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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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Something else it could be, poor quality steel tubing. When you heat metal (welding) it releases stress withing the material, that's inherent with ALL metal. And poor quality metal will 'wiggle' more then higher quality metal. Also, the tube that makes the rail could have been bowed before the track was welded together, but the manufacturer should have checked for straightness before they started welding. But these are just two possibilities out of a million that could result in this.


So it's anyone's guess really.

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If you look at the track, it's bowed down in the middle of each track section, which is probably from it sitting on the wood blocks on parking lot before being built.

Oh! It's true, I don't thought about the wood blocks.


Well.. In Shambhala lift and Dragon Khan lift you can show the same bowed down on the rail, but it's different because on Shambhala and Dragon Khan you go up to 10-20 km/h and in the section of brakes in Ferrari Land you go to 160-150 km/h...

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With Shambhala and DK, it's not quite the same. The lifts on Shambhala and Dk have flexed almost as a singular piece, similar to what happens to most coaster due to the metal expanding and contracting because to the constant changes of heat during day and night (especially during the summer)


On the Ferrari Land giga, every single track piece has bowed and flexed before even being put together.

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I'm getting more and more curious about this one. I've seen plenty of modifications having to be done during construction of a ride, and normally it's only minor things to fix, but this one looks liks a far more severe issue than anything I've ever seen. Even makes me wonder if the track will actually stay or if it might be replaced with the track.

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Can someone please tell me that the track being bent like that is just a harmless prank... PLEASE...


Yea, it is. Intamin and PortAventura have been plotting this all along. Let's waste thousands of dollars just to mess with those pesky enthusiasts. Next, we'll take over the world! ...no? oh okay...

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