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Everything posted by viking86

  1. Holy sh*t: [attachment=0]IMG_3049.JPG[/attachment] I am just learning this. Wow that is an awesome picture, seeing the ride hidden out in the forest. It reminds me of this clip from the 1995 CoasterMania documentary (which by the way is my favorite coaster documentary of all time), where the guy being interviewed talks about the fun and mystery of going on a new ride and not knowing what's going to happen. While they are talking about the Beast @ KI, I feel that the same must have applied to Grizzly when it was new. 28:30 - 28:42
  2. That's a seriously disturbing image, knowing that four people died in that spot. Your speculation seems reasonable, it will for sure be interesting to know the full cause of the accident.
  3. This might be one of my favorite posts on this forum! Thank you for sharing the entertainment with us!
  4. Normally we would have the same this time of year. However after a shitty summer the autumn has been absolutely fantastic. This is how the last 30 days have been for us. Blue shows rain, red shows temperature (max/min)
  5. While I don't know of any specific examples, I would think it's perfectly possible considering how many Vekoma's have been running with Arrow trains. It would be great to see the new Vekoma trains be added to more rides, the one experience I had with these new trains on a boomerang was really great.
  6. I have no idea what's going on in that picture, but if I had that guy standing over me like that I would also have elbowed him in the face!
  7. I was in the 2018 camp, but with track showing up this early I'm not so sure anymore. It will for sure be interesting to see...
  8. Awesome trip report! Phantasialand is such a beautiful park. The hotel looks fantastic as well. Loved the photos with the mist, creates a nice atmosphere! I really need to get my ass down to Germany and check out some of the parks there. Thank you for sharing!
  9. Currently drinking a raspberry beer from Kinn Brewery. Quite good, but not my favorite style of beer. However I had a really good beer yesterday, Bæver Double White IPA from Ægir/Beavertown Brewery. This one I really liked!
  10. ^LOL I know, I almost feel a bit bad for complaining about having to pay to have my teeth checked when knowing what you people have to put up with. It just doesn't make any sense to me why our public healthcare will fix any part of your body except your teeth. (Obviously we are talking about things that needs to be fixed, if you want bigger boobs you will not get that for free)
  11. Went to the dentist yesterday for the annual check, it was all done in 40 minutes, but it still set me back 1620 NOK (about $200). Now maybe I shouldn't complain too much about this, considering what many of you have to put up with when it comes to healthcare, but I just don't understand why teeth seems to be not considered a part of the human body. In Norway you can spend months in hospital if you're injured or sick, they'll fix pretty much any part of your body, and you don't have to pay anything. But once it's your teeth that needs fixing you gotta pay up!
  12. And from the parks website: http://www.faarupsommerland.dk/dk/forlystelser/alle-forlystelser/hvirvelvinden/
  13. Another great update! I'm glad you managed to enjoy the rest of your day at KD, despite being hurt. Your trip report is very well written, which not only makes it very entertaining, but also makes up for a lack of pictures in the second part of the day at KD. Looking forward to the report from BGW!
  14. Tiger Triple from Nøgne Ø. Belgian style triple ale, 9% alc 40 IBU. This one was REALLY good when you want a beer that you want to spend a little time on.
  15. ^I haven't been on a couple of the standard SLC's, but based on ride reviews I was under the impression that the later custom SLC's were somewhat decent rides.
  16. I think it's pure marketing, to get as many people as possible talking about the park and the new ride. Obviously they will not base their decision on a facebook poll.
  17. My brain is not adjusted to it actually becoming dark in the evening. When I go to bed at 11 PM it feels like going to bed in the middle of the night because it's already been fully dark for three hours...
  18. Skoddehav - White India Pale Ale from Kinn Brewery. I haven't had a beer from this brewery in a while, but this was really good stuff!!
  19. Awesome trip report so far, very well written! I am now anxiously awaiting the next part to see how the rest of your day was. I love that feeling of being nervous before a new ride. As you said, it doesn't happen very often any longer. I think the last ride to have me genuinely nervous before riding was Mechanica at Liseberg last year.
  20. Pictures works for me. Starting to look really great!
  21. ^I swear, that batwing in the backseat was trying to take my face off!!
  22. ^Hey, at least it didn't hit him in the eye... But yeah, that looks like a great event! The nighttime Shamu show sounds awesome!
  23. Adding to my previous post, today was the first morning where I found ice on my car.
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