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PortAventura Discussion Thread

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Check page 211. The very first date was 2016. I believe it was only more recently they said late 2016/17 and only now (or a few months ago) spring 2017.


Yeah, initially the project was meant to be finished by late 2016, but I guess they decided to play it safe and pushed back the opening date to 2017.


In other news, the park has closed for the season until March and around Stampida some tress have been taken down and some new footers have been poured, which means that Stampida is going to receive another retrack. I don't know if they are going to finish the entire track in just 2 months or they are just going to retrack another portion. There were also some rumours of PA getting rid of the awful Kumbak trains and replacing them with GCI Millennium Flyers. After all, this season Tomahawk (the junior CCI) has recevied Minillennium Flyers and the feedback has been really positive...

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Sad to hear that FL postponed to 2017, but it was quite obvious after seeing the process of spain construction style. Have to move planned trip to PA 2016 to 2017 then.. Hope that Stampida gets bigger train other than the Mini-Flyers.. This really shows that PA loves their Bulls

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^I hope these retracks don't change the ride experience as I remember someone pointing out last year that the first retracked section had lost some of its laterals due to more banked turns which I find a shame as it was one of the things I liked most about the ride.

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They seem to be really cracking at this now. Good to finally see the tower going up, wonder how different its going to look in comparison to TTD and KK.



113m tall and 180km/h in 5 seconda, doesn't impress me much, but i will Take a trip in 2017. Also, towers will be smaller than hurakan condor. Full details find on facebook or Youtube

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I like the mix of traditional Italian architecture and the ultra modern F1 style buildings. I'm fascinated to know what the price is and whether it is included with the hotels and you can park hop between the two like you'd do at Disneyland Paris. I guess this is my polite way of saying it looks pretty small (even in the concept art, which should surely flatter the size) and that I don't think I'd pay more than €15-20 for it.

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Seems you are basically going to be paying for the launched coaster, a couple of S&S towers, some sort of go-kart track and I would imagine a dark ride (probably something like Soarin as they have that in Abu Dhabi).


In the long term unless they have serious expansion plans I just can't see this working as a stand alone park, I expect it will be 9.99 Euros in a couple of years or included in some special deal with the main park.

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