track coming out of the station, into the little bunny hops, into the first lift hill

- Near the end of the 1st half (blue track), it switches to green. Thus, you will then take a ride on the green side (2nd half). At this point, another train will be making it's way up the lift on the blue tracked side.

- The green track is what will turn into the brake run, go back to blue track, into the station.


So, with that being said, it seems to be that they will only be running 2 trains (not a big shock), one station, 2 for 1 type of ride. In reality the coaster is not short since you're taking two rides on the same coaster, different layouts. With the way it's being ran, the dueling won't start right off the back. One train will lead the coaster, then the other will come after, then the dueling will be continuous from that point on.


Whew, there we go


How has it been 20+ pages and people are still trying to figure out what was made ridiculously clear within the first 30 seconds of the announcement video?

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There is some pretty crazy trolling in this thread, and the fact that the thread just keeps on powering through it is something else.


And as far as that goes, it may just be a pet peeve of mine but I skim right past posts that declare "this may have been said, but I'm not wasting time and going back to read everything first, lololol hahahaha", as it really grinds my gears. So your post and incredibly insightful take on the latest info is surely worth everyone else reading (even though, by your own admittance, someone else has probably already said it) - but you can't be bothered to catch up on the thread?


I guess the only payoff is if you one day actually do back and read through the thread and see that responses to your "takes" were indeed trolling you.




As far as the track length, and opportunity lost to have an insanely long (and record holding) ride --- I guess it all comes down to economics, and it's similar to skyscrapers being built that get close, but not eclipse, existing record holders. I'd be horrible at maintaining a budget in either case, as I would constantly be rationalizing "well, we're already this deep into the project...just another $______ and we can grab this title/that title etc!


Looks fun to me and I agree that the dark horse in all of this is the refreshing of that area of the park - for years it has been stunning just how neglected it had become.

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  Manic Monte said:
People can debate despatch times, synching and lost track all they want. I can't get passed the fact that SFMM will finally have airtime in 2015! Frankly, that's all that matters to me right now.



Exactly, regardless of dispatch times and trains synching, this is gonna be one hell of a ride.

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I'm so glad they finally decided to go for quality over quantity in their coasters. No "250 foot 97 degree drop WA HOOAAAAH (into a mid course brake run) just pure fun. Double high five, racing, airtime, smoothness, new inversions, long ride time, and (possibly) good capacity with quick dispatches making everyones day at the park much better.

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In terms of timing, what I could see them doing is adjusting the lift speed, like they can do with Dragons. Back when it was Dueling Dragons, they could adjust the speed of each lift hill to make sure that the trans synchronized properly. They must be able to do this with TC as well. Perhaps the lift hill could be stopped completely as the blue track finishes, so it can wait for the next train.


Still, even if they cannot figure this out or never race them, this will still be by far the best ride in the park.

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  WFChris said:
Do the cute little pre lift bumps count in the 18 moments of airtime?



I counted the third time I watched it, minus the pre lift bumps. If you're in the back seat, you get 20 moments of airtime. If you are in the front, you get 18-20. Of course we won't know for sure until we ride it. But most of our time will be spent flying above our seat. Be content!

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I've watched the video from all the Six Flags announcements today many times over. I won't even get into them calling a flat ride a coaster...


I've been on the first hybrid NTAG and it's amazing, it's aggressive and smooth and has amazing air time and surprises...


I knew they would redo Colossus but I find I'm disappointed in what came out. And like many of you, confused... how do you take a coaster that was 4300ft, make it a dual run and it's only about 5000ft. Four minutes of ride time... how much spent on the lift hill you go up twice? The appeal of this coaster is the interaction part and I think most of us here can agree that it wont happen with Six Flags ops.


I do feel like a spoiled child in my reaction though. I wanted this new video game, but I wanted the collector's edition and only got the standard.


I'm excited to have a RMC hybrid at SFMM... I'd be a lot more excited to be getting a Wicked Cyclone.


Meanwhile... the Labor Day Sale is awesome. I was able to get Gold passes for $57 this season from a 'special' invite (that I'm sure most subscribers got). I'm trying to convert to a membership instead of the pass as you can get a Gold Pass upgrade for $5.85 a month, but the website is erroring out. Thought it was just firewalls at work, but I came home and tried to process the error same thing. I saw a tweet from them about it hours ago, they were aware of the issue and working on it, but there has been no change. Anyone else try to get a membership today?

