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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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So still only 5 haunts for use with the wristband instead of 6. Looks like one more scare zone than last year though. Pretty meh for an anniversary.


Sideshow guy not coming this season? And no Empire show?


Information is kind of hard to come by (which is an issue), so honestly I forgot about both of those shows but yes, Will Rotten is back and so is Reality? in the Empire Theater.

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Random park updates:


Highland Fling's queue lines have been removed, with some patio tables moved under the structure in their place. Should be a nice place to relax for Fright Fest and HITP before the structure is torn down for Supergirl.


Colossus is testing.


The scare zone in DC Plaza looks really cool this year. Most scare zones seem to be almost fully set up, except for the new one near the Boss. I love seeing the park drag out all the old Scooby-Doo props

Edited by Woodie Warrior
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Highland Fling's queue lines have been removed, with some patio tables moved under the structure in their place. Should be a nice place to relax for Fright Fest and HITP before the structure is torn down for Supergirl.


Colossus is testing.

To be frank I'd rather it be torn down now so the area can be prepped early. Cedar Fair seems to try to hit opening day launches.

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Highland Fling's queue lines have been removed, with some patio tables moved under the structure in their place. Should be a nice place to relax for Fright Fest and HITP before the structure is torn down for Supergirl.


Colossus is testing.

It'll be fun to sit and watch from there while people get scared in the new Blood Bank Lounge scare zone that'll be in that area. Is Colossus expected to re-open before the end of the season?

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To be frank I'd rather it be torn down now so the area can be prepped early. Cedar Fair seems to try to hit opening day launches.

Even if they tore it down now, we all know they won't start installing Supergirl until May.


Is Colossus expected to re-open before the end of the season?

Park is trying to get it open as soon as possible- but that could be next weekend, or it could be next season. Since it's one of the few rides open for HITP, it'd be nice to have it open by then.

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Park is trying to get it open as soon as possible- but that could be next weekend, or it could be next season. Since it's one of the few rides open for HITP, it'd be nice to have it open by then.

Yeah for sure, if you've ever been on Colossus during Fright Fest it's pretty stunning from up high, same with HITP

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^Colossus was 'cool' at HITP for about two minutes. After that, I couldn't feel my face.



Can someone explain why in the Hell the park has a giant spraying hose at the entrance? Is this really the best solution to cool off visitors? It creates about a 100 feet of no-man's land where you have to walk slow and be careful not to water log your shoes as you make your way to the make shift 'temporary' security checkpoint.




We went to the park yesterday from 2-5. Leading up to the visit, it was my Saturday night to work this month. I didn't get home until 4am on Sunday, sticking around a little too late at work for no particular reason other than to enjoy some time with friends. Once I got home, I couldn't fall asleep. The combination of taking a sleeping pill and getting a few hours of tossing and turning "rest" was a bad precursor for the day. Even a pumpkin spice latte with and extra shot of espresso didn't prevent me from stumbling to the entrance. I think I was the first present zombie of Fright Fest. I got my 2019 Season Pass processed at the gate and I'm almost certain that I immediately threw it away by accident along with the printed proof of purchase... ffck. I later explained my moment of stupidity to guest services on our way out and a friendly employee replaced my pass without question when I showed her my emailed receipt. Sucks being human, sometimes.


I primed myself for the Boss with a couple beers at JB's. We spent over an hour there just catching up from the week and relaxing. After a little liquid courage we made out way to the wooden giant. We took the seat we enjoyed last time. Front seat, 2nd to last car. Hold the piss this time. The Boss... this damned thing is incredible this season. It's truly the first time I've ever enjoyed this coaster and I'm enjoying the heck out of it. What works for me is putting my butt back and leaning far forward while grabbing the bar in the front. Uh.. Words... We rode twice. The only couple seconds of pain I had was on our 2nd ride in the valley before the climb to the MCBR. There was a bit of shuffling and restraint threw a few jabs at my outer thighs. No big deal.


