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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Scream and Viper are a different type of rough. Scream is more of a rattling an shaking rough while Viper is more of a jerking your head in every which way rough. I like Viper's rough more than Scream's rough. And in my opinion, Colossus is smoother than Apocalypse now.

Oh and Scream's horn has been broken for a few weeks and the stickers on the drop of Doom harnesses are long gone. Also, Superman needs to run both sides on the weekdays! It's getting annoying. I waited an hour for it today with jus the right side open. It only takes 2 more ride ops, and it's just unacceptable. I understand why they don't run both sides on Tatsu, but the line was out the door throughout the entire day today.

Edited by LaMapa
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  BlakeCoaster said:
  X2coasterfreak said:
^ You get more wet on Roaring Rapids. Other than that they don't compare.


Hahaha, yeaaaah. I will say you do get soaked, but Roaring Rapids is probably one of the lamest rapids rides in Southern California, you basically go in a circle and that's it. Knott's, DCA and Sea World all have better ones.


I just want to go on the record and say that I like Roaring Rapids' natural surrounding and wider-than-average river. It feels more serene and can really mix up ride experiences going down different sides of the river.

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Viper isn't smoother than Scream, just for me Scream has gone to pretty smooth to pretty bumpy. It's sad because it can be really fun, it just seems like the park really neglects it. Like someone brought up some posts ago^^^^, Viper has been aided by GASM and Shockwave's removal. For me, Viper has gone from really rough to pretty damn smooth for a 21 year old coaster. I have grown over the years, but I think the ride has just generally gotten smoother. Plus, in Viper you can press your legs against the front of the car to stop any bumps. Scream is floorless, leaving you helpless! XD

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I'm brand new here (to this blog and writing on blogs) but the only reason I registered is because I just visited MM today and I had a pretty weird encounter that I really feel I should share.


So me and my group were in the LLDOD queuing area and we were stopped at the point right before you go to the outside queuing area. Right when we stopped a park employee (different uniform from the ride workers) asked my group how many of us had ridden so far and how we liked it. Obviously the two of us who have already ridden said it was spectacular! Anyways, he said that the ride has been REALLY REALLY successful the past two weeks. He asked what if that the park was considering another 400' addition similar to the drop only it does a vertical corkscrew and it would be where De Ja was located. Of course we said that would be sick, so he showed us a clipboard showing a list of email addresses. He said that it was a petition that would go to the prime board members of 6 flags Co. So we all decided to write in our emails for this petition, not neceassarily meaning that something this crazy would happen for next year but shows that the park has goals for this type of a ride.


ANYWAYS, the employee continued saying if we new that there'd be a big 2013 coaster to fill log jammers place. I said that I've heard of all the rumors of what it could be but I wasn't sure. Well, at this point, what he told me still throws me off and makes me wonder if I even heard correctly because my mind couldn't comprehend what my ears were hearing. Looking back, it could just be him trolling me or throwing me off from it will be but while we were in the moment he seemed really truthful about what he was saying and he seemed really excited to be able to tell us too.


He said Kingda Ka is coming to MM. He said it would be positioned to wrap up and above the sky tower and come down. i asked if it would still have multiple launches, he said yes. I asked if there would still be that record breaking loop, he said yes. i asked if it would be going for the longest track length, he said yes. I said no way, that can't happen, but he kept on what he said.


I know I'm new so I won't be surprised if some of you don't believe me but I guess you'll just have to take my word for it. I still don't even know if what I heard was entirely true. Maybe they might just build a Kingda Ka-like ride at the park, I don't know. I just know what I heard. I mean, the employee was taking down a list of everyone's emails for this petition so at least it is not some dippin dots worker.


So yeah...

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A park employee divulging secret park information.....uh huh. Maybe its true maybe its not but what is true is that is it very unlikely an employee of the park would go around and spill information on a ride or supposed ride that has not even been confirmed or announced. Just seems really odd. So what was this employee's name and what was his position at the park, maybe we can contact him directly?

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I find it hard to visualize the 'new' coaster would 'wrap up and above the sky tower' because it would smack right into Tatsu. This is the 2nd rumor I heard of a Kingda Ka type coaster for 2013. If so, along with the record breaking loop and length....please add at least 2 giant airtime hills.

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  Tmcdllr said:
A park employee divulging secret park information.....uh huh. Maybe its true maybe its not but what is true is that is it very unlikely an employee of the park would go around and spill information on a ride or supposed ride that has not even been confirmed or announced. Just seems really odd. So what was this employee's name and what was his position at the park, maybe we can contact him directly?


And he was asking people to sign an e-mail petition to send to the Six Flags "prime board members"?


Yeah, not buyin' it.

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The guy's name is Gregory and he says that to me every single time I go. He told me that last November. He collects evasions for the surveys, so I wouldn't be surprised if a survey shows up in your email in the next few days.

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Personally I would enjoy a Kingda Ka type ride at SFMM, even if it wasn't a record breaker. SFGAdv has the main one and CP has Top Thrill, it would be nice to have one on the west coast...but that's just me...and I think something like that is probably too close to SEFK to be added anytime soon.

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  Manic Monte said:
Why would Six Flags invest in another ride destined to have major downtime? That would be like Great Adventure building X2.
Has X2 had the same kind of downtime that X did? I thought that was the primary reason for the overhaul was to curb the downtime. On a related note, does anyone know if Eejanaika has had the same reliability issues? (Or Dinoconda, but it's too new to tell)


My personal opinion is you can never have too many 4th dimension coasters, reliability be damned

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  singemfrc said:
  Manic Monte said:
Why would Six Flags invest in another ride destined to have major downtime? That would be like Great Adventure building X2.
Has X2 had the same kind of downtime that X did? I thought that was the primary reason for the overhaul was to curb the downtime. On a related note, does anyone know if Eejanaika has had the same reliability issues? (Or Dinoconda, but it's too new to tell)


My personal opinion is you can never have too many 4th dimension coasters, reliability be damned


X2 never has extended downtime and is actually quite reliable now. The ride is usually kept up and running quite well!

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