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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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Here's the image for anyone to make it a bit easier.



Also the source video by PAC:


Considering how high the brake run is, there is definitely going to be some sort of hump leading into the brakes, now we just have to wait and see if it produces much airtime.

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Thanks for update. Fun to see that it really isn't only straight after the top hat like TTD!

Just like we tought...

Now that the coaster to be perfect needs an roll in the drop and a train with the harnesses as Top Thrill Dragster....

The time will respond, but seeing the rhythm does not take long to know..

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1 curious thing to point out, the land that the accelerator will be on is about 20 meters lower than the land Hurakan Condor is built on meaning they will both equal out at about the same height (minus the aircraft warning light). Could it be PA wanted to go taller, but couldn't due to a height ceiling because of Reus?

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1 curious thing to point out, the land that the accelerator will be on is about 20 meters lower than the land Hurakan Condor is built on meaning they will both equal out at about the same height (minus the aircraft warning light). Could it be PA wanted to go taller, but couldn't due to a height ceiling because of Reus?

In thory the park increase the limit of height in 140m(There was speculation that the roller coaster would be one meter higher than Kingda Ka). But finally we discover that the long of the launch is very little to take the roller coaster fast enough to reach such a height.

You see, they have expanded all the space on one side to the other.

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For those of you who have been to Port Aventura, how does Dragon Khan rank with some of the other elite B&M loopers around the world (like Hulk, Kumba, Kraken, Montu, Nemesis, Banshee, Alpengeist, etc...)? It has always been one of the most intriguing Beemers to me as it has the extra inversion compared to standard B&M loopers and it was built during a time where intensity was a major focus for the company.


Also, how does Shambhala rank among B&M mega coasters? Is it closer to Fyry325 or Raging Bull in terms of quality and intensity?

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Now that I think about it, Port Aventura has two very good B&Ms in DK and Shambhala.


Dragon Khan I would say is a little behind Kumba in terms of intensity, but it's like a hair's width to be honest. I find it a lot more intense than Nemesis and Montu, and the second half is better than Hulk.


If you like B&M Hypers I think you'd love Shambhala. I've ridden Apollo's Chariot, Nitro, Silver Star etc and I'd rank it above those by some margin although I've not done Raging Bull or Fury. The camelback hill after the first drop has some brilliant airtime and I love the ampersand followed by the little airtime hill. It's a really good layout and honestly one of my favourite B&Ms.

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Now that I think about it, Port Aventura has two very good B&Ms in DK and Shambhala.


Dragon Khan I would say is a little behind Kumba in terms of intensity, but it's like a hair's width to be honest. I find it a lot more intense than Nemesis and Montu, and the second half is better than Hulk.


If you like B&M Hypers I think you'd love Shambhala. I've ridden Apollo's Chariot, Nitro, Silver Star etc and I'd rank it above those by some margin although I've not done Raging Bull or Fury. The camelback hill after the first drop has some brilliant airtime and I love the ampersand followed by the little airtime hill. It's a really good layout and honestly one of my favourite B&Ms.

I think that Leviathan and Fury 325 have a different focus... This coasters are builded to be tallest and impresionant. But Shambhala wants other thing, wants sensation, constant airtime and very long in all the hills... And this is the reason because are the 8° best steel roller coaster of the world.

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Having only been on shambhala and nitro I prefer nitro by a small margin. I think the airtime might not last exactly as long as shambhala's but I find it a little stronger plus it has a forceful helix and the ending is much much better. It's close because shambhala's drop is awesome: one of the best I've been on (feels like it never ends).


As to DK, well I'm a bit partial as it's my favorite coaster. You might not feel the Gs as much as, lets say, BTR clones but it's very consistent through the layout with a great pacing and the best zero G I've ridden. The extra loop is a nice bonus and it overall feels like a very complete ride (especially for those who like inversions)

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^ Oh, yes, that zero-g-roll. Best one I've experienced! I went to the park years back (before Shambhala) and due to the parks terrible operations I only got to ride Dragon Khan once after waiting 2 hours. But it was worth it. For me, it's a tie between this and Tatsu for the most intense B&M, even though they are so different (and I have yet to go on a lot of coasters!)

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^I went the year shambhala opened and got to ride both 8 times (and FB 5) due to low crowds and I couldn't get enough of it.

It's a shame that now (since 2014) the MCBR brakes a lot harder than before (which was practically nothing). It was still fun after that but not as insane as those two corkscrews were before.

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