We slowly drank our last beer at the chicken shack before we took a front row seat on our favorite ride in the park. The Patriotic Bird with the worst queue and entrance ever. We seated ourselves in the front row, which had no wait. Pure fun. I have no idea where this new found wooden coaster appreciation came from within the past year, but it started on that red white and blue classic. Never tear it down, please. I'll hate SF if they ever bolt some uncomfortable bucking bronco, random transition, thigh squeezing hybrid track on it. I'm still waiting to enjoy my first RMC conversion, because Storm Chaser and Steel Vengeance need to calm the ffck down for me to enjoy more than one ride.


We capped off our rides with a walk-on front row seat on Batman. The last couple of corkscrews gave me a few well deserved firm slaps in the face. It was reverse divine intervention that I had coming to me. It was difficult for me to really enjoy the ride, but I would say I had a mostly good time on it. Emily didn't enjoy it all and I think she now hates Batman as much as Mr. Freeze. Great. Check another one off of the list where my desire to ride either one isn't very strong. If I know she's riding something only because I want to it's not enjoyable for me.


Emily's back has been bothering her lately for some unknown reason. Today was a pain free day for her and she's finally getting over it. Because of that, we didn't push it. Throughout our short visit I noticed the midways were buzzing with mostly families. The lines were all short. The park looked mostly good. We slopped our way through the wet parking lot back to our car and went home. It was pleasant. The bad comes with the good. Beer, funnel cake, and Imos pizza at home... I feel like a pile of garbage today. My gear will fit uncomfortably tight tomorrow. Boots, heavy belts, and turtle shell vests all wrapped up neatly (for some) in black polyester on a hot day goes really well with leftover cheat day inflammation.


But for now, and then, I always seem to be wearing this shirt:




Highland Fling's queue lines have been removed, with some patio tables moved under the structure in their place. Should be a nice place to relax for Fright Fest and HITP before the structure is torn down for Supergirl.

We saw that yesterday. There were no staff members there, but we saw empty tappers set up. It looked a little drab. It would be nice if they had something similar and updated nearby, next season. I'm not betting on it.

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^Can someone explain why in the Hell the park has a giant spraying hose at the entrance? Is this really the best solution to cool off visitors? It creates about a 100 feet of no-man's land where you have to walk slow and be careful not to water log your shoes as you make your way to the make shift 'temporary' security checkpoint..


I agree with this statement - I guess if I was on fire or something a spray would be helpful and I realize the thought is the mist cools the air - but wouldn't a few large industrial fans do as good a job without making you uncomfortably wet - or here's an Idea. Redesign the "temporary" security area to make it faster and more efficient then you won't have 100's of people standing in the sun for a long time - same with the toll plaza - I could not believe how long it takes just to get into the park.



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I've honestly never questioned the garden hose. It's so Six Flags it seems like the only appropriate way to approach the situation.


Glad Emily's feeling a little better. I get it; Julie won't do Batman or Mr. Freeze either.


I also have noticed more families among the roving hordes of teenagers. Six Flags is creeping back up into the "Well, I Didn't Hate It" category. If they keep adding more things like Mardi Gras, they may just reach the lofty heights of "Acceptable."

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Nice TR. Hosing guests down is definitely a very Six Flags thing.


I hope to take my first ride on the new Boss on Saturday as my wife's company has the park booked for Employee Day. Been a blast the last two years that they've done it. Because most of the employees bring their families, many younger, the family rides are what's busy. Most of the thrill rides and coasters are walk on. I'd imagine Colossus being down won't be the most well received given that the past couple years its always the busiest attraction for this thing, but hopefully they get it online.


Regardless it should be fun.

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I have never understood the horrible waste of water that is the giant hose.


Still don't like the castrated Boss, but then I've never had an issue with roughness or pain; just have to battle some motion sickness. Batman is one of the worst rides in the park for me on that issue. (Other than spinny things like Fling or Excalibur, don't even try those anymore) Usually have to wear a patch to ride that one!


