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Favorite Disney Park

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Wow, old topic...


I voted Disneyland and I've been to all the WDW parks and also DCA. Overall, I like the WDW resort more than DLR but Indiana Jones and Space Mountain Mission 2 make that park awesome.


A close second is actually DCA... I REALLY enjoyed Cali Screamin' and all of the remakes of the boardwalk flat rides. I haven't been to AK since they've added Everest, so when I visit again, that may change.

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Disneyland...easily. I've been to Disneyland more than any other park and it was my very first theme park. Therefore, visiting is always a very nostalgic and magical experience. Especially since it is also the very first Disney theme park.

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  • 2 months later...

Tokyo DisneySea of course!


You got the theme there.

You got the food there.

You got the E-ticket rides there.

You got the friendliness there.

You got the show there.


I don't know how. But Tokyo DisneySea is a real favourite! They really did a great job in the park.

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I've been to all of the American Disney parks and I still think Disneyland is the best. To me, it's got a more homey feel to it. It is the park Walt made and because of his touch, it is better.


Although, alot of versions of rides WDW has are much better than DL, but the great things DL has outwiegh those.




I miss Disneyland.

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WDW Magic Kingdom ever so slightly over EPCOT. I think mostly for sentimental reasons, and the butchering of EPCOT's Future World. Granted, somehow I still find myself loving EPCOT, but I implore the Imagineers to "use your imagination" (pun intended), and NO MORE PIXAR INVASIONS!!

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I can name about 20 parks I'd rather go to than DCA...


Anyway, I think TDS would be my favorite, I'll find out next year, but for now I've been to DLR and WDW's parks, think I'll go with Disneyland just because it packs a lot of attractions which WDW's MK doesnt since it's spread out over other parks

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  • 9 months later...

I voted for DCA. That park is absolutely amazing. Granted it Doesn't have as much as Disneyland right next door but the park is amazingly beautiful. The rides are fun and interesting. Also, the whole feel of the park is amazingly overwhelming. I love the experience that you have at the park.


No offence to some of you, but epcot looks stupid and boring to me. It may look really nice but is there anything to do there other than get drunk, look at flowers and a huge silver ball and sleep?

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No offence to some of you, but epcot looks stupid and boring to me. It may look really nice but is there anything to do there other than get drunk, look at flowers and a huge silver ball and sleep?


You're not alone, I'm not a fan of EPCOT either. IMO, it's just not worth the gate price. When I last went it was dirty, boring, and a few of the rides felt very outdated.

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  • 5 years later...

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