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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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I wonder if they will go with the old train, or if they will upgrade to the new one. I haven't been on Carolina Cobra but I've heard it makes the experience much more enjoyable.


As texcaoster mentioned, the lap bar only trains that run at Wiener Prater are even better than the ones on Carolina Cobra. You put those on and complaints will diminish by 94.7%


The way I see it they would be like "I'm not riding Boomerang, it isn't safe" as it doesn't have over the shoulder restraints to keep you from falling out of the train during the loops.

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The rules of Boss Bash:

1. Invite your boss to SFStL

2. Coax him into riding Boomerang and Ninja with you

3. Your boss has pulled down his OTSR. Now's your chance!

4. Make a quick getaway.

5. Repeat

6. The goal of the game is to see how many times you can trick your boss into riding these coasters. You may have to get creative

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The rules of Boss Bash:

1. Invite your boss to SFStL

2. Coax him into riding Boomerang and Ninja with you

3. Your boss has pulled down his OTSR. Now's your chance!

4. Make a quick getaway.

5. Repeat

6. The goal of the game is to see how many times you can trick your boss into riding these coasters. You may have to get creative


I like that, that would be an amazing bash

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I only get to SFSTL maybe once every five years, but it holds a special place for me nostalgia-wise because it was one of the few 'family trips' where my parents would drive us a few hours from home specifically to go to an amusement park on a non-vacation mini-trip. And I am feeling a little underwhelmed.


Six Flags Mentions:


Have you ever driven a used car?

Have you ever skipped rocks on the surface of a calm pond?

Have you ever made the "perfect" piece of toast completely by accident?


Now you can experience those same emotions all over again for the UMPTEENTH time on Boomerang. Twice. Forwards AND Backwards. On The Same Ride. Without waiting in line twice. It's like two rides for the price of one. Really.


Finally, The "Low Capacity Monster" St. Louis and surrounding communites have dreaded will be landing at the park just in time for the 2013 season.


"The ride is only about one third the fun if that," says Six Flags executives. There will be plenty of time in line to mingle with complete strangers and or strange people, in the tight and seemingly endless swithchback queues before you even board the ride. "Can you imagine every couple of minutes standing in the sweltering Missouri Sun, when the ride dispatches and a faint cool breeze blows over you? We can, and we did and now you will too.


As a bonus, Six Flags will be offering an upcharge attraction (5 Star Sudoku Puzzles) to complete whilst in line, so bring your No. 2 pencil (and an extra dollar to store it in a pre-ride locker).


"This ride is a throwback to simpler times when everything moved slower. Not every ride needs to be 'Microwave Popcorn Fast' or as dangerous as Evel Knieval!"


Six Flags 2013---We Put The "Booooooo!" in "Boomerang"

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New trains without OTSRs. That's all they need to make this a legit "wow, look what we're getting next year" announcement.


If the Vienna one hadn't been a pay-each-ride affair, I'd have ridden it a bunch of times. As it was, I paid to ride it twice.


Yes, I said it. I PAID to ride and then RE-RIDE a Vekoma boomerang.


...as opposed to most of them in the US, that I'd pay to keep from re-riding.

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