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Everything posted by viking86

  1. Aaaaaaaand winter has arrived.... and looking at the weather forecast it will be gone by tomorrow!
  2. 2016 is ending with a somewhat rainy New Years Eve. I don't know how much rain we've had in 2016, but it's been A LOT!!!
  3. ^I hope they keep the focus on the world of Pandora itself, and not use any of the plot from the movie. Regardless it looks like it will be a visually stunning place to visit.
  4. Been playing it for a couple of hours on my tablet while travelling by train during christmas. So far I've been having a blast with it, tons of memories!
  5. Yesterday i was seconds away from a $200 win, all I needed was a home win in this match, so I was not exactly happy about the very late Gillingham goal...
  6. Christmas storm hitting shore about now. Flights and ferrys cancelled so far. Should be a fun evening, happy to stay at home.
  7. Celebrating the start of my Christmas holiday with a Two Captains Double IPA (8,5% ABV, 100 IBU) from Nøgne Ø Brewery. This is just a wonderful, wonderful beer, probably one of my favorites at the moment.
  8. Awesome trip report! Love the pictures of the Shanghai DL castle, looks like an amazing building! Thank you for sharing, looking forward to see more from your trip!
  9. Six years in a row without snow on Christmas now. In fact, we've only had snow on Christmas eight times in the last 30 years. I don't know how often we've had rain on Christmas during that period, but it has probably been more than eight...
  10. Those are some sweet colors, love it! I also love the mist shot! Also looking forward to see the layout of the GCI, looks like it will follow the terrain pretty closely.
  11. I don't know, seems like some pretty bulletproof evidence if you ask me... OMG thats awesome!
  12. I know her, had a couple of beers with her a few months ago. But I have no idea if she knows about her 'celebrity status'...
  13. I've seen a lot of comments over the last couple of years (about Disney in general) that "all they care about is making more money". Well, isn't that what 99,9% of businesses are about?? And seriously, $24 for a 7-day pass is a bargain!
  14. Me and a friend were talking about doing a road trip to Denmark next year. I think we'll definitely have to stop by Djurs.
  15. My 11 year old car (2005 Toyota Avensis) passed the EU-control with flying colors so now it's road legal until February 2019!
  16. There is so much wrong with that ride that I don't even know where to start!. I wonder if any of these manufactures ride their own creations and think "Yeah we are proud of this one"
  17. It sure feels strange to see Goliath in those colors. I thought the green looked really good, but I will withhold my final judgement on the new paintjob until it's completed, so far we've just seen bits and pieces.
  18. After a long period of pretty much only rain it was nice to wake up to some sunlight and blue skies today.
  19. It's Friday and weekend starts in two hours!!
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