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Parc Asterix Discussion Thread

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New panoramic trains ?

It doesn't look like it - it looks like wind is making the tarp look fat in certain areas.


Here's to hoping for the vest-style restraints from now on.

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POTIONMAGIX is closed!


"Hello everyone, after a short break which was to be temporary, the site does not reopen for personal reasons. You will have at least seen the complete assembly of the inverted coaster. I thank you participated in the adventure POTIONMAGIX all these years. Enjoy your visit the park in 2012! Pano. "


(google trad)

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just seen the completed track layout pics. this thing looks great. i loved the some what stretched out layout at the begining and then the compactness at the end. I love coasters that actually LOOK like they cover some distance instead of being wound up in and out of itself and compacted in a little space. I love the big gap of space between part 1 and part 2 of the coaster.

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Here's to hoping for the vest-style restraints from now on.

The harness release mechanism on that train tells me not...


Is it just me, or is there storage for 3 trains...and there isn't a block brake on the ride. I'm not too sure how it could run 3 trains smoothly. That would be like putting 3 trains on Batman.

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In fact, there will be 4 zones: station, lift, final brakes AND somethong like a transport zone between the brakes and the station. So there will 1 train in the station, 1 on the lift/track and 1 between final brakes and station.


Oh and aparently the coaster is now testing but there's nobody to confirm it

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In fact, there will be 4 zones: station, lift, final brakes AND somethong like a transport zone between the brakes and the station. So there will 1 train in the station, 1 on the lift/track and 1 between final brakes and station.


Oh and aparently the coaster is now testing but there's nobody to confirm it


A block is specified as a piece of track where you can stop the train. This applies to stations, lifts and brakes, so unless the ride has two brake segments at the end, it'll only have 3 blocks.

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Based on this image, looks like 4 blocks: Station, Lift, Main Brake/Transfer, Station Approach.

I will say though that the Main Brake/Transfer looks abnormally long so not sure if that's 2 blocks or not. I honestly don't think so though.

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B&M hasn't built a coaster yet with just three blocks. All of the coasters they've built have four blocks to run two trains, and five blocks to run 3 (Notable exception being the flyers with three trains, which have only four blocks but has a spur station)


Without a midcourse brake run, the block system on a B&M should look like this...



2.Main Brake (divided into two sections 'Safety Brake/Service Brake)

3.Transfer(Waiing block/Station approach)



Just add "Midcourse Brake" as No. 2 if running three trains. So if this ride will run three trains with no midcourse, I would make an educated guess that a block will be place between the main brake and the transfer block, which in all honesty seems more detremental to capacity than to save it. Besides, they could just have three trains for a two train ride as an extra (Boomerang and Montezooma's at Knott's both have two trains)

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B&M hasn't built a coaster yet with just three blocks. All of the coasters they've built have four blocks to run two trains, and five blocks to run 3 (Notable exception being the flyers with three trains, which have only four blocks but has a spur station)


This little guy has 6 blocks I believe, as well as this guy.........


But yes you are correct that B&M in most cases have either 4 or 5 blocks.

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^^Correct, it could, but Every B&M that runs three trains have five blocks (except for the flyers)

^I'm pretty sure Lep Zed only has 5 blocks, and Hollywood Dream is in that same exception with the flyers, because though the station can house two trains simutaneously, it still is only one block in the programming.

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So if this ride will run three trains with no midcourse, I would make an educated guess that a block will be place between the main brake and the transfer block, which in all honesty seems more detremental to capacity than to save it. Besides, they could just have three trains for a two train ride as an extra (Boomerang and Montezooma's at Knott's both have two trains)

That's what I was thinking, since Main looks quite long with the Transfer after it and then an extra block after Transfer, or so it appears. In that case, I would guess that the third train is only to make sure there is a train in the station once a train is dispatched and another one is moving through Transfer. I wouldn't imagine B&M to design a block setup like that. The ride seems just about as long as any Batman, which to me means lots of stacking...well I hope not.

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