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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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Have you ever had cookies made by your grandma? And when you tried using her recipe, it just wasn't the same? I fear that would be the case here.

You're probably right. I'll just have to get some cinnamon bread at SDC this weekend. Damn.

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I'm not really sure if that's what the insiders Is for, it's more of tips and tricks for people who aren't from around here from folks who visit DW a lot haha


As for LR it's been pretty much up aside from them only running 1 train.. this winter, watch interviews with Pete for the best info


Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

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I have been selected by Dollywood to be a Dollywood Insider. I would love some article ideas of things you would like some inside info about.


Since there seems to be very little on the internet about the Inventor's Mansion, I would like to know about the details of this former attraction. I never got to experience it when the park was Silver Dollar City. I know it was later converted to Dolly's Rags to Riches attraction, but I'm more interested in when it was the Inventor's Mansion. Maybe DW has future plans for this building? What is it being used for now since the roller coaster museum was housed in it? I would love to see this return as a fun house type attraction again!

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I don't think the launch speed itself has changed, but the trims at the top of the lift hill bite very hard now. The train just barely makes it over the top, at least it did for the week of August 6-12. I personally thought (and hoped) that it was some rumor just floating around, but it turned out to be true unfortunately. Still my #1 coaster regardless!

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I don't think the launch speed itself has changed, but the trims at the top of the lift hill bite very hard now. The train just barely makes it over the top, at least it did for the week of August 6-12. I personally thought (and hoped) that it was some rumor just floating around, but it turned out to be true unfortunately. Still my #1 coaster regardless!
But IOE has confirmed this is not happening and said if it was being trimmed at the top, they would have to be notified..


This rumor about trims came up last year as well and IOE posted on this forum that it wasn't happening.. when the rumor came up this year, a few forum members asked IOE about it and again they said no changes like that have been made.


I know we feel like it is yes but it's like thinking of ants.. you feel ants crawling on you after you think of them but they aren't really.. last year the train slowed significantly at the top as well after it left the launch area


Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

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It's definitely being trimmed, there's no question about it. Im just telling you what my personal experience was. This wasn't just gravity causing it to slow down, you could feel the trims slowing you down. I watched a few different offride videos and it's rather obvious how different the speeds are going over the top. If I had to compare the trims to another ride, I would compare it to I305, but less abrupt.


I also just wanna say here, sorry if I sound like I'm arguing, I'm just sharing my personal experience from last month. I don't want to sound like I'm fighting with anyone.


Edit: the video links posted on the previous page do a good job with showing how different the speeds are.

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Idk lol, I just know when the rumor came up last year and earlier this season IOE said it wasn't happening.. with that being said, this was much earlier in the year when they said it, after the long spout of downtime. Something could of changed this summer..


But again, all we have to go by is video, amature video at that, enthusiast and riders like us and the only semi official people is IOE


I have noticed that it does feel like it slows down more at the top but is it just in my mind! I have hundreds of rides on it by now so it very well could be


Sent from my MHA-L29 using Tapatalk

Edited by dstephe9
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Edit: the video links posted on the previous page do a good job with showing how different the speeds are.


it's hot as hell outside so that's my excuse that i actually watched both videos with my stopwatch app open. i sure don't see those two videos being any different. if it has slowed down, those videos aren't the proof, that's for sure.

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Edit: the video links posted on the previous page do a good job with showing how different the speeds are.


it's hot as hell outside so that's my excuse that i actually watched both videos with my stopwatch app open. i sure don't see those two videos being any different. if it has slowed down, those videos aren't the proof, that's for sure.


Never said it's the best comparison, but it's something. When I get home from Dorney on Sunday I'll post my videos I have from August and from December which does a much better job. I love the ride guys, just remember that, but the trims are obvious once you ride it.

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I rode LR last summer (June or July) and I could clearly feel the train slowing down at the top (I was expecting some ejector airtime at the top of the launch, but there wasn't much). The launch is only there for the rush of the acceleration... It's not there to throw you over the top.


A lot of the time, you wont notice little things like this until someone tells you to. It never bugged you until someone here said the slowdown was new, now you're letting it bum you out of enjoying a great ride.


Maybe I'm wrong, I haven't ridden it this year. But unless it damn-near stalls over the hill (according to videos, it doesn't) you're imagining it.


Also, I'm one of the few who really like splash battles. I had a blast last summer running up to the guns on the sidewalk to soak the riders. Shame to see it go but I'm sure they have something great planned.

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I personally don't care about the trims being there or not, just trying to get people to realize they exist. It could have a painfully slow chain lift and it would probably still be my favorite coaster. All I'm saying is that the trims are there (probably for the better, or they wouldn't be there at all) and as long as that quadruple down exists, it'll remain a favorite of mine for a long time.


Edit: I'm also one of those people that loved River Battle. I've ridden it a bunch since my first visit in 2015. Does anyone know if any other rides like it are still around?

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Back in June I rode it when all the rumors were flying around about them slowing down the launch. This is a review I wrote. At no time did I hear or feel trims after the launch. What people are probably feeling is the deceleration while traveling vertical between the end of the launch and the top of the hill. I have ridden it about 5 times since writing this and I still have this opinion...


" (June 19,2017) Ok! Got three laps on it today. Lines were low and did 3 within an hour. First time was row 3, Second was very back and this was row 6 or 7.


To give a little background, I have had season passes to DW since 2011 and watched Eagle being built. Last year when I got wind of LR testing, I let my kids skip school and we rode it on the second day of operations. Since then I stopped counting after 20 rides. Every row and day and night.


Here's my humble opinion of the launch. From what I remember in the past...

On the flat part before the lift, there used to be two LSM's now there is only one. Im guessing its just to get it to the hill. When you watch the train go up from the station, the one thing noticeable is that it does go slower over the first of the "Dolly humps." When the train comes down the quad, its still hauling and you can see the reaction of people being blown away by the ride.


When riding it , I felt that the launch seemed more forceful going up but the launch seemed to stop earlier. From the front seat, the airtime was almost non existent on the false drop and you floated down the big drop. From the back seat, it was more ejector through the first two humps. You can tell it was slowed a tad.


The wave turn was a nice floater in any seat and the top hat was just as intense as before. After that, the train still hauled through the quad but the difference being is that with a little less speed your thighs dont get bruised and rerides are more enjoyable.


My verdict (IMHO) is that they did slow it down. But not enough to affect the ride and a majority of the GP would never notice it. The ride still kicks arse!!! "

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A lot of the time, you wont notice little things like this until someone tells you to. It never bugged you until someone here said the slowdown was new, now you're letting it bum you out of enjoying a great ride.


Amen. Confirmation Bias at its finest. I rode it a lot last year, early this year, and a few days after it came back up from the month of downtime that caused all of these rumors. The launch feels exactly the same. FWIW, there are so many more intense elements on this coaster AFTER the crest that provide the REAL airtime... people need to get over all of this nonsensical drama about this coaster. Yeah, I'm always looking to get new information about it because I honestly find these things interesting, but I'm not interested in resurrecting a rumor that was CONFIRMED false by the park itself. I have yet to hear from one person who rode it BOTH last year and this year AFTER the rumors started confirm there is a SIGNIFICANT difference in speed. In any case it doesn't matter, slower launch or not, it's still balls to the walls insane. I'm still shocked this rumor has people going in with low expectations. I'm sorry if I'm coming off as dramatic and maybe defensive, I'm not trying to put any single person down, I'm just saying we need to get over it.

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