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What is your favorite TV-series?


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Last season I watched one show on a regular basis. This season I have something every night except Saturday!


Mon: Sleepy Hollow

Tues: Agents of SHIELD

Wed: Revolution

Thur: Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Fri: Grimm

Sun: Once Upon a Time


Yeah, I'm a TV junkie now.


That's very similar to ours as well. We also throw American Horror Story, Top Chef, Master Chef, The Dome, and a few others as well.

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We started watching the Michael J Fox show. Not a fan. It's a little weird seeing him like that, and the show itself isn't that funny. Also started watching Super Fun Night. Not too bad. It's written by and stars "Fat Amy." Some pretty funny parts.

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I have found very few good new comedy's. So far I like trophy wife. Super fun night is on probation with me, I'm not sold on it yet. Li have tried every other comedy on the big four and decided not to waste my time with them.


I wonder when cancelation bear will make his first appearance.

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Wow - we just saw earlier the new 50th anniversary episode of

Doctor Who...


We loved it! It was great. Special effects, especially in the opening

sequences, were amazing! They really spent the $ for this one, lol.










And I just realized... the 'screwdrivers' of all three Doctors...


Each one a different colour light, AND they are the

three colours of Theme Park Review!


Smith Doctor - Green

John Hurt Doctor - Red

Tennant Doctor - Blue



(My only small, teensy, eensy disappointment, was 'Rose' returning, as 'she' did. I'd wished it'd been figured out somehow, some way else, so that Tennant/Who has a connect - and she meets Clara, lol.)

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^ Yeah, that was amazing. My sister and I were pretty much speechless except for "Wow" and "Oh my God." The improvement in the special effects was really outstanding, and it was amazing how the story fit seamlessly into the Doctor's history without changing anything. It was also the largest worldwide simulcast in TV history.

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Lady Gaga & the Muppets' Holiday Spectacular. I love Lady Gaga and the Muppets, so naturally, I loved this. I never even heard about it until it showed up on our DVR. Luckily, Amy saw it and set it up. It even had Elton John and RuPaul in it!

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I hardly watch TV since a year or two. I'm watching one local flemish serie called 'Safety First' and also 'The Walking Dead', although I'm quite close to giving up watching the latter. I find this season quite boring so far.

That's all TV for me. There is so much shit being broadcasted. I just gave up.

I would like to watch Breaking Bad because I read a lot of good comments from my TPR friends on FB, but to start watching, what is it, 6 seasons of a tv series, knowing that this will take some 6 full days of my life to watch, I just don't want to start watching.

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Lady Gaga & the Muppets' Holiday Spectacular. I love Lady Gaga and the Muppets, so naturally, I loved this. I never even heard about it until it showed up on our DVR. Luckily, Amy saw it and set it up. It even had Elton John and RuPaul in it!


It was great! True, it was basic PR for her new cd, but it was all presented so well,

and even Kermit was allowed to let his Little Froggie Monster out, LOL!


And although most of the outfits were typical Gaga, she really sold the show

with her songs and her voice, which was very nice.


A first (to me) good TV special, this month.

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What's everyone's take on this seasons new comedies? I haven't found one worth watching yet.


I like Brooklyn Nine-Nine. It's kind of like The Office in a Police setting. The Crazy Ones is okay but each episode is hit or miss. I saw one episode of Seth McFarlane's Dads and the Michael J Fox show and thought both those were horrible.



I was just catching up on my DVRed shows the last few days and saw the latest Family Guy from a week ago and was shocked they killed off one of the main characters.

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I hardly watch TV since a year or two. I'm watching one local flemish serie called 'Safety First' and also 'The Walking Dead', although I'm quite close to giving up watching the latter. I find this season quite boring so far.

That's all TV for me. There is so much poo-poo being broadcasted. I just gave up.

I would like to watch Breaking Bad because I read a lot of good comments from my TPR friends on FB, but to start watching, what is it, 6 seasons of a tv series, knowing that this will take some 6 full days of my life to watch, I just don't want to start watching.


Saw Walking Dead's mid season finale and I'm a fan again. Maybe best episode ever so far.

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Lady Gaga & the Muppets' Holiday Spectacular. I love Lady Gaga and the Muppets, so naturally, I loved this. I never even heard about it until it showed up on our DVR. Luckily, Amy saw it and set it up. It even had Elton John and RuPaul in it!


It was great! True, it was basic PR for her new cd, but it was all presented so well,

and even Kermit was allowed to let his Little Froggie Monster out, LOL!


And although most of the outfits were typical Gaga, she really sold the show

with her songs and her voice, which was very nice.


A first (to me) good TV special, this month.


I like Gaga, and the special worked, in that it got me to buy the CD (based on a couple songs she played, that i liked).


but sheesh. . I thought it was pretty painful, and deservedly stunk in the ratings.


Loved the participation of Elton and JGL tho. .even if they did duet on that song about date rape (but at least changed it so she's after him).


but hey, to each their own

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