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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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And to note - I really just don't understand people who do not get this. I'm not saying they are wrong (but they are ,) but to not be able to find AT LEAST a day's worth of things to enjoy while visiting Dollywood is just Science Fiction to me.


Science Fiction ? Bwahahahaha...


Anyway, am I the only one thinking, that Dolly`s cinnamon bread deserves it`s own thread ? Shouldn`t we all treat that bread not just like a food nor a a ride...but more like an amusement park ? Or even a chain ?


Come on guys...people who are new to the forum will never expect posts about that food "hidden" in the Dollywood thread

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So... Travel + Leisure (which has almost 2 million followers) has now shared their "Lightning Rod is ready to ride" story on Facebook. This also shows up on Dollywood's Visitor Posts on Facebook.


Meanwhile, these mobile ad vehicles are all over Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg at this very moment. Pointing out these things is not being impolite, btw.


Edited by jjzadero
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While the cinnamon bread at Dollywood is absolutely amazing, has anyone been to the Donut Friar in Gatlinburg? Their cinnamon bread is crazy good and just barely tops Dollywood for my #1 spot. It's ridiculously good. They open at 5 am, so try to get there early-ish... this stuff goes pretty fast and is usually gone by mid-afternoon.


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This thread is unbearable lately...

I don't understand why discussing this debacle (which it is) makes people so uncomfortable. We all have differing opinions and perspectives — that's what makes (or used to make) discussion forums like this so interesting. But surely there are less stressful topics to follow.

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This thread is unbearable lately...

I don't understand why discussing this debacle (which it is) makes people so uncomfortable. We all have differing opinions and perspectives — that's what makes (or used to make) discussion forums like this so interesting. But surely there are less stressful topics to follow.


Believe it or not, the majority of members on this forum do not find a bunch of negative and bitching posts as "so interesting". This isn't sharing opinions or perspectives; this is complaining and bitching constantly that the ride has had issues or the park pr staff isn't doing their jobs. There has been a lot of grandstanding going on in this thread so it is only natural that you will get responses like coasterbill that are sick of the constant negativity. And let's be honest..a debacle? Ring Racer was a debacle.


Just to be clear, I am not saying you can not make negative posts. You can continue to make your posts complaining about the park as long as you do so in a respectable manner towards members of this forum and park staff. Just don't be surprised that you will get a response by people who choose not to pick apart every negative thing that happens in life.


And seriously...enough with the #itwillneveropen. It will be automatically deleted.

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So... Travel + Leisure (which has almost 2 million followers) has now shared their "Lightning Rod is ready to ride" story on Facebook. This also shows up on Dollywood's Visitor Posts on Facebook.


Meanwhile, these mobile ad vehicles are all over Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg at this very moment. Pointing out these things is not being impolite, btw.


That was my point - some people are just highlighting what seem to be "less than wonderful" handling of the situation by the PR department. I don't recall any recent "these idiots don't know what they are doing" type remarks - just that the park has not had to handle a situation like this in the past, and they have seemed not "totally prepared" with their consistent message at all times across all platforms as the on going situation has unfolded. Nothing wrong with making critical observations when they are based on truth.

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Actually I think 'debarcle' is a fair word here.

Whilst I completely understand all that's happened and I'll just come back and ride another time it definitely is a debarcle.


We're not talking one problem here.

The ride ran late

Then it didn't work

Then they got it running but kept going down

Then ALL the restraints were stuffed

THEN they blew up a motor, it was played down but I mean look at that photo, the induction motor just cooked itself to death

And now they still can't get it running.


It's most certainly a debarcle and one total cluster f@@@ of a situation. You can imagine the park is well and truly pissed.

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And seriously...enough with the #itwillneveropen. It will be automatically deleted.

To be honest, the cinnamon bread posts are just as annoying to me. We got it, great food at Dollywood. It's the same thing as #itllneveropen: a dead joke.

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This thread is unbearable lately...

I don't understand why discussing this debacle (which it is) makes people so uncomfortable. We all have differing opinions and perspectives — that's what makes (or used to make) discussion forums like this so interesting. But surely there are less stressful topics to follow.


