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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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With iRat going in at SFFT, I just don't see anything huge like a gigacoaster going in another park in the same state in the same year.


It will most likely be a StarFlyer and DC theming. Since SFFT and GIHPP both have StarFlyers already, that would be craptastic.


Oh, well. We'll find out Thursday.


In the meantime, you can read my review (finally!) of TG/NTG on my blog

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Unfortunately, I'm thinking Starflyer.


Fun fact, Bumper Cars were closed because each year the haunted house would literally unintentially destroy the flooring, and they would have to replace it every year. Apparently Studio 13 was more important then the ride itself.



Everyone probably knew that by now though.

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A Starflyer would not be an appropriate choice because of its capacity and more than likely its inability to attract guests to come out to sixflags. Sfot allready has superman, which is very similar to starflyer ride. Also, its been 12 years since a major rollercoaster was added to the park and its about time for a new one. A starflyer would not coincide with their teaser announcement "go bigger 2013" as well as mentioning that it seemed fitting to announce the hint on rollercoaster day. Texas chute out got extremely low ridership and a starflyer woukdnt be much different! Sfot will announce their new coaster in two days!

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In what way are a StarFlyer and an S&S drop tower very similar? They cater in general to different audiences. StarFlyers are very visually appealing rides and generally have high ridership, which makes a StarFlyer an awesome choice for the park. Also, didn't we just get NTAG two years ago? I don't think that we will be getting a new roller coaster. It just wouldn't make sense with NRAT at SFFT.

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^^It might be "time," but NTAG has served the park tremendously and to the GP it is a new ride. Hell, to the GP, Mr. Freeze backwards is a new ride and that is what matters. The park doesn't operate for us enthusiasts, they are a business and they have to turn a profit. They can't go building 15 million dollar rides every two years without going broke. Remember the last time SF tried that strategy? It failed miserably. Besides, I do not think there is really enough room for a ride of the magnitude we would all like in that area of the park, unless they want to destroy the beautiful setting of Judge Roy Scream. Based on all the rumblings that I have heard and other things from friends in the industry, I would say a star flyer and possibly a small flat ride or two. No new coaster for 2013

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There is ZERO evidence SFOT is geting a starflyer. Its nothing against a starflyer for one would go great there however, its time for a serious rollercoaster. NEW texas giant is not a new rollercoaster.


NTAG is SO a new coaster!!!

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There is ZERO evidence SFOT is geting a starflyer. Its nothing against a starflyer for one would go great there however, its time for a serious rollercoaster. NEW texas giant is not a new rollercoaster.



It even called NEW Texas Giant. Of course its a new coaster.



I would love to see a new coaster but I just don't see it being this year. Unless its a relocated coaster. It's probably just going to be some flat rides and a skyscreamer. Maybe the DC area expansion. A cool wingrider themed to a DC comic would be awesome for 2014

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NEW texas giant is not a new rollercoaster.

Compare the layouts of the Summers/Dinn ride with the RMC layout. They are totally different. I would definitely count it as "new".


Old Texas Giant: wood coaster, no airtime, rough (even when new), out-of-control feeling, flying carpet finale

New Texas Giant: STEEL COASTER, batsh!t crazy airtime, smooth as glass, graceful in-control feeling, disco tunnel finale


Also, new serial number.


Just because RCDB has it listed as the same ride (in spite of my objections), it's a NEW COASTER that uses parts of the old one.


Crystal Beach Cyclone recycled parts to make the Comet. Does anyone count those two as the "same coaster"?


Edited to add: If you told someone how much you loved the Giant and they said, "Oh, I rode that several years ago and hated it" would you not tell them to try it again, since it's a steel coaster now?

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Really guys. When someone's first two posts on this forum make a ridiculous claim that NTAG is not a new coaster, in addition to numerous grammatical errors, we really don't need to defend the obvious facts to them. Please don't feed the trolls.

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Also, new serial number.

Now that's interesting! I had no idea it got a new serial number. I will totally side with the sensible people now and say that it's a new coaster and not just an extensive re-profiling.

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Really guys. When someone's first two posts on this forum make a ridiculous claim that NTAG is not a new coaster, in addition to numerous grammatical errors, we really don't need to defend the obvious facts to them. Please don't feed the trolls.



not only that, but he joined one day after "caruss866" -- the poster who started the "SFOT YOUR FIRED!" thread.


with the posts as same giant block of text, typos, and misspellings (it's spelled "profane" dude).

and no age/location listed -- something most people do tend to fill in.


not sure how TPR feels about multiple accounts, but this is very clearly the same poster stirring up things under two different names.

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Given SF's reputation for underwhelming announcements I wouldn't be surprised if they announced that a new parking lot will be built in that area. However, given the fact that the announcement coincides with National Roller Coaster Day, my guess would be a custom built coaster profiled to fit in that space.


Some type of Intamin coaster would my greatest wish. I would love to have a coaster similar to Maverick at CP. I wouldn't mind a Starflyer if it were accompanied by a new intamin coaster of some sort. A Starflyer as the park's main new attraction would be a horrible dissapointment.

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but that doesn't make sense, since why would they need to pull out Flashback? (and what does that have to do w/ Natl. Roller-coaster day?)


thought they weren't announcing until tomorrow anyways?


could that image not be a custom flying coaster?

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I'm sure Flashback's removal serves two purposes: Giving SFStL a low-budget 2013 addition, and clearing the way for whatever the park has planned post-2013. Anyway, what does it have to do with National Roller Coaster Day? Not much to us, but for the GP, it won't really seem like some kind of horrible false advertisement to allude to National Roller Coaster Day in a teaser for a big giant thrill ride. A lot of them don't even know the difference between the two.

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