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No one has brought up the announcement video yet, so I will.


Why is the music and setting for the ride very light-hearted and cheery? It confuses me as SFMM has always used a much more "intimidating" or "dark" music and setting. Come to think of it, has any Six Flags park promote a new thrill coaster cheery? Has ANY other park, for that matter? The music is actually really good anyway, it just doesn't seem like it's the right marketing for a major coaster.

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  RCF said:
No one has brought up the announcement video yet, so I will.


Why is the music and setting for the ride very light-hearted and cheery? It confuses me as SFMM has always used a much more "intimidating" or "dark" music and setting. Come to think of it, has any Six Flags park promote a new thrill coaster cheery? Has ANY other park, for that matter? The music is actually really good anyway, it just doesn't seem like it's the right marketing for a major coaster.


Yeah, between the music and the steam punk logo, you can really see the cohesive, auteur vision at work here.

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  RCF said:
No one has brought up the announcement video yet, so I will.


Why is the music and setting for the ride very light-hearted and cheery? It confuses me as SFMM has always used a much more "intimidating" or "dark" music and setting. Come to think of it, has any Six Flags park promote a new thrill coaster cheery? Has ANY other park, for that matter? The music is actually really good anyway, it just doesn't seem like it's the right marketing for a major coaster.


Honestly, I think Six Flags is clueless in terms of what they're doing on the marketing front right now. From the naming of the rides this year and the age demographic they're trying to target, it's just stupid IMO. This "Back Alley" section sounds like a place a group of misfit teenagers would hangout at and that is probably who they're trying to target.

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Regarding the length, it seems about half of the ride is being axed in this transformation. Whereas the original version's second turnaround was to the right--leading to more hills, a third turnaround, and even more hills before the brake run--Twisted Colossus's second turnaround is to the left, leading immediately to the second lift / the brake run. So quite a bit of track is being lost here. This explains how two 4,300 foot tracks have been combined to equal less than 5,000 feet.


I'm so incredibly stoked for this ride, regardless, though. While I'm not sure this is my favorite RMC layout I've seen (it seems to retain a more traditional out-and-back style that is, ironically, less "twisty" than some of the company's other creations), the dueling aspect of this coaster is incredible, and I think the idea of combining the two sides into one is brilliant. I also love the green and blue track against the white supports, and the "Top Gun" stall should be an awesome moment. And it looks like a double-down drop will finally return to Colossus? The pre-lift bunny hills look very cool, too, but are we sure we can take those seriously? haha I feel like the videographer is playing with us there...


I think the ability of this coaster to duel on an ongoing basis will depend on how many trains the park purchases for the ride. As others have said, there need to be at least three trains operating at any given time in order for dueling to occur. But let's not forget about how long the park seems to take when doing train rehab. If only three trains are purchased, won't one usually be out of service? And as much as I'd like to believe in the park purchasing four trains, I'll believe it when I see it. (Full Throttle, anyone?) Otherwise, though, I have no doubt the synchronization can be worked out through conscientious ops or variable lift motors.


The "Back Alley" renovation is actually really exciting to me, too! That area is in desperate need of a refresh. I assume the parking lot underneath Scream! will be replaced with grass, and the ride given a repaint? ha In all seriousness, that ride has become a major eyesore, what with the faded paint, crumbling parking lot foundation, abandoned photo booth, et. al. Hopefully something is done to spruce it up a bit.


Off to buy my 2015 Season Pass!

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  RCF said:
No one has brought up the announcement video yet, so I will.


Why is the music and setting for the ride very light-hearted and cheery? It confuses me as SFMM has always used a much more "intimidating" or "dark" music and setting. Come to think of it, has any Six Flags park promote a new thrill coaster cheery? Has ANY other park, for that matter? The music is actually really good anyway, it just doesn't seem like it's the right marketing for a major coaster.


I noticed that as well. The only reason I see for it is because the original Colossus was such an iconic coaster and full of nostalgia that the music they used for Twisted Colossus had to be more lighthearted to encourage not just us coaster junkies to ride it but bring in a new crowd who will WANT to ride it.

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