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Six Flags Over Texas (SFOT) Discussion Thread

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The last seven seconds of Giant in the Front Seat were really good (the 'Flying Carpet' finale). Anywhere other than the front seat and the ride beat the hell out of you. The rest of the ride in the front seat was like Mean Streak; big and pointless.


Can't wait to see what they turn it into!

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Wow, this sounds a lot more impressive than I thought. I thought it would be just a big re-tracking, but it sounds like it will be a completely new coaster. Now for the important part, who is doing this project? The price seems a little low for GCI, so that means Gravity Group unless it is being done in house with some local company. Now, that wouldn't necessarily be bad as that is what happened with Viper, but I'd rather see this be built by an established company.

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The Gravity Group is more or less the company that some of CCI's engineers created, isn't it? I wonder if they've improved on CCI's engineering in such a way that their coasters will hold up over the long haul? I haven't had the opportunity to ride one of the Gravity Group's rides yet, so I'm curious...



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I took this picture of the cake they had at the Texas Giant farewell ceremony today. My dad was joking around and said that the cake was what the renovated Giant would look like. It got me thinking what the Texas Giant would be like with the six airtime hills that were on the cake. I know my dad was just kidding, but why not dream.


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I'm hoping that there are some good pictures of this as it is done. I'm very curious to see which parts of the ride are removed and what survives. I did enjoy the finale of the coaster and I do hope that survives. Also I did find the ride to be better than Psyclone, however it was not really anything that took my breath away.


I'm hoping it is good, Ghostrider (circa 2000) remains my favorite wooden coaster. It's time for that to change!

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  Airtime&Gravity said:
Now for the important part, who is doing this project? The price seems a little low for GCI, so that means Gravity Group unless it is being done in house with some local company. Now, that wouldn't necessarily be bad as that is what happened with Viper, but I'd rather see this be built by an established company.


I believe they have already announced the company that is in charge of the renovation...and it isn't necessarily a company that is only involved with "wooden" projects...

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I don't claim to be any expert in broadcast media. Unfortunately last nights event didn't go as smoothly as I thought it would. PR People gave the media the wrong information about the Golden Ticket Award and the rides stats. They decided to shoot some video of the ride during the last two hours of public operation, so the ride suffered a considerable amount of downtime.


A lot of people got mad and left because they decided to remove red train before finishing public operation. I am not sure if anyone else has any video of last nights events, I know Xander Lee was present on the third to last train. So until any other video surfaces, I think this is it.


On a side note: Just before the last public train was dispatched, the ride through an error. Perhaps its last act of defiance.

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  CHILLERLC1 said:
After SFMM's Terminator, maybe after the Texas Giant refurbishment/renovation the coaster will be rethemed to Walker Texas Ranger.


That would be awesome!




  Bolliger&Mabillard said:
^If my opinion means anything you...you didn't miss anything. It was basically Psyclone but longer. Imagine riding Psyclone with 30 more seconds of cycle time...


Perhaps I just lucked out when I rode it in '04. I found the ride to be VERY enjoyable. In fact, I marahtoned it for the rest of the night. Lost track of how many times I rode it. It was a lot of fun, and nothing like Psyclone was in its rough years.


It will be interesting to see what happens with the Texas Giant. Hopefully it is more of a re-profiling and re-tracking like they did to Colossus back in the day (with the exception of making the ride worse). But by the sounds of it, most of the ride we know today will be removed.

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Interesting: a news report I pulled up online had the SF PR person saying it was a "partial demolation, not a full demolition, because this is a ride refurbishment"


Um... The structure wood was really, really old and beaten. If you take it all the way down, but use the original footers, can that still be called "partial demolition"? Surely they aren't going to pile a larger coaster on top of that 20-yr-old existing structure???

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