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first woodie

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My first woodie was Ghostrider @ KBF. I was scared of coasters for awhile after that because nit was so painful and on the first drop i came up out of my seat by 3 inchs scariest moment of my life i swear i was going to fall out. i was like 9 when i went on it so it was extra scary because i was young.

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Because they will have a confrence to see if the condums will be built. If not, the Flyer Comet will reopen! Oh, mine was the Thunderbolt at SFNE, about 10 months ago


Sowing my second favorite part of the ride, the dip into the station with air into the breaks. From Coaster image


The T-bolt zips through the suports.

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I can't remember which one "specifically" was first (because both were in same year), but here are mine. I remember both scared the crap out of me when I was a kid and perhaps the first time I was on a coaster. I'll have to dig out some old photo's from memory-lane to confirm the date/year..lol





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