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Everything posted by chemical_echo

  1. It's only recently he went with this look. I mean, each time I've seen them, he's had an interesting look to him, but this one was completely new for me. I'll also take a guess that his vegetarianism/veganism is the cause of the thinness of his body.
  2. That disallowed goal was BS; they allowed the same thing in Pittsburgh for a Penguins goal. Oh well, the Sens played a great series and I was confident it would go to game 7. Here's hoping the next team will knock out the Penguins. And hey, at least the Sens got A LOT farther than the Leafs
  3. 30 Seconds to Mars did an autograph signing after their concert last Sunday so I got to meet them again. I would've actually liked to say something to them, but security was rushing everyone through.
  4. Game 6 for Sens and Pens starts in 10min. I got my Leclaire jersey on and hoping for a Game 7.
  5. Some of my courses have instituted a "pass the final to pass the course" rule. It wouldn't bother me as much (although it still would) if the exam was worth 51% of my grade, but it's only worth 40%. I also wouldn't mind the rule if the prof allowed some kind of aide, (some do, some don't...the exam in question doesn't) like a formula sheet, "cheat" sheet, or open notes. I understand profs only want the best to go through, but the only thing adding this rule does is add a lot more stress to the students. I already need to pass this course so I can go into my final year of study, but if I fail the final, I have to be held back another year. If it wasn't for the rule I'd be able to pass the course by getting somewhere around 35% on the final. For someone that gets stressed out easily on exams, and I know I'm not the only one, these kind of exams are brutal. I freak out about it so much I have trouble concentrating on studying and get stressed about every little thing.
  6. Great pictures; it's crazy to see all the water they've brought into the middle of desert.
  7. ^^It could also probably be other parks looking at the first SLC and saying "Hey, that looks pretty good. We want one of those." Then instead of having to pay Vekoma to design a whole new layout, they buy one that's already been engineered. After a couple parks did it, it probably became the "standard"
  8. Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap....what a game that was. I was sure I was going to have a heart attack sometime during that. Sens and Pens are going back to Ottawa for game 6. Let's go Sens! I'm so glad I picked a Leclaire jersey now; he was on fire.
  9. I had it set to tape on my digital box, but because of Idol the end was cut off. Damn idol needs to stop running late.
  10. I know it's a long shot and will likely never happen, but am I the only one hoping for a Weird Al themed episode sometime? The Glee students could be given the project of making a parody of a popular song.
  11. For my 24th birthday present my step-dad took me, my mom, and my girlfriend to game 4 of Sens vs Pens in Ottawa. It's a shame they didn't win, but maybe if the refs would open their eyes and start calling some penalties on the Penguins for once it would have been a different outcome. View from my seats He may have won Canada a gold at the Olympics, but now that he's back in the Pens jersey I hate him Sens during practice. A new Leclaire jersey was also part of my gift Penguins finally have a penalty, and it's about time it's Crosby Did I mention my seats were in the owner's box? That's me (in the white) with the owner of the Sens (middle), and my step-dad Sens put Leclaire in net after a dismal first period performance from Elliott Hey look, an Ontario team that can win championships when there's more than 6 teams in the league, and also go on to the Stanley Cup finals. Fight Alfie was the 3rd star of the game
  12. I saw 30 Seconds to Mars this past Sunday. It was probably my 4th or 5th time seeing them, and they are still as amazing as ever. You can really tell they made their new CD specifically to play live. The crowd interaction was awesome, and getting to sing along to all the great songs was unbelievable. They even pulled about 30 people out of the crowd to help with Kings and Queens. Best parts of the night: - Someone trying to tell him how to spell "eh" for a photo caption he was posting on twitter during the concert, and Jared yelling back "I know how to spell eh!" - Meeting them again. I took plenty of video as well. Jared Leto Shannon Leto Shannon on the acoustic doing his song L490 At one point I was about 10ft from Jared Shannon on the drums again Tomo Getting us to sing along
  13. I'll be at Game 4 of the Sens-Pens series. I'll be sure to post pictures.
  14. I've lived in Toronto my whole life and never ate at the 360 restaurant. Is it even worth it? I've looked at the menu prices and can never seem to justify anything that would warrant me handing over $14 for a starter salad and at least $35 for an entree.
  15. I can feel my arteries closing as I drool over the picture. I wonder if you can double the double down.
  16. I went a couple of years ago. I did tandem from 12,500ft and had a blast. Although, I don't think I'll be going back to the place I did it. Reasons, it was located in the middle of nowhere out in some farmland, the planes had duct tape over some parts, the guy after me had to use his emergency chute, and recently a solo jumper's chute tangled and didn't open till 600ft above the ground, sending him to the hospital. The only good thing was that it was right near Wasaga beach, and the views were awesome. I'm hoping to do it again in Vegas this summer with the Canadian Dollar doing so good.
  17. The park looks pretty good, but the thing bugging me is the top of the waterfall for your log flume. Raise the land around the little river leading to the top of the waterfall, the way it is now just looks like water is floating there. Maybe change the top of the mountain to a small lake with with the little river/waterfall connected to it. I'd also raise the land around any ponds or bodies of water where the land is flush with the water surface, right now it looks like it's flooded.
  18. I saw the Jays home opener last night. It was amazing see the SkyDome completely sold out again, even though that won't happen again unless we get on some kind of amazing winning streak and make a run for the playoffs. It would have been great to see them win their first game at home, but they played a great game, and it was easily one of the best games I've had the privilege of seeing at the Dome. I was outfield right behind centre field so my section was especially loud at heckling Rios all night.
  19. Just bought Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Reshelled for my PS3 from the PS Store. It's the exact same as the original, just with updated HD graphics. Best $5 I ever spent.
  20. Tuesday will be a glorious day for Boston Fans. Having got the first round draft pick from the Leafs, the Bruins will likely be getting the second draft pick. Hopefully they get the first pick, but either way I can't wait to rub it Leafs fans faces.
  21. I just downloaded it, so I'll take a look at it later but, judging by the screens, it looks really good. As for the land being bare under the hyper coaster complaints; how often do you see buildings or other things under a hyper? Looking at pictures of Nitro, Behemoth and a few others, there's not much under them but land, a few trees, and possibly a road.
  22. I watched about 2 minutes of it and was pretty impressed. I had to stop because I'd rather the rest be a complete surprise for me when I finally get out to Disneyland
  23. If the Mayans are so good at predicting the end of the world why didn't they predict the Spanish kicking their ass?
  24. I know about Ogopogo, but you'll notice I said "this part of Canada."
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