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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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I was at the park today and it was packed. Every non-kiddie coaster had a full (or nearly full) queue except Gold Rusher, and several were spilling into temporary queues (namely Full Throttle, Green Lantern, Goliath, Superman, and Tatsu). They even extended the park operating hours due to the crowds. I don't know if this is normal crowds for winter break, but if it is I would strongly advise anyone planning to visit in the next couple weeks to purchase a Flash Pass if getting all the coasters is a priority. Also note that Ninja only has one train due to maintenance and X2, Sky Tower, and the three water rides will all be closed until March.

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The day before X-mas and weekend after are always INSANE at every park that is open. Everyone is with their visiting families (or visiting themselves) and needs something to do after the actual holiday celebrations. Probably felt extra crowded with those rides down (those people who would normally be in line for X2, Tidal Wave, Jet Stream, Roaring Rapids, or up in the Sky Tower have to go somewhere!).

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Heading to Six Six Six flags in a couple hours to while the remainder of the day away. Perhaps I will try Tapatalk if Cyper-Cafe is offering a Wi-Fi signal. Seems like longest line should be season pass, but today I have nothing but time on my side as I have no agenda. Maybe I shall do the rides of yesteryear like Buccaneer, Carousal, Swashbuckler, and of course Gold Rusher.

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  VTown661 said:
Heading to Six Six Six flags in a couple hours to while the remainder of the day away. Perhaps I will try Tapatalk if Cyper-Cafe is offering a Wi-Fi signal. Seems like longest line should be season pass, but today I have nothing but time on my side as I have no agenda. Maybe I shall do the rides of yesteryear like Buccaneer, Carousal, Swashbuckler, and of course Gold Rusher.


Sounds like kind of a sad Christmas Eve to me. =( Hope you have someone nice to spend tomorrow with.

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Merry Christmas to all on this my favorite thread which is about my favorite park - MM. No rides today , but I'll be there tomorrow.


I didn't get to the park until 3:30 after flying in from South Florida to spend my holidays here. The park wasn't too bad. I didn't get to ride my fav Goliath or YOLO. Both had waits of over 1 hour. Nice to see "Pocky" running 2 trains again. The #2 train delivers the best ride. Also 2 trains on Scream and Riddler. Only 1 train on Goldrusher and Ninja, but still not much of a line. I'll definitely be back tomorrow for more!



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  coasternut said:
Merry Christmas to all on this my favorite thread which is about my favorite park - MM. No rides today , but I'll be there tomorrow.


I didn't get to the park until 3:30 after flying in from South Florida to spend my holidays here. The park wasn't too bad. I didn't get to ride my fav Goliath or YOLO. Both had waits of over 1 hour. Nice to see "Pocky" running 2 trains again. The #2 train delivers the best ride. Also 2 trains on Scream and Riddler. Only 1 train on Goldrusher and Ninja, but still not much of a line. I'll definitely be back tomorrow for more!



Two train operation on Pocky, Scream, and Riddler? It's about time! Took 'em enough.

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  Koasterking48 said:
^ Please, for the love of God, do not call Apocalypse "Pocky." Roller coaster nicknames like "Millie," Tattie," etc. are one of the most irritating things ever.


THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one LOL

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  JeromyL said:
  Koasterking48 said:
^ Please, for the love of God, do not call Apocalypse "Pocky." Roller coaster nicknames like "Millie," Tattie," etc. are one of the most irritating things ever.


THANK YOU. I thought I was the only one LOL


Get over it guys... I guess Santa brought you a lump of coal for Christmas.

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