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Dollywood Discussion Thread

P. 796 - Ride closing 10/30 to remove launch and install chain lift!

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^I hope the new opening date is announced as soon as they are sure it will be ready. I canceled my time off work this Friday for preview day, but now I want to take off next Thursday since Dolly will be there, but knowing Lightning Rod will be running would really make it worth the time off and 4 hour drive!


*waits impatiently for word on the ride opening*

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  SFOG1991 said:
^I hope the new opening date is announced as soon as they are sure it will be ready. I canceled my time off work this Friday for preview day, but now I want to take off next Thursday since Dolly will be there, but knowing Lightning Rod will be running would really make it worth the time off and 4 hour drive!


*waits impatiently for word on the ride opening*


Dollywood is more than worth the time off and the 4 hour drive. Now that Lightening Rod is not going to be open, I want to go as I won't be tempted to mess up my coaster count with RMC. Alas, funds prevent me from going this time. (Unplanned emergency Florida trip last week)


I have a lot of friends going this weekend and would love to be there with them.


Like i said before. GO. Enjoy the amazing park. Lightening Rod will be there next time.

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  B&MBoy1982 said:
  SFOG1991 said:
^I hope the new opening date is announced as soon as they are sure it will be ready. I canceled my time off work this Friday for preview day, but now I want to take off next Thursday since Dolly will be there, but knowing Lightning Rod will be running would really make it worth the time off and 4 hour drive!


*waits impatiently for word on the ride opening*


Dollywood is more than worth the time off and the 4 hour drive. Now that Lightening Rod is not going to be open, I want to go as I won't be tempted to mess up my coaster count with RMC. Alas, funds prevent me from going this time. (Unplanned emergency Florida trip last week)


I have a lot of friends going this weekend and would love to be there with them.


Like i said before. GO. Enjoy the amazing park. Lightening Rod will be there next time.

I have a season pass and will be going a few times this year anyways, but I figure I might as well wait until Lightning Rod opens, especially if I am going to take off work and book at least one night in a hotel.


Honestly, I am trying not to visit my nearby parks as much this season, and instead spend more on big trips, but Dollywood is an exception since I love the park, love Dolly, they have great coasters including the new Lightning Rod, and I am an avid hiker and cabin fan. I don't need much of an excuse to go to the Smoky Mountains. Parks like Carowinds, Wild Adventures, and Alabama Splash Adventure may not feel my presence this season though. I will always visit Lake Winnie a few times a year (support classic small parks!) and SFOG is my local park so I go way more than I should.

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  kickflipbacktail said:
So it's a programming issue? That doesn't seem too major. Hopefully they get it sorted out sooner rather than later.


I keep seeing these Instagram screen shots - is there any credibility here? With random pictures of the ride being posted and then "super inclusive info", has someone confirmed these people are actually with Dollywood/RMC/etc?

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  coasterbill said:
Since customer service has come up...


Of all the parks I've been to I've seen the best customer service at Dollywood... even edging out Universal, Disney, SeaWorld and Knoebels (which are all ridiculously great). On our first visit a few years ago we were on the last train of the night on Wild Eagle in December at park close and we had the train to ourselves because apparently boring people don't like riding coasters when it's 38 degrees. We were over by Tennessee Tornado when a ride op showed up who thought we left a souvenir cup in the bin and ran down the stairs, down the ramp and around the photo building to see if it was ours. It wasn't but he gave it to us and said "Okay, well free cup then. Thanks for coming to Dollywood".


That guy was amazing. In our other visits to the park we saw things like the Blazing Fury crew opening a bunch of employee gates to make it easier for a 100 year old woman to get into the train. Then they declared her the "Fire Captain" for the train and made a big deal about it so the whole station was cheering and then they opened up a bunch more restricted gates so she wouldn't have to walk up the ramp. We've also experienced over-the-top friendly employees at Tennessee Tornado and Thunderhead and Season Pass Processing.


The people that work at this park are world class.


I agree...one of the best parks for customer service that we have visited. A lot of the employees at Dollywood are senior citizens that are very old school, polite and actually, quite fun!


I remember the crew on Thunderhead were all over 55 and they were dispatching trains faster than I have ever seen younger crews do it. And they did it all with a smile, had us all laughing...you could tell that they really enjoyed their job and took pride in it!


I'd throw in Sea World and Cedar Point into that mix for good customer service too. I've had great customer service experiences at both of these parks over the years, despite reading negative comments about both parks from others on TPR.

Edited by Philrad71
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I do feel bad for everyone who booked trips for this weekend expecting Lightning Rod open. As great of a park Dollywood is, having to watch a dormant coaster the magnitude of LR is a major bummer. HOWEVER, my homepark's new coaster is like 1/4 of the length of LR and vertical construction isn't even done yet. So, it's not the end of the world, and my gut feeling is it will have a grand opening next week.

