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Kings Dominion (KD) Discussion Thread

p. 777: Winterfest starts on November 29!

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Also keep in mind that Robb pretty much hasn't had time to eat or sleep over the last two days so that certainly could be playing a role in the 'graying out'.


Looks like a great intense ride, can't wait to try it out myself in August!


BTW, if you're interested in this ride and getting some awesome rides on it, you will want to make sure you're a Club TPR Member by this August!!!!


I sense a bash is in the works

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Robb rode around 50 times today in different areas on the train and says he didn't even notice the headbanging. So I'm guessing that it's the kind of ride that throws you around a bit, but not actually into the restraint.


Now, this could obviously change based on your height and build and how you fit in the restraint, but for Robb it wasn't a problem.

Yes this is true. I rode 40-50 times today and didn't have a problem at all with the restraints.


Anyone who has a problem with the restraints is just dumb.

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I definitely gray-out on Millennium Force's drop so this looks to be just out of control. I can't believe how fast that transition in the middle of the ride is. Does anyone know if they are going to be running two trains this weekend? All the videos I've seen have only one in operation.

Edited by willh51
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WOOOW, where do I start?! Today was a perfect day from beginning to end, especially the weather! I had a total of 15 laps on this MONSTA and I must say, they were all intense. I have to say that this has to be one of the most intense coaster/rides on the planet! If Im not mistaken, the height restriction is still at "48... but be very careful with kids or even adults that had or have some type of health problem, because the g's are INSANE. I believe I grayed/blacked out on every trip around... the most intense spot is coming out of the first curve into the first air hill... I was seeing stars for about 2-3 seconds.


The lift speed would have to be at least 20 mph and is a ride within itself... never seen a lift so fast. It takes about 10 seconds to reach the top and its DOOOOWN hill from there--your butt is off the seat the whole time down! The air time is sick and non-stop...and dont get me started on the quick turns/curves... you just can't catch your breath!


The trim that was added to the last air hill is definitely needed and u can feel the slow down, bringing the intensity down just a bit but not enough to call it calm at all. I know there were a lot of people complaining about the restraints what were added, but they are definitely needed in every second...I can't see I305 having just a lap bar like MF, everyone would be coming off this ride with broken bones and bruises from hitting the person beside them. Not going to lie, there are a few spots where you get chopped in the neck...but other that... its very smooth!


The themeing is great and fits in perfect with the description and feel over overything, with intensity and high speeds and turns!Also, I love the back on majority of coasters...but have to say the front is the ulitimate experience on this joker and a tad bit less intense far as shakyness and whipping around and with a lot more ejector air(view is unbelievable)....but trust me, the front seat wait is going to be bonkers!


It was the biggest pleasure in finally meeting Robb and want to thank him, Clint, Will, and anyone else that I missed out for all the hard work they put in with the POV's! Kings Dominion, you really have done yourself something unleashing this BEAST into park... deserves a pat on the back!!! 10 out of 10 stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



















































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I'm really excited for this ride. My initial worry about it being too short looks to be valid but if it's as intense as it seems then maybe it's just the right amount of time for this ride.


So, people who have ridden it...

Satisfied with the air time?

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Right now, I am absolutely hating the fact that I am about 850 miles away from this ride. Almost everything about it looks incredible (even the lift--I had no idea it would be that fast). Regardless of people complaining about its restraints or whatever else they wanted to doubt about it/find wrong with it before it had a chance to prove itself, I've been excited about this Intimidator since day one--and seeing the footage (I was getting chills, too!) and photos from today just made me that much more thrilled. I can't wait to hear what others think about it and to experience it myself someday (hopefully sooner rather than later!).


Thanks to everyone who's shared photos and videos!



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This ride looks absolutely amazing! Great videos Robb. Thanks for the POV's.


That lift hill is insane! So steep/fast. I like Intamin's use of the magnetic braking system in place of trims. The overall theme, color scheme, & look of this coaster are definitely a WIN for KD. Very nice

Edited by kongker
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Right now, I am absolutely hating the fact that I am about 850 miles away from this ride. Almost everything about it looks incredible (even the lift--I had no idea it would be that fast). Regardless of people complaining about its restraints or whatever else they wanted to doubt about it/find wrong with it before it had a chance to prove itself, I've been excited about this Intimidator since day one--and seeing the footage (I was getting chills, too!) and photos from today just made me that much more thrilled. I can't wait to hear what others think about it and to experience it myself someday (hopefully sooner rather than later!).


Thanks to everyone who's shared photos and videos!




Maybe we should swap where we live. I want to do all the parks in Missouri at some point!

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This coaster is screaming for onboard music with Molly Hatchet's "Flirting with Disaster."


You get a good dose of that, along with plenty of other southern rock, while you wait.

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'Intimidator' An Unbe'weavable' Experience For Reporter




By Rhonda Simmons

Published: April 1, 2010

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DOSWELL – Safety harness, check. Flip-flops, check. Weave? Er, check?

These are some of the minor details thrill seekers may want to secure before boarding any theme park ride.


One fellow writer learned that the hard way Thursday during her first experience on “The Intimidator 305,” Kings Dominion’s biggest, baddest, newest roller coaster named after famous race car driver Dale Earnhart.


Thursday was the 2010 Media Day event at the amusement park where hundreds of journalists, photographers, politicians and suits geared up to ride the park’s newest attraction.


For the rest of the public, Friday is opening day.


At the beginning of the ride, the young woman had a full, curly ponytail.


But by the end of the three-minute death-defying, gut-wrenching ride, she was weaveless, yet unaware.


Through my tears of laughter, I looked back and asked her if she was missing anything.


As she felt the top of her head, a panicked expression replaced her smile.


“Where’s my weave?” she shrieked.


But the guy sitting next to her couldn’t see a thing without his glasses. I’m telling you it was like watching a live comedy skit. By that time, I was doubled over with laughter. All I’m saying is that I can kind of relate.


I thought I had seen it all by then. The young woman was ready to search the park high and low for her valued removable hair.


But the funniest thing was, the missing weave ended up at the feet of the woman behind her.


That lady was like “Why is there a bunch of hair at my feet?”


We couldn’t wait to see the pictures of us on the ride. All I could think about was if the photo captured the young woman with or without the weave. It was without.


The young woman, who was laughing just as hard as I was, took it pretty well.


Without hesitation, she reattached the ponytail back onto her own hair and asked the lady who found it to pose in a picture with her. I’m anxious to read about her personal experience on her blog.


For me, the missing weave was the highlight of the day. In this case, the ride itself was more of sidebar material.


However for those interested in the ride, it begins with a slow, nerve-racking 305-foot climb in the air with the first drop descending at an 85-degree angle at more than 90 miles an hour.


Asked how we enjoyed the ride, I said it was “awful” but the guy next to me said it was “awesome.”


We did agree, however, that first ride was definitely an experience to remember.


And the lesson of this story is simply to always secure your weave when riding a rollercoaster.


I’m still laughing about it.


Want to ride?

What: The Intimidator

Where: Kings Dominion, 16000 Theme Park Way, Doswell, Va.

When: Park opens Friday and will be open daily throughout the summer

Admission: Prices vary. Visit kingsdominion.com for additional details

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Robb and Cfc,


Since you've both racked up a pretty good number of credits, where you would rank I305?


Top 5? Top 10? Top 20?

I can see the ride easily cracking my top ten list the next time I make one. Possibly even top 5. I can totally see it being on most people's top 5 list and probably #1 for many.


I would like to take a few more rides on it when I'm not "working!"



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