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What is your favorite TV-series?


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I have so many favorites. This is just a few of them.


- The Dick Van Dyke Show

- Everybody Loves Raymond

- Are You Being Served?

- Keeping Up Appearances

- Tales From The Crypt

- The Simpsons (90's to 2001 era)

- Married With Children

- Mad Men

- The Young Ones

- Doctor Who (Old and New)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Breaking Bad is the first TV series I've followed in years. Excellent acting and writing. I also watched the original British House of Cards series on Netflix--the best Shakespeare never written by Shakespeare.

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Yes, now is the best time to marathon Breaking Bad. That's one of my favorites.


Others that got me hooked:

- Damages

- Revenge

- Seinfeld

- Friends

- True Blood

- Walking Dead


...I'm sure there are others that slipped my mind

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New fave series on my current list...


American Horror Story: COVEN


First episode tonight was awesome!

With Jessica Lange (again) leading the pack, lol!



OMG...throw me in the mix with AHS too. Just caught the first two episodes of Murder House last night and loved it!


I had never even heard of this series until my partner's daughter-in-law told us about it when we visited them in Boston this past weekend. After seeing it as available on Netflix streaming last night, I am hooked after two episodes. Can't wait to start watching Coven as me and the partner are both big Kathy Bates fans!

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Another of our fave current shows, Bates Motel, has

production across the street from us, tonight. Getting ready to

film a couple of scenes using the pizza restaurant there.


Filming won't begin until 11 pm and go to 1 am. But still...


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Last season I watched one show on a regular basis. This season I have something every night except Saturday!


Mon: Sleepy Hollow

Tues: Agents of SHIELD

Wed: Revolution

Thur: Once Upon a Time in Wonderland

Fri: Grimm

Sun: Once Upon a Time


Yeah, I'm a TV junkie now.

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