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Thrill Shot at SFMM......

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Seriously now, the new owner of Six Flags ok'd giving good old Thrill Shot the axe, we just have to wait until MM has the cash to pay for it.


Never thought I'd say this, but I'm really going to miss it with all the memories I racked up working over there for a year, took a trip back over there yesterday with a few other former employees from that ride. Ironically, we checked out the panel and pulled off the cover to find that there's a brand new touch screen that replaced the scratched and smeary old one, and now the ride's set to be torn down. We were all saying that we will have to go back and each take a piece of it with when they finally give it the go-ahead.

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colossus: Yeah, it did do that. When the launch sequence was started by both panel and dispatch pushing the "launch" buttons, the valves would open and air would go from the massive supply tank behind the old time photo place to the shot tanks in each of the towers. After about 7 or so seconds, the cart will begin to lift off the ground, and when it gets about 6' off the ground, it will hold there and continue to fill the tanks for maybe another 5 seconds. At that point, the sound of the air going into the shot tanks is getting a bit quieter, and when it has reached about 40psi in each of the three (and when the computer has done a rough estimate of the weight of the cart), the system will purge the lines with a quick release of air that lasts no longer than a second. Then there is exactly a 3 second countdown (all us employees picked up on this real quick and knew what was happening), and on the count of 3, the shot valves open and instantly spool up the pneumatic winch thingys rocketing the cart skyward at 40mph.


When the cart reaches the top of the 220' towers, it continues up another 10', and gives you one heck of a weightless feeling........and then you come back down. At the top, the excess air in the shot tanks is vented in a loud burst lasting about 3 seconds, and the cart comes back down. The view from the top is amazing, I wish I had brought my good camera on at least once, but before you can totally enjoy it, the "floaty" feeling in your gut takes over and you're going back down. 50' above the ground, the air regained from the drop that is in the bounce tanks (large external ones outside the towers) is sent back into the system and shoots the cart back to the top pulling 2.2g's at the bottom. Back at the top the routine is the same, but the air is vented for a few seconds more, and the cart comes back down to about halfway before being stopped and then lowers down in several steps the same way.


Of course, I left out the different "seat flipping" sequences, of which there were 4, where the two seats on each side would rotate out to a 45* angle and face you toward the ground.......good for freaking out cheerleaders. Freakin' long answer, I know, but if you ever wanted to know the full sequence from somebody that was certified there, well, you have it!


ShoubraStreet74: On the side of the panel is a sign off that mechanics check off on when the ride is set to open to the public for the day, the date on it was 10-23-05. I don't think that was the last time it was open, but it just may be.....I think it shut down a few months before then though. It originally went down for them to change out a couple of the cables (tower A, the one to the left of the panel, if you must know), but it never did have a good reliability record and they were weighing whether they should open it back up when they got done with the cables or not. I actually am still certified there, took the test and aced it no studying or problem whatsoever.

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Dang, took too long typing that junk, other replies appeared!


angrygumball: Never did ride it like that, but did at least 150 rides with the second cart. Some were saftey rides, NEVER liked doing those as the test dummy employee to make sure that no guest would die on it.....you hear and feel all the weird stuff exceptionally well on those.


Jahan: I know, even I miss it, and I vowed never to ride it again after it was down for several months for the annual checkup and re-opened.....still the same ride quality though.


I gotta say, that ride had BY FAR the best gut drop of any ride I've ever been on, and the view and height sure did do a number on you!

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I'll have to dig up the original manual from S&S I have for that ride. It sucked when they added the OTSR's anyways...


I just found mine at the bottom of my closet next to all of my other SFMM "memorabilia". I'm probably going to end up scanning it and making a PDF out of it and posting it somewhere...We'll see...

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^ That's only because it's easy to build...Check out Twisted Rails for Karl's updates on Thrill Shot when it was being built...


Also, I always thought that Thrill Shot would be around for a while...Especially after they reprogrammed it and got a new car for it...Oh well. At least I got my rides in on it when I worked at Jet Stream...

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Um.......Thrill Shot's been down for the last 5 or 6 months man, hasn't run in a LONG time!

OMG, where have I been? I actually did not know that. Everytime I went by it, it looked like it might have been open, just no one wanted to pay money for it. Clearly I'm retarded.

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I have awesome Onride as well as Offride footage. The gentleman who let me film will go nameless, but my thanks are never ending.


I will put together a little video montage in homage to it and post it her if I can.


Guy "It's pretty cool." Koepp

Yeah, that guy got you on Dive Devil for free too, I want some recognition!


I never did see the onride vid of it, prob. matches my imagination real good, seem to remember you rocked the cart good by being the only one riding as well.......


Hey, but I have a POV Dive Devil vid, that's a bit more rare I think.......

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I was fortunate enough to ride both Vertigo and Thrill Shot in it's original form.

I loved both rides but had my first life flash in front of me moments on Thrill Shot.


I never rode the modified cart version, just wouldn't be the same. So for me Thrill Shot died along time ago.


If you never rode the first version, you just wouldn't understand. Those restraints were the best.

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