Believe it or not, the majority of members on this forum do not find a bunch of negative and bitching posts as "so interesting". This isn't sharing opinions or perspectives; this is complaining and bitching constantly that the ride has had issues or the park pr staff isn't doing their jobs. There has been a lot of grandstanding going on in this thread so it is only natural that you will get responses like coasterbill that are sick of the constant negativity. And let's be honest..a debacle? Ring Racer was a debacle.


Just to be clear, I am not saying you can not make negative posts. You can continue to make your posts complaining about the park as long as you do so in a respectable manner towards members of this forum and park staff. Just don't be surprised that you will get a response by people who choose not to pick apart every negative thing that happens in life.

"Debacle" is the only word that came to mind, but I will certainly swap it with a word you find more fitting. I've never seen a new coaster plagued with this many problems (launch delay, flood delay, recall delay, burning motor delay, etc.). Couple that with the shoddy communication and misinformation, and that's what I would call a "debacle." But I suppose I need to review the Ring Racer thread.


I've maintained respectful (yet critical) dialogue throughout this whole...ordeal...so I'll assume that you aren't clumping me in with the "negative and bitching" crowd. I'm aware that there's been plenty of that since all this began. But it seems that any posts deemed critical are automatically labeled entitled/whiny/etc. and thrown to the side. Dollywood is one of my favorite parks in the country, but that doesn't mean I have to discuss it while wearing my rose-colored glasses. I'm not writing a puff piece.


But what's even more frustrating than the "bitching" is sifting through the people "bitching about the bitching." That's what fueled my original comment. But I'll just ignore those from now on.


Now, back to that cinnamon bread.

Edited by coasterdude5
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You can imagine the park is well and truly pissed.


This, and probably a feeling of defeat as July is now drawing near. While Lightning Rod is by no means a confirmed failure, the feeling of defeat will probably linger in within park employees, especially full-time, until the issues are resolved. From an operations viewpoint, you have a great team assembled and trained and are ready to be the ambassadors to the new ride, but are only met with one roadblock after another after small teases of success. From a marketing view, I can't imagine the feeling in Dollywood's marketing and PR departments as they have worked so hard to promote such an awesome ride, but must wait to fully launch a significant amount of content or campaigns in addition to ongoing damage control of the situation. For everyone else in the park, you can bet many of their projections and forecasts for 2016 included the "Lightning Rod effect" on attendance and revenue. While no official numbers are out, I can guess that some people up high are wondering what numbers could be with Lightning Rod having opened earlier. Seeing historical numbers for my place of employment, there is a very noticeable difference in revenue before and after a new attraction opening after Opening Day.


Of course bumps in the road are to be expected in any prototype project such as this one, but the gut feeling of defeat is never easy to overcome until the ride is up and running more consistently. While we are behind a keyboard speculating or going to the park feeling disappointed, there are park employees who are scrambling making adjustments and changes they probably didn't think they would make in late June. I think if anyone has the most reason to be disappointed, it would be Dollywood.

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You know it's probably one of the best parks for this to happen to jusy because of the people there. Despite the fact you can tell they really over having to tell EVERYONE that it's closed. From the resort, to timesaver, to the trams and within the park they are just still I such good humor about it. That's a real credit to the people there.


What is noticeable is that on Monday when I arrived they were actively telling everyone that LR was closed. Since the recall was resolved they have stopped even mentioning it unless asked.

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Went to the park today. Bummed of course LR is not up but I forgot how awesome this park is without it anyways. I haven't been since 2013 so it was nice to see the park again. As always, it was in great shape, very friendly staff, good food, and good rides!


Before I talk about my day just wanted to pass along what I saw with LR - After spending some time on the upper side of the park I went to check out LR to see if there was any activity and there was. They were moving the train in and out of the station. After a little they dispatched a train and as it soon as it hit the first little launch it stopped. All the mechanics came out of the station just shaking their heads. Seems like they are pretty frustrated with whatever is going on. Hopefully LR starts to cooperate with them and it is up later in the year when I make a return trip.


