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Post your milestone coasters

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My milestones:


1- Toboggan at Trimpers in OCMD

100- Circus Coaster -Luna Park, NYC

150- Rolling Thunder (least painful side), Great Adventure

200- Ravine Flyer 3- Waldameer


I need 12 more to hit 250. It's very possible I could hit 250 this year yet.

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KT's 75th REAL coaster happened on the IntimidaTour trip...




She rode it with around 10 different people during the day to get them the credit!


On the CF live there, someone had the idea of passing off one of our smaller members as a 12 year old mute - he rode it with about 12 of the group!!


I'm not that much of a creho myself!

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I have posted mine here before but I will add two that I have hit since....


1. Not sure but probably Dahlonega Mine Train at SFOG

25. Not sure

50. Top Gun/Afterburn-Carowinds

75. Giant Dipper-SCBB

100. The Beast-Kings Island

150. Lightning Racers (Thunder)-Hershey Park

200. Magnum XL-200-Cedar Point (how fitting, just got this in June)

250. If I get all the credits on our California trip in October then I will hit 250 on the last coaster which will be at Disneyland and I will try to make it Matterhorn.

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^^I think she'll love that one too, but she may be mad it doesn't have inversions!


She really fell in love with Wood Coasters on this trip (and who wouldn't getting to ride Phoenix for the first time!)


So now we're in a hard spot because she sees a ton of coasters she wants to ride but she's too short for. 42" is good, but still a good majority she can't do yet.

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1: (kiddy/powered) Go-Gator, NY State Fair/Strates Shows (around 1989-90 or so)

1: (full-size) Dahlonega Mine Train, SFoG, 1993

100: Apollo's Chariot, BGW, 2003

200: Runaway Mountain, SFoT, 2010 (Intended to be Titan, but I miscalculated my total beforehand!)


I'm currently at 212 now, but I haven't specifically kept track of the order apart from those listed.

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#1: Scooby Doo (now Woodstock Express) @ Carowinds

#25: Dahlonega Mine Train @ SFOG

#50: Goliath @ SFOG

#67: Twisted Typhoon (formerly Hangman) @ Wild Adventures


I'm working on getting to the 100 mark. I'll be going to Carowinds (2 I hadn't ridden), Cedar Point (first time) and King's Island (first time) next year (in that order). If all coasters are open at those parks, # 100 should be at King's Island. (fingers crossed).

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  • 1 month later...
KT ended the TPR New Hotness Trip with ACTUAL credit #185 on Great American Scream Machine at Six Flags Over Georgia. That was her 227th Jeff Johnson Credit!


won't be long and she will be tall enough to ride most everything and she will really start racking up the credits!

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