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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Yes the books are good, yes you should read them. If they are fresh in your mind going into the park, you will be amazed at how you have been transported into the world you just read about. You will be amazed anyways, of course.

I would say the early books were very good because there is a sense of wonder at this new world, and Rowling has written them so you are also discovering the secrets and magic along with Harry. Engaging read as long as you remember it's fun fiction, not real life!


I think it's funny how they blocked off the picture spot by the gate. They really didn't seem to have any problems with people going back there except our kind. No more 3D screen pictures then?


Anyhoo, there is a new update at Orlando Rocks. I'll post some of their pics here.


The scaffolding from HatetoFly's picture is quite high now, impressive.




Is this another new wall going up on my favorite box in the world?


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I was there this past weekend and got my first close-up look at it. I have some important things to report:


1. It's very red.

2. It's also very beige.....or "yellowy."

3. It's not openy.....yet.

4. Because of this, the line was very short.

5. I know a certain ride op there. I waved to him.

6. It was hot outside.

7. It was quiet. The coaster, not the people ooohing and ahhing over it.

8. Universal Orlando does not have a very good selection of souvenir coffee mugs.

9. Michael Jackson died.

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This just arrived in my email inbox from Universal this morning:


Good afternoon.


We want to introduce you to Syd Vinyl, “rock legend” and “consultant” for Universal Orlando Resort’s brand-new Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster. For a special message from Syd and for more information about him, check out his Facebook page: www.facebook.com/sydvinyl.


Thanks and rock on!

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something from screamscape:


Hollywood Rip, Ride, Rockit - (6/30/09) A Screamscape source was visiting the park this evening when they noticed some new large video screens set up in the Rockit’s queue area that were playing a short video loop about how you will pick your own soundtrack. While they couldn’t make out everything on the screen, they did see a few artists and song titles mentioned: No Doubt’s Hella Good, Fergie, Donna Summer’s Bad Girls, M.C. Hammer and K.C. & The Sunshine Band. You can also find some new construction pictures posted to Orlando Rocks.

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Just got back from USO now.


Ride looks great, signage all up by the looks of things. Car was pretty low on the lift hill at around midday, then near the top about 2 hours later, and finally was testing up until about 9.


Will post some pictures tomorrow when I have a little more time.


One concern I did have is the car only just made it round the non-inverted loop ad it looked like it was going to valley again.

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