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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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This thread is simple! Rather than having a million little threads about everything that goes on at Six Flags St. Louis, this thread is designed to consolidate it all into one user-friendly thread. Feel free to use it to post updates, trip reports, questions, comments, and of course, general discussion. For pictures and videos of the park as well as past updates, see TPR's Park Index Page.


Official Park Website



Below are some links to past updates from the park, you may be interested in. Enjoy!






December 11th, 2005 - Six Flags Astroworld's Dungeon Drop parts have arrived at Six Flags St. Louis



January 25th, 2006 - Acrophobia (former Dungeon Drop) rising at SFStL

January 27th, 2006 - Screamin Eagle to getting some fresh paint

February 15th, 2006 - Park to get Superman: Power of Tower (from SFKK) and Bugs Bunny National Park

May 19th, 2006 - Superman: Power of Tower Opening Day



February 12th, 2007 - Tony Hawk Big Spin announced

April 22nd, 2007 - Tony Hawk Big Spin Opening Day

September 27th, 2007 - Evel Kneivel (GCI woodie) announces



September 15th, 2008 - Water Racer for Hurricane Harbor, also Nighttime Parade



September 16th, 2010 - Skyscreamer announced for 2011



September 1st, 2011 - Waterpark improvements for 2012



March 21st, 2012 - Mr. Freeze to be transformed into Mr. Freeze Reverse Blast

August 24th, 2012 - Six Flags leaks Boomerang coaster announcement

August 30th, 2012 - Boomerang Officially Announced!



January 21st, 2013 - All year dining pass details announced!

August 28th, 2013 - Tsunami Soaker announced

October 3rd, 2013 - SkyScreamer to run backwards during 2013 Fright Fest



August 28th, 2014 - Justice League: Battle for Metropolis announced



May 28th, 2015 - Justice League: Battle for Metropolis Media Day

September 3rd, 2015 - Fireball announced for 2016



March 3rd, 2016 - Virtual reality roller coaster announced

May 24th, 2016 - Media Day for New Revolution

September 1st, 2016 - Spinsanity (Disk-o) announced for 2017



August 31st, 2018 - Typhoon Twister (4 person raft with whirpool bowl) announced for Hurricane Harbor in 2018



August 30th, 2018 - Supergirl (Zamperla Endeavor) announced for 2019




Original Post




Ever since SFAW closed, it was rumored SFStL would get the park's Intamin Drop Tower, Dungeon Drop. Well, the rumors are now confirmed and the first pieces have arrived.

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I know for me personally I haven't been back to SFSL because there is nothing there that I really like, except for Freeze....


Batman - Great ride yes, but I don't need to go to SFSL to ride this.

Ninja - Terrible

Mine Train - Terrible

Boss - Terrible

Screamin Eagle - Mediocre at best

Mr. Freeze - GREAT!!! Love this. But I'd rather go to SFOT or SFGadv to ride something similar.


So IMO, probably one of the worst coaster collections at a Six Flags park with the only decent rides being clones.


I actually think SFSL is a really nice LOOKING park, but I've gotten the credits and really there is no need for me to go back until they get something major.



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Well, this is great news for this park. SFStL has been long overdue for a drop tower of some sort. Well, it's been long overdue for a lot of things. As Robb said, it's a nice looking park, but it really doesn't offer much. I love Freeze, but not enough to travel that far to ride it when it takes me a shorter time to get to PKI and just a little bit longer to get to SFGAm. Both of those two parks have a far better ride collection. If Boss was in the state it was opening year, then maybe, but it's not.


St. Louis is a pretty good sized market. I've never really understood why more hasn't been done with this park.

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  OzCatter said:
The trick for Boss, is ride early in the year. The new wood is always still good and the roughness is at a lesser version.


SFSL is very underrated IMO. They only just need to rid of the Ninja.


I guess i'm just not very opinionated and a lot of the time I just rather list the positive points and leave out most of the negative, but even I have my breaking point.


