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  1. Look at this : B&M is on FIRE ! From : www.lacrois-ruggieri.com
  2. Official photos : http://fr-fr.facebook.com/parcasterix
  3. OzIris by night : Parc Astérix facebook Édit : You can visit the new website : http://www.parcasterix.fr/en
  4. From : coastersworld.fr And a video shows the effect of the tunnel :
  5. On ride : https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=353869704658747 Other photos : From: - Forum Yabbix - Potionmagix facebook a lot of beautiful photos on : - http://www.flickr.com/photos/cyril_groue/sets/72157629726446047/with/7040031857/ - http://www.parcasterix.fr/mediatheque-presse
  6. From : http://pinterest.com/parcasterix/ Edit : http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=351851811527203#
  7. Update ! The station : Inside the station : ( The lights change with the movement of the train! ) Objects to the station ( I think ) : The ride : http://pinterest.com/parcasterix/ Let's meet in 2 weeks and 5 days !
  8. http://nl-nl.facebook.com/pages/Neverland-Themepark-Projects/186246334733481?sk=wall
  9. Awesome, incredible... : From : http://pinterest.com/parcasterix/
  10. Here : http://www.newsparcs.com/en/article/00005665-oziris_b_m_inverted_coaster_ready_to_immerse_parc_asterix_visitors_into_a_new_egyptian_universe : From : http://www.newsparcs.com/en/article/00005665-oziris_b_m_inverted_coaster_ready_to_immerse_parc_asterix_visitors_into_a_new_egyptian_universe
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