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How many bones have you broken?


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Ok, I am a black belt in karate so I have plenty....let me count..


2 in my legs, all ten toes, all ten fingers, cheek bone, 2 ribs, and my wrist


So 26 total. Thank god I don't practice anymore!

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I broke a bone snowboarding once. Yeah, it was just one bone, but I broke it in two or three places. It was kind of a pain to deal with, but at the same time I found it fascinating to watch my body heal itself (and relatively quickly too--just a few weeks really). I was back on my board that same season. Woo!


I also think I may have broken a toe and a rib in my past, but I never bothered to get medical verification for those.

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1. Broke my leg when I was 2 jumping off a toybox.


Though I did dislocate my collarbone when I was 17(tucked it behind my sternum), as well as a sprained wrist.


Though I'm lucky I haven't broken more bones. I'm lucky that I have a large pain tolerance.

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I managed to find the hospital report from when they fixed my collar bone.


It's all in doctor speak. I pretty much had to have someone explain to me what most of it meant.


I scanned it if any of you health buffs or doctors in training are interested.


(sorry about the quality though, it's about 8 years old and printed on some kind of tissue paper).



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I've broken my Left Wrist once about 7 years ago going "Over The Handlebars"....

That was about 3 or 4 days after ordering one of those beds that has the desk underneath it, with a ladder, great fun it was getting to bed with a stupid cast on....

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