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Everything posted by viking86

  1. I'm sure we will see a Chinese version soon so chances of it happening are pretty good I'd say...
  2. A couple of new pictures from Djurs' facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/djurssommerland/?fref=ts). I'm loving the banking in the helix!! Here's also a picture from a few weeks back taken during the pull-through test.
  3. Tivoli Gardens have announced VR for Dæmonen this season. It will be an optional upcharge addition costing 25,- DKK Link: http://www.tivoli.dk/da/forlystelser/daemonen
  4. Since I had today off I decided to stay up and watch the SuperBowl. I was very close to going to bed in the 3rd quarter, but I decided to watch the whole thing and I'm very happy I did. While it's a sport that I don't watch much, I sure enjoyed that finish to the game.
  5. ^Congratulations! Today I got the season ticket for my club for the upcoming soccer season starting in two months. I had a season ticket in the years 2007-2014, but after that I changed location in the stadium so I went two years buying tickets for every match. It will be nice to not have to think about that before every match again!
  6. I haven't had one of these in quite some time, and there's not really any good reasons to why... it's an absolute fantastic beer, one of my favorites and it's from the local brewery!!
  7. Ok the world has officially gone wrong, this is our forecast for the coming week and a half! Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, but this sort of weather here during wintertime is pretty much unheard of. Ah well, atleast this week has been normal with first a little snow and then several days of rain and sleet.. .
  8. Probably Djurs Sommarland in June. I don't have any trips planned prior to that that would take me close to an amusement park. Last time I visited Djurs was in 2012, so I look forward to try Juvelen and the new inverted coaster.
  9. Nice trains! The front looks a lot better than what it did in the concept art further up on this page!
  10. That was great to watch! I really enjoyed the comparisons between the different Disney parks, that was very interesting!
  11. New Belgium Slow Ride Session IPA 4,5% ABV. Pretty decent beer!
  12. That sure is different! It will be interesting to see how it looks when it finished. I like the look of it so far with the wooden walkways around the track. I'm not sure if the difference is that big. Yes there is obviously more cost with the supports, but the construction must surlye be a lot easier not having to work with difficult terrain.
  13. Wow that is awesome! Seriously impressive stuff! I had a look around your facebook page and you have a lot of great stuff there. I gave it a like and look forward to see more of what you do! PS! Your link didn't work for me, but this one did www.facebook.com/themeparksvisionart
  14. Damn I thought I clicked on the airlines thread and for a few seconds I couldn't understand what the hell was going on... I'll take the carrots please! Too hot or too cold??
  15. Well given my location it's mainly SAS or Norwegian, and occasionally KLM if the flight is through Amsterdam. If it's for business I use SAS/KLM, but if it's personal travel I use whatever is cheapest and/or most convinient.
  16. ^Well that was one hell of a bump LOL! But yes, it was tons of fun! I have so many great memories from this trip. I don't think a single day has passed since where I haven't had the desire to go back...
  17. ^Very nice colors indeed! Should look great when it's finished!
  18. I'm not sure what to say that hasn't already been said.... Tokyo DisneySea looks like an amazing place, and looking at some of the pictures it's difficult to believe that it's actually in a theme park. Definitely a place I would love going to!
  19. Lisebergbanan has a rather abrupt stop when it comes into the station. It's quite funny to watch as there is always someone who is not prepared for it.
  20. Tonights consumption/comfort drinking: Sierra Nevada Pale Ale 5,6% - love this one! Ulriken Double IPA 8,5% 100 IBU - fantastic beer, very drinkable despite high ABV/IBU! Færder Classic Lager 4,7% - didn't particularly like this one. Hansa Fatøl (lager) 4,7% - from the local mainstream brewery, it's decent for being a "regular beer"...
  21. It would have been very interesting to see what Arrow would have been able to come up with if the company had not gone bankrupt. Tennesse Tornado is such a different ride from anything they had done before, and based on what you people are saying it would have been nice if there had been more rides like this built. On a related note, there is a rather interesting Arrow loopscrew in Kuwait that opened in 1996. The shaping of the track looks a lot more advanced than what Arrow had done before, and it looks like it might actually be a decent ride. It looks almost like a transitional ride between the old classic Arrows and Tennesse Tornado. https://rcdb.com/1603.htm
  22. My opinion is that you find weird people in all hobbies, and coaster enthusiasts are not unique in this context. For example I would consider myself rather obsessed with soccer, I go to all the matches to watch the local team and also travel to a few away matches, and trust me when I say there is a lot of weird people among the fans as well. Yes, coaster enthusiasts might be a small group compared to other more "normal" interests, but in terms of weird people I don't think it's that much different from the rest of society. So I would say that generally there is a lot of weird people out there!
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