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POV of Timber Falls' Avalanche!

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Hey everyone!


I have finally gotten around to capturing our Avalanche footage from our summer trip to Wisconsin Dells. All I can say is that you have to download this video to believe how CRAZY this ride is!


It was really a toss up as to which we liked better, this or Hades. The shortness of the ride was it's only weakness, but OMFG the speed this thing maintains through the ENTIRE ride is just CRAZY!


I have posted the POV in the Members Only Forum:






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Well, I haven't had a chance to download the POV, but I felt the exact same way. Avalanche is absolutely incredible. If I didn't know any better, I would swear those little trains never lose momentum. Freakin' insane. I still have a hard time determining which one is better between it and Hades. I can't wait to watch the vid.

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I think it looks kinds pointless.


Its a square, with only 12 people per train.


This coaster would make a good NL recreation.


It's a triangle! Seriously though, you just have to ride it. Those 12 passenger trains don't let up. Twelve is about all they need too. All this talk really makes me miss it.

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Dear God,


This ride is the opposite of pointless. Both myself and Scaparri were laughing after our first ride. I can't remember the last time I had so much fun on a ride during my first time. I agree that it's tough to choose between Hades and Avalanche.


-Bryan "Would like to sit next to a woman with a low cut shirt on Avalanche" Wood

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i loved this ride, too. after looking at pictures of it, i though "how lame. it only has left turns.", but OMG, it is so insane and SO MUCH FUN! i rode it with my little sister about 10 times in the course of an hour and we just laughed and laughed and laughed. she's not an enthusiast, but she was amazed by the air time and said that for most of the ride her butt is not touching the seat. on about the 3rd ride, she starting yelling "not touching" on the top of every hill. it was hilarious. i have some onride footage and some altogether fun footage of our little trip there which will definitely make it into my video for the next TPR video contest.

oh, and about it being too short. with the crazy way that ride is paced, do you think you could take much more of it? it has so many laterals and we laughed so much, it was like doing 100 sit ups every ride.

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Its is a awesome ride and great POV!!!

The ride has great speed and airtime no matter where you sit on the ride. And with that park/mini golf center not being busy you can get numerous rides and they dont make you get off, so numerous re-rides.

I found the ride to be more enjoyable than Hades which is also a excellant ride, but maybe the fact i rode it so often compared to Hades affected my viewpoint.

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Hi everyone this my very first post ever on tpr!!

Boy!!! Im happy to start out posting about this coaster Avalanche!!! My dear God this looks like the most intense wooden coaster since Harry Travers Crystal Beach Cyclone!! When I first saw the off ride shots of Avalanche, Cyclone was the very first thing that came to mind. Watching Avalanche fly around those turns and hoping over those bunnyhills at that speed and never letting up reminded me of the old footage that I saw on Cyclone! If there is ever a coaster wooden or steal this is the one on this entire planet I want to ride before I die!!


Btw..... I like rough coasters!! Lets put it this way... I very much like Flashback at Magic Mountain!!!

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Wow. Amazing. A real jaw dropper. But the capacity MUST suck- a long day if you're one of the few who get to take a ride...


I don't think it gets that bad actually. I went during a beautiful day in July (granted it was a weekday) and they just let us stay in the coaster until somebody waited for our seat. We (TheGreatOne and I) ended up getting I think at least five rides in a row in the back seat, plus at least four other rides on it earlier as well as a couple rounds of mini golf all within a few hours.

Edited by Scaparri
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I got about 15 rides in a little over an hour on Sunday night of Memorial Day weekend. There was sometimes a one train wait if you wanted the front or back row. Otherwise walk-on city. I rode a lot in the first row of the last car.

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^I think that's the point.



I rode it twice in about 5 minutes. I would have ridden it more, but I went to eat pizza at a near by restruant. You could sometimes hear the screams from the coaster. This coaster was a lot of fun, and the ops were letting some little kids ride it over and over again without having to pay. I did not take advantage of this since my dad and sister were waiting. (they just dont understand people like us. lol)

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