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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^^^ Guy your my hero. Perfect idea!!!! I still remember pulling into the parking lot and seeing the camel back drop hidden under the break run and going. WHY!!!! That was my favorite part of the ride

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I'm still loving the Idea of having them retracking one side with Topper and restoring it to it's original footprint. Before all the alterations that removed the decent amount of airtime it used to provide. Circa 1978. Call it Colossus Classic. That way it could still be considered a wood coaster.


Now take the second track and put the Iron Horse treatment to it. Add 30-40 feet to the first drop, keep the triple up and double down, throw in a couple of fancy schmancy airtime hills, maybe a few overbanks, a dive loop, a 0G stall, and a couple of barrel rolls just before the brake run for good measure. Call it Colossus 2.0, or Iron Colossus, I-Coli, I-Cali, I-Carly, I-don't give a fu@k! Whatever!


You still keep your coaster count, and you get two great rides. One that will draw an all new XTREME contingent to that otherwise dead area of the park, add to their ever famous inversion count, and thrill the always hungry, "I want something new" pack. On top of that, you also pacify the Colossus die hards that had the opportunity to ride it in it's heyday. (I count myself in that pack.) And trust me when I say, it was good!


I think that's the best idea I have read so far.


Colossus Classic.....



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Am I the only one that thinks this pipe dream of connecting the tracks is .... pretty dumb?


I could list reasons but, well the main one is that most say that RMC's are plenty intense enough at their current length, I don't think 8,000 feet of track would bode well with most riders. Plus, 2 separate tracks keeps them well ahead of Cedar Point in coaster count, and we all know that that's all SFMM cares about!



Then their count would be at 21 cause Superman has 2 tracks and Colossus does too. They don't tend to count tracks but coasters in general.

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This is my trip report from 5/8/14. I arrived at the park around 4:15108_0004.thumb.JPG.850540ccf3496490cf60ded9f9d3ebff.JPG

There are now red paint lines on the rails at the top of the loop. Don't know why they're there.


Revolution has been down for like a month, but it was testing today. It should reopen this weekend.


New advertisements.


Now to ride the 2nd most over rated ride in the world, X2.(first being MF at Cedar Point)


Another entrance sign!


Another entrance sign!


Viper is still one of my favorites in the park


Top hat and loop though the trees.


Another entrance sign!


Sideways brakes of doom!


No line!


Nerdy stuff!


More nerdy stuff!


The motor with an annoying high pitched squeak.


Another entrance sign!


Full Throttle's loop again!



The music worked today!


Old track colors on the transfer


Music Box



More squeaky motor



More ugly old paint


They were only running one so with no line it took almost 30 mins!


The only video this screen ever plays.


More ugly paint


Now it's time for Viper! My favorite Arrow Dynamics coaster. (yes, I like this even more than Magnum XL 200)


Never use the Single Rider line for Viper. The operators don't even know there is one.


More work on Hot Rod Racers.....


and the theater!


Note: the only way to get the whole Superman tower in the shot is to tilt your camera 90 degrees.


Today I went for my 250th ride on Lex Luthor: Drop of Doom!


Fun Fact: The Superman tower according to Tim Burkhart sways up 4 feet! 2 feet each direction!


Scotty We Need More Power! (A Star Trek quote that my friend says every time on Superman)


Then I rode Batman Backwards! Great ride as always!


Then for one of my favorites!


Green Lantern: First Flight


I've gotten 9 flips on this ride once. 9 full 360 degree flips.


You have to see the movie before you can understand the line.


I was on the last ride of the day!


Better view



The sign should go up soon


Full Throttle only had a 10 min wait today! Even with one train!

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^Yeah, we don't need to have this debate right now. But I take many out of town visitors to the park and most people think its the bees knees, for what it's worth.


Hoping that Revolution IS in fact ready by Saturday, bringing a friend from out of town (that likes X2) and it's the only credit he doesn't have!

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^Oh, I love it more than anything else at the Mountain, don't get me wrong. I don't share the roughness complaints, and I genuinely think it's just freakin' awesome. I just think you'd have a hard time convincing this board of guys and gals who don't seem to have high opinions of the thing that it's overrated!

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That was a whole lot of photos of a ride you think is overrated...? I was pleasantly surprised to find last Friday that the audio was once again working...and that no one was in the park during the day...possibly because it was so hot and smoggy...and almost all rides were a walk on...except for that wood coaster in the back that for some reason they cannot manage to find a way to get more than one train running...when was the last time it ran 2 trains or is is just my bad luck? I love Batman but was horribly underwhelmed by the train going backwards...and Colossus backwards was just one long extended period of ouch...I should have known when they were using old Pysclone trains to just skip the experience...it finally made me pledge once and for all to not go near that side of the park again until the RMC Dr's have performed their magic...I was impressed (O.k. expectations were very low) by the recently opened Yolo Sports Bar...and although a short ride, I do love the ride on Yolo...also noticed the red paint lines...not sure what those are for??

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^Apocalypse had two trains in the fall.


I haven't been on Colossus backwards in a very long time, but when I rode it, I remember it being a faster and smoother ride than forward Colossus due to the heavier B&M trains. I do remember elbowing my friend in the head going into the mid-course. Lesson learned: Hey! The track curves a little bit right there!

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My head hurts from the sideways pictures, you mentioned having to rotate the camera to fit in the shots but you can rotate the pictures back after you've taken them

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Saw this on twitter:






‏@mrhitchcock1899 1h


Got to love Magic Mountain. I had to wake this guy up from his nap so he could help me with my AP. He was out cold.






Oh my word! Somebody is going to loose his job....wait, this is SFMM, who am I kidding? They'll just brush it off.

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Hahahaha! I can't believe that! I thiughh the processors were bad... But not this bad! Wait a minute.... I thought they didn't need processors since they added the biometric finger scanners. Hmmm.....


Well the trips just haven't been working out. Looks like I will be able to get out there on Thursday the 15th. And then again on either the 17th or 18th.

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