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Lagoon Discussion Thread

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Eh I'm nervous about the trains. They look very similar to Thunderbolts at Coney Island, and I've heard so many bad things about those.
Because an in-house coaster would totally have Zamperla trains.


I think the trains are going to be fun! This will provide such a great feeling going down the drop and through the inversions.

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Huh, there are only two wheel assemblies for three rows... Weird. It's probably going to be all one car with three rows and not three individual cars. Is Thunderbolt the same way? I know they are completely different rides and not related in any way but that does seem a little strange. Reminds me of the Mummy trains in a way.

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This does however say it's only concept, so the trains could be completely different as well as the layout it shows.


I took the words "not final, concept" to describe the plants and theming in that overhead drawing, not the layout or train design. I feel like those would be a bit more finalized, but who knows??

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Huh, there are only two wheel assemblies for three rows... Weird.

X-cars, Gerstlauer like Lynet, DDD or Anubis, etc. I don't find the trains pretty, but I think it will ride great! Cannibal is definitely a ride I'm waiting for.

And it has some themed parts, too! The tunnel is right under two huge temples, and the water feature has a rock tunnel as well in the helix (there's some picture of the final plan somewhere.) Definately will help with the ride as well having it!
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This ride looks amazing but I can't get over how ugly it is. I mean holy crap what the hell were they thinking?

It still doesn't make me want to ride it any less because it looks great but every time I see a picture of it that's the first thing that comes to mind.

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So here is the artwork showing the water feature I saw. Hopefully this is the actual water feature inside a rock tunnel with waterfalls going in the middle of the helix, because it looks pretty amazing!




Also, Lagoon just released a teaser for Cannibal on their Facebook page! Definitely helps build up some anticipation.



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Huh, there are only two wheel assemblies for three rows... Weird. It's probably going to be all one car with three rows and not three individual cars. Is Thunderbolt the same way? I know they are completely different rides and not related in any way but that does seem a little strange. Reminds me of the Mummy trains in a way.

Maybe they will be kind of like gerstlauer's eurofighter trains which only twist laterally (not fully articulated) with the difference that this has three rows. I guess we'll see.

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Now that's something to get excited about. That't the kind of picture that gets you to start adjusting your vacation schedule to include Utah. The park should be marketing the crap out of this.


God I hope this thing is smooth.


I wouldn't worry about that, Wicked was built in house as well and it's smooth as butter except for one small piece of track near the final break run.

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Now that's something to get excited about. That't the kind of picture that gets you to start adjusting your vacation schedule to include Utah. The park should be marketing the crap out of this.


God I hope this thing is smooth.


I wouldn't worry about that, Wicked was built in house as well and it's smooth as butter except for one small piece of track near the final break run.

The only other in-house coaster at Lagoon is Bombora. Wicked's design was from Dal Freeman from Lagoon, but it was engineered by the stengel group and manufactured by Zierer.
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^The picture was originally posted a few pages back, but for some reason it's not there anymore. I'd be interested in seeing the picture too. I have searched all over Google and can't find anything.
They were deleted by screamscape under request, and I think word spread to wherever else it went.
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^The picture was originally posted a few pages back, but for some reason it's not there anymore. I'd be interested in seeing the picture too. I have searched all over Google and can't find anything.
They were deleted by screamscape under request, and I think word spread to wherever else it went.


This. We have been requested by the owner of the photos to not post them.

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Wicked's design was from Dal Freeman from Lagoon, but it was engineered by the stengel group and manufactured by Zierer.


This is wrong. Wicked is designed and engineered by Dal Freeman. The only part the Stengel firm had was to give a second opinion, on the request of Zierer.

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