Based on my observations of entrance procedures at many other parks; I think it would be much more efficient if they had a bag checker assigned to each metal detector instead of the separate table and/or they just need more people at rush times.

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I have never understood the horrible waste of water that is the giant hose.


Still don't like the castrated Boss, but then I've never had an issue with roughness or pain; just have to battle some motion sickness. Batman is one of the worst rides in the park for me on that issue. (Other than spinny things like Fling or Excalibur, don't even try those anymore) Usually have to wear a patch to ride that one!


Based on my observations of entrance procedures at many other parks; I think it would be much more efficient if they had a bag checker assigned to each metal detector instead of the separate table and/or they just need more people at rush times.


or eliminate the ability to bring the literal dozens of pounds of crap I see people bringing into the park - backpacks full of stuff (wtf) if it doesn't fit in my pockets I don't need it. never understood that. I have seen strollers so jammed with junk, its like people are camping out.



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or eliminate the ability to bring the literal dozens of pounds of crap I see people bringing into the park - backpacks full of stuff (wtf) if it doesn't fit in my pockets I don't need it. never understood that. I have seen strollers so jammed with junk, its like people are camping out.



I'm going to guess you've never had kids.

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or eliminate the ability to bring the literal dozens of pounds of crap I see people bringing into the park - backpacks full of stuff (wtf) if it doesn't fit in my pockets I don't need it. never understood that. I have seen strollers so jammed with junk, its like people are camping out.



I'm going to guess you've never had kids.


good guess but I can also tell there is a LOT of stuff that you 'MIght" need in a stroller. To me, they are just used as a wheeled vehicle to carry all your crap around.

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Kev, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but every park I've been to has people carrying the same loads with no issues.


Are the entrance lines really that bad? I think people should maybe just try to get to SFSTL earlier. We waited about five minutes for a line that was about fifty people deep. There are also a lot more people quickly getting their passes processed this time of year.

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Kev, I'm not trying to be argumentative, but every park I've been to has people carrying the same loads with no issues.


Are the entrance lines really that bad? I think people should maybe just try to get to SFSTL earlier. We waited about five minutes for a line that was about fifty people deep. There are also a lot more people quickly getting their passes processed this time of year.


oh, I am not either - its just a pet peeve of mine - if you want to throw your back out with a giant pack full of stuff be my guest. if you need to bring kids stuff to the park do so. I was just responding to a comment about security and standing in the heat and my suggestion for reducing those security-based wait times.


I breeze through security because I am unencumbered by a lot of things that need to be inspected. I put all my belongings( keys phone camera wallet) in a clear ziplock bag place it on the little plastic bin and glide right through: after the family of four with 2 strollers, a cooler, 2 backpacks and 2 fanny packs.



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While I personally prefer to travel as light as possible and also sometimes wonder why people need the enormous backpacks:


A) You just cannot always do that if you have young kids




B) No park is going to restrict people on the amount of stuff they bring in, they just aren't




C) If you are doing the waterpark there just usually isn't a way to avoid towels and sunscreen and such; although I suppose they could do separate bag check security for the water park. They do have an entrance outside the main gate that could be utilized.

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^ There's the voice of experience. Yeah, the crap I've had to bring to parks over the years. You don't want to run out of important stuff like diapers at a theme park. When the kids were really little we'd bring two umbrella strollers, a diaper bag with 1 diaper per hour the park is open, wipes, changes of clothes, bottles, formula, towels, sunscreen, swimsuits, sippy cups, crackers or other small snacks, etc. I'm sure I'm forgetting some because it's been a little bit (my youngest is 6 now and I'm so glad we don't have to bring most of that stuff anymore). You really do have to plan for every contingency whne you have kids, and that means lugging around a ton of sh*t.

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I have had to bring a lot of stuff in backpacks before. I have a small child and a teenager with type 1 diabetes. Needless to say that we can almost never go without taking a backpack with supplies for either kid. As the little one gets older, we are starting to take less and less for him but we will always have to take a bag for the diabetic supplies.

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