Even with said I rode The Boss in August of 2003 and I thought it was an awesome ride and really wasn't all that rough. I will say the Gerstlauer train do suck and while the ride was still awesome that if it ride PTCs it would have easily ran the course a few seconds faster, not to mentin a more comfortable ride from the start.



Either way an Intamin Drop Tower will be a great addition even if it was at the expense of the entire BS of AstroWorld being closed

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  Alexander Nagel said:
Why wouldn't you what to go back to SFSt.L


I just had a really, really bad expereince there.


I found the park atmosphere to be terrible, rude/incompetent employees, rude park guests, the rain storm didn't help,etc.


Other then Freeze(which I liked) it was a waste of a day.

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  Alexander Nagel said:
Even with said I rode The Boss in August of 2003 and I thought it was an awesome ride and really wasn't all that rough. I will say the Gerstlauer train do suck and while the ride was still awesome that if it ride PTCs it would have easily ran the course a few seconds faster, not to mentin a more comfortable ride from the start.


I guess I'm just spoiled. I rode the Boss about a week after it opened and it was mindblowing. Fairly smooth, and extremely fast. When I went back in '02, it just didn't pack the same punch. Rougher, and seemed to lose a bit of it's edge. Maybe it was just me.

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  Alexander Nagel said:
I will say the Gerstlauer train do suck and while the ride was still awesome that if it ride PTCs it would have easily ran the course a few seconds faster, not to mentin a more comfortable ride from the start.

Agreed! I actually think the ride (as well as all the other Six Flags CCI's that got Gerstlauers that year) really suffer from those trains. Not to say that I think Boss would have held up too much better given the state of many other CCI's lately, but I think the ride, at least in my mind, would have been "good" rather than "terrible"


--Robb "Everything else Gerstlauer makes seems to be decent EXCEPT for those trains!" Alvey

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  • 1 month later...

I'm not too sure if alot of people knew this but SFSTL has been having alot of construction going on in the back of the park in the Old Chicago section. "Dungeon Drop" from Astroworld has been colored up with Blue, Green, and Orange and has been transformed into Acrophobia in the past month. It is half built already and is already towering at the largest spot of the park on the hill right in front of the exit to Screamin' Eagle.


The park is also adding a new kids section called "Looney Tunes National Park" right by the Old Chicago train station, Tom's Twister was demolished for the reason of the section. Screamin' Eagle is also being repainted this season with a fresh new white coat. This is going to be a great 2006 season for SFSTL....this park is going in the right way. Tune in to sfstl.net for details and pictures of the official announcement taking place 1/25/06. Thanks for your time!

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Yeah, I know I just realized that I spelt Looney Toons wrong. Haha, thanks for the correction! I also forgot to say that the Moon Antique Cars may possibly get an extended track layout that goes through the old Looney Toons Town over by the Log Flume. AS I said, more detail will be released Wed.

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Actually it IS Looney Tunes.


Check any of the SF web pages:




A whole world of fun for all the little ones! Exciting rides plus a new maze adventure for the tots. (must be under 54" tall to ride)


From Great Escape's:

Looney Tunes National Park


LOONEY TUNES National Park , our fantastic new children's area, featuring 10 new rides and attractions. Meeting Bugs Bunny, Tweety, and their Looney Tunes friends, plus enjoying all the new rides, will add up to a day of fabulous fun for our young thrill seekers.

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It really wasn't our choice, but I lthink the best drop tower name would be Acrophobia anyways. Haha, we got one other thing original too, the colors are way different. It goes Blue-Green-Orange-Blue-Orange-Green-Blue(top) It will look great once the whole tower is up.


1 more section + top to go

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  St.LouisBOI said:
It really wasn't our choice, but I lthink the best drop tower name would be Acrophobia anyways. Haha, we got one other thing original too, the colors are way different. It goes Blue-Green-Orange-Blue-Orange-Green-Blue(top) It will look great once the whole tower is up.


I seen that i thought of the Dropzones at the paramount parks instead of SFOG's Acro.


So is the Stl acro just a standard second gen Intamin drop.

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