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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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I have not heard it's going to be late so I choose to believe in Dolly and her magical team will get it done by the 18th. I am sure they would let us know by tomorrow if it ain't going to happen. Ready for media day!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm still scheduled to take work off next Friday, but if it isn't open I probably won't go. I am 3.5 hours away and a season pass holder, but it's still a relatively expensive trip. It is technically my Spring Break next week anyways so maybe I'll just stay home from work and have a staycation.

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I know the park hasn't given us a reason to think it won't be open by next Friday. But it IS next Friday. Eight days away. I feel like they would do good to at least say something. I've already decided I won't be going down there on spring break but I wish they could just confirm or deny so I can get on with my life

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When are we gonna learn it's not a good idea to make plans to go to a not so close park opening weekends and subsequent weekends after for new rides? If attached all possible, at least wait until it's up and running regardless if the park has a good track record.



Agreed on the "even if the park has a good track record" comment. Look, here's a ProTip for you - No one is going to gain any bonus points by being one of the "first" to ride something. So if the park in question requires a flight or significant car ride, taking time off work, etc, etc.... we strongly recommend waiting until the ride is open, has had a chance to break in (it's usually better then anyway) as it will greater guarantee you will get to ride that coaster that is part of your goal going to the park.


I plan on being there in July. I'm assuming the ride would have had plenty of time to warm itself up by then!

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Even though I'm still confident with Dollywood until official statement is released, I agree with waiting until it's broken in. When I went to pass holder preview for Wild Eagle, the ride was good and thrilling yes. But I will tell you this, go ride on it today, after 4 years of running and it's much better and a bit more intense. Can you all imagine riding LR in June/July during Great American Summer when it's super dark out, and going over that Twin Summit and racing into total darkness. That's going to be one unique experience in itself with this coaster. The only lights you'll be able to see in the direction are the haze/a few lights from Pigeon Forge.

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It always seems to rain on media day. Oh well at least it ain't 25 degrees. It might change between now and then.


Looking at precipitation forecasts more than a few days out will get you nowhere. Wind and temperature forecasts are usually more accurate with a longer range forecast but those can change too. Seriously though, looking that far in advance is just going to stress you out.

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When are we gonna learn it's not a good idea to make plans to go to a not so close park opening weekends and subsequent weekends after for new rides? If attached all possible, at least wait until it's up and running regardless if the park has a good track record.



Agreed on the "even if the park has a good track record" comment. Look, here's a ProTip for you - No one is going to gain any bonus points by being one of the "first" to ride something. So if the park in question requires a flight or significant car ride, taking time off work, etc, etc.... we strongly recommend waiting until the ride is open, has had a chance to break in (it's usually better then anyway) as it will greater guarantee you will get to ride that coaster that is part of your goal going to the park.


I plan on being there in July. I'm assuming the ride would have had plenty of time to warm itself up by then!

I don't think everyone is trying to go opening day just to gain nonexistent bonus points for being first. A lot of people are just excited about the ride and want to ride it as soon as possible, and that's what they planned to do. Lucky for me, not much is riding on this other than taking one day off of work, since I am less than 4 hours away, but my plan was to go preview day and opening day to enjoy the festivities and because I assume Dolly will be there. I would never insist on committing to a big trip in hopes a new ride will be open, but to each their own. Dollywood is normally a safe bet if you want to be there for a ride's grand opening.

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Please, please... I BEG you...



We don't want to hear you telling us whether the ride will open when they said it would or not! Most of us won't even be there on the day it happens, and for the people who want to be on it first, there's no point in flipping your life over to get there at that exact minute!






...and carry on with anything but that topic of conversation. It's not worth typing the same thing the person before you did. (BTW this is exaggerated, but please calm down anyway.)

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^Except people have already made plans so of course they are concerned/curious and of course that would be the main point of discussion in this thread right now. It is the hot topic until the park says something.


I assume that Dollywood hasn't said anything about Lightning Rod opening because they don't know if it will or will not be ready still at this point. If they knew for a fact it wasn't going to be open, I assume they would say so. Until they say otherwise, I assume they still have hope and we should to.


So ready to ride!!!

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I don't think everyone is trying to go opening day just to gain nonexistent bonus points for being first.

I was mostly joking but people DO actually do this. I mean, I've only been around coaster enthusiasts for longer than you have been alive, so perhaps maybe I might have some insight on this sort of thing? I dunno...


Anyway... Thanks for taking our forum more seriously that it should.

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I don't think everyone is trying to go opening day just to gain nonexistent bonus points for being first.

I was mostly joking but people DO actually do this. I mean, I've only been around coaster enthusiasts for longer than you have been alive, so perhaps maybe I might have some insight on this sort of thing? I dunno...


Anyway... Thanks for taking our forum more seriously that it should.

Yes, I am aware some people do that, which is why I just said I would personally not commit on too high of a level, but to each their own.


I also know better than to take any forum too seriously, just like I know how to not get set off by reading YouTube comments from non-enthusiasts that often make no sense. I am here for engaging in discussion, which is what a forum is for.

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It's always so crazy on the park forums the weeks before a coaster opening.


If Dollywood was delaying the opening, I think they'd tell us - I'm with Guy on this one, I have full trust in Dolly! Who knows, maybe they have already started full testing and we don't know about it? Also, I'm sure they'll test it night and day to open it on time. Practice patience, people.

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Living in Cincinnati Ohio, if five of us are going to Dollywood in late June, would it be worth getting 3 day 2 park passes for the water park and theme park or theme park season passes for $94?

It really depends on what you want you want to do. Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they both cost the same. If you go with season passes someone in your group should buy a gold pass, you only need one per a group.

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