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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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LA Times even posted it to Twitter but then quickly pulled all articles related to Six Flags 2012 plans.


Hummm... or think they are waiting until 12 midnight Pacific time?


The article was dated 3:30am on September 1st. Clearly it wasn't supposed to be released yet.

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16 people per cycle? That's two "low capacity" rides in a row for such a big park.

My thoughts exactly.


Couldn't even get one page in without the complaining starting. It's a flat ride, not a coaster. One that everyone was complaining the park needed. And people still aren't happy.

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16 people per cycle? That's two "low capacity" rides in a row for such a big park.

My thoughts exactly.


Couldn't even get one page in without the complaining starting. It's a flat ride, not a coaster. One that everyone was complaining the park needed. And people still aren't happy.

I honestly don't care what SFMM gets, I won't be going back there any time soon considering I live 3,000 miles away. But one has to wonder about the practicality of 16 people per cycle at a park that has the kind of attendance and slow operations that SFMM does. From everything I've seen, Green Lantern hasn't exactly been a people-eater for them, either. It's not complaining by any stretch of the imagination, it's common sense.

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Since this will be more awesome than Kings Island's Intamin drop tower (which scared the crap out of me at the top), I can only assume that I will need some fresh boxers if I ride this.



Way to go, SFMM! And the awesome person who 'leaked' this out..


What is even more awesome is thinking about the Superman car and the drop tower riders 'falling' at the same time.. it's kind of a drop tower racer. Ok, that's stretching it, but still.

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^^^^Same. Could you imagine going up that tower and you were on the edge right at the spot where the car goes? Deafening!


Hopefully they'll put some sort of mufflers on Superman, but I don't think they'll end up doing that. Probably just time the launches in between rides so they aren't going up at the same time.

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16 per cycle? The park probably should build two more on the other face of Superman, allowing for 32 per cycle. Kennywood's drop tower holds more people than that, at 20 people. However, when I went, one of the cabins was out of service, while the queue was 3/5 full. Even with a pretty good crew, the line still moved pretty slow.


But, who cares? Its an Intamin. I've ridden KI's and KD's and find it hard to imagine another hundred.

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