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  PKI Jizzman said:
  kickflipbacktail said:
So it's a programming issue? That doesn't seem too major. Hopefully they get it sorted out sooner rather than later.


I keep seeing these Instagram screen shots - is there any credibility here? With random pictures of the ride being posted and then "super inclusive info", has someone confirmed these people are actually with Dollywood/RMC/etc?

I know that person in particular works inside the park, (what they do specifically I'm not sure) but he has consistantly posted exclusive pictures from the construction that we werent getting anywhere else including some of the theme items. I'd say take anything from these unofficial sources with a grain of salt.

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  PKI Jizzman said:
  kickflipbacktail said:
So it's a programming issue? That doesn't seem too major. Hopefully they get it sorted out sooner rather than later.


I keep seeing these Instagram screen shots - is there any credibility here? With random pictures of the ride being posted and then "super inclusive info", has someone confirmed these people are actually with Dollywood/RMC/etc?


Danny Robbins started at Dollywood as a ride op on Wild Eagle. He quit Dollywood and went to another company for more pay. After several months of being gone, he returned to Dollywood and now works with a program called, "Helping Hands". Basically its a labor pool for the park for any area that needs help, they request the help and one of the helping hands employees goes and works that ride or merchandise shop or where ever for that day.

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I dont understand all this hate. Guess what, if you go to Dollywood and any coaster isnt open you still have Cinnamon Bread....


I have done LOTS of trips where the coaster has been closed (There is a story that i get made fun of alot for in indonesia) or flown for opening and the ride to be delayed a few days (Lagoon last year). All that gives me is an excuse to go back to that park and see it again. When you already know how great Dollywood is, why would you complain because one ride isnt open, when it just gives you a perfect excuse to go back later in the year!

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  Comeagain? said:
  Invertalon said:
Relative to this being a "new technology", why does this ride being wood make any difference in regards to the launching technology? I hardly see how this is new when a few other rides have launches up hills and LSM/LIM's at this point are quite an established technology. Is there something unique about this launch system compared to the dozens of others in existence?


It's cool that it's on a wooden coaster and all, but in theory it's really no different than any other ride. Looks like they just ran short on time and need a few more days/weeks to finely tune the system (obviously!).


Bummer it’s opening late though… We had planned to be at the park next week (wed-sat) but now that is in limbo… At worst we detour elsewhere and come back later on in the season once it’s up and running. This isn’t a B&M, so I expected the chance of opening on time slim to be honest, lol.


I have a feeling it's less that it's new technology and moe that the three companies involved (RMC, Velocity Magnetics, and IOE) don't all have tons of experience working together on launching coasters.

Are you saying they are not using InTraSys GmbH Prolim LSM Stators that are used literally on every single LSM and LIM Launched Coaster ever built?

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  linearinduction said:
Are you saying they are not using InTraSys GmbH Prolim LSM Stators that are used literally on every single LSM and LIM Launched Coaster ever built?


Correct. The launch is supplied by Velocity Magnetics, not InTraSys.

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  Comeagain? said:
  linearinduction said:

When did they get into the LSM Motor Game?


From the sounds of the video (

), this is a 'prototype' from them. Or at least it's the first launch that they've done.

Derp! Didn't see that video. Thanks! I don't see a cap like the InTraSys GmbH prolim stators have, so I wonder what happens to these if they fail. It's always good to see American Companies being utilized so much.

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I'm thinking of a drinking game for my visit to Dollywood this weekend that involves Lightning Rod....


In all seriousness, I have been a cheerleader all along that somehow RMC/Dollywood would pull it together just in time. Unfortunately it will not happen. With my work schedule and proximity to Dollywood, the next most likely visit won't be until 2017. Sh*t happens, but the bright side is that I am going in with expectations not to ride. It would be a much more crushing blow to see a "(coaster name) is Closed Today" sign in front of a park as I'm walking through the gates under the impression I would be riding said ride. As an operations and marketing person in the industry (small park job perks), I only have the most sincere empathy and sympathy for Dollywood on what might have been the most exciting Opening Weekend yet for them.


But hey, life happens. And I am still stoked to visit Dollywood in less than 48 hours.

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  Coasterbp said:
  Saldek said:
The problem is not a programming issue.




I was beaten to the punch, but yes, I was going to let everyone know the above.




Maybe Danny Robbins needs to stop spewing information he doesn't know to be correct or true and allow the real PR team, Pete and his group, to give out the information. Just saying...

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  jimmiemac02 said:
  ajfelice said:
I'm thinking of a drinking game for my visit to Dollywood this weekend that involves Lightning Rod....


Dollywood doesn't sell alcohol...


That's what packing it or purchasing/consuming off-site is for. The game doesn't have to happen in the park. Many possibilities

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