It was a beautiful day at the park, very hot, but a really nice day. I hit up Firechaser first before the line got too long, and I had never ridden it either. What a fun little family coaster! Really enjoyed it. The backwards launch was much stronger than I would have thought it would be, nice little surprise! Only rode it once.


Wild Eagle is still a ton of fun and it really hauls all the way through the course unlike Gatekeeper. Today was the first time I've ever had a problem with the vest restraints really tightening down on me by the end of the ride. Hadn't had that problem on Gatekeeper, Banshee, or Valravn. Maybe it was the heat getting to me but it was uncomfortable. Didn't take anything away during the ride though! Rode this 5 times.


Mystery Mine might be my favorite coaster in the park (I'm sure until LR opens). Very fun ride, and the last drop and inversions are great! Love the hangtime! It wasn't super busy at the park today but around 1 they stopped double loading trains and just loaded one at a time. Any reason for this? It didn't take any more staff to run the double load. It was only annoying because a lot of the time, all 7 trains were lined up waiting to unload. Once again, maybe it's just because I hate the heat and sitting on a break run in the sun for a long time. Sorry, rant done. Rode this 4 times.


Tennessee Tornado still is the smoothest Arrow out there. The signs in the station says this does 70mph. That can't be right, is it? Oh well. They only ran one train today but wait was still only 15-20 minutes tops. Rode this once.


Thunderhead was down for the morning but I was happy they got it fixed. Love this GCI and how it throws you all over the place. Back was a little rough but I thought it was in good shape! One of may favorite wooden coasters out there. Rode this 3 times.


Barnstormer, I really enjoy these Swing rides. Love the themeing on this ride, Dollywood really does go above and beyond in that department.


Daredevil Falls was a nice way to cool off on this hot day. Not the greatest log flume out there but it was still enjoyable with a nice drop at the end.


Other than those, I enjoyed just walking around the park. Food was decent, and the cinnamon bread of course is fantastic. Enjoy some pictures, then back to your previously scheduled PR and Lightning Rod debates.




I liked the backwards launch the most on this ride!


Hmmm what Mystery is in there?


Wild Eagle towering over everything.


Splash Battle! Seems like people off the ride have more fun than those on the ride.




Above and beyond with details of themeing


Daredevil Falls looking nice.


Watch out for that windmill!



The mini aqueducts always intrigue me.


I see you Lightning Rod. #ItllNeverOpen


Dollywood is pretty


As close to LR as I'll get today.


Love all the hot rods around this area.


More Mine of Mystery.




More GCI goodness!


Heading to put out those fires.


Can't you just smell the Cinnamon Bread through your screen?



Rampage would have been nice to cool off on, I wasn't interested in getting that wet though...


LR just sitting there teasing me.


Tennessee Tornado!




Hope you enjoyed the report.

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Enjoy a photo (can't upload multiple right now for some reason) of the ride from the restricted area behind the hill. I know many of you are eager and itching to ride it, but believe me when I say it will be worth the wait when you get on it. It is simply superb.


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Tennessee Tornado still is the smoothest Arrow out there. The signs in the station says this does 70mph. That can't be right, is it? Oh well. They only ran one train today but wait was still only 15-20 minutes tops. Rode this once.


Everything I find online says 63 MPH.



I've never seen 2 trains running on it. I have seen 45min - 1hr lines.

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Just to be clear, I am not saying you can not make negative posts. You can continue to make your posts complaining about the park as long as you do so in a respectable manner towards members of this forum and park staff. Just don't be surprised that you will get a response by people who choose not to pick apart every negative thing that happens in life.


And seriously...enough with the #itwillneveropen. It will be automatically deleted.


Unless it's Six Flags or Carnival. Then just fire away seems to be the rule, right?

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To change the subject for a brief period of time: what's the best place to get coupons for the Smoky Mountain Alpine Coaster? Are they available only in certain areas, or is it pretty much every restaurant in Pigeon Forge or Sevierville?

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