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Universal Orlando Resort (USO, IOA) Discussion Thread

P. 624: DreamWorks Land passholder preview report!

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Themeparkinsider is saying the proposed opening date for the new phase of Harry Potter is July 2014.


Also that there is going to be a facade of London buildings blocking you from seeing Diagon Alley. You go through Grimmwauld Place to get to the Leaky Cauldron and into Diagon Alley. Also there will be a Knockturn Alley. Lots more at the article.

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Also that there is going to be a facade of London buildings blocking you from seeing Diagon Alley. You go through Grimmwauld Place to get to the Leaky Cauldron and into Diagon Alley. Also there will be a Knockturn Alley. Lots more at the article.


I have no idea what any of this means, sounds like gibberish.

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Also that there is going to be a facade of London buildings blocking you from seeing Diagon Alley. You go through Grimmwauld Place to get to the Leaky Cauldron and into Diagon Alley. Also there will be a Knockturn Alley. Lots more at the article.


I have no idea what any of this means, sounds like gibberish.


Fans of the books or films will understand this. I'm guessing you're referring to "Diagon Alley" and the "Leaky Cauldron" and "Knockturn Alley". There are many famous franchises that have language like this, for example any science fiction or fantasy book or series. If you don't know the terms and are interested in what they mean google is your friend.


Unless my grammar is incorrect...

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A tornado was reported near universal about 15 minutes ago. Currently taking shelter in ET the ride. We were in the Fear Factor live show when the storm hit. Wind was so strong it blew the rain into the theater causing everyone to panic and run for cover. Walking from the show to ET, lots of sections of the construction fencing around the lagoon was blown over. One large palm tree in the ET plaza was also blown over. I will try post some pictures of the damage later.

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^Or they're teasing a new Twister attraction or an upgrade to the present one?


In all seriousness, glad that everyone appears to be OK. I heard the area was rocked pretty hard. I called family in the area and they are all good. I know the TICO Airshow was going on this weekend in Titusville and I hear that, although there is damage, everyone is OK.

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Hi guys,


I'm planning a trip to Orlando and I'm wondering when the new Transformers ride will open.

They say "Summer 2013", but I'm no expert about Universal's behavior.

Do you think that on 21th June I will be able to ride it? (even in a soft opening)


I really appreciate your help, because I can be there just for a few days in the beginning of the summer, and I'd like to know if I can enjoy Tranformers.


Thank you.



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Hi guys,


I'm planning a trip to Orlando and I'm wondering when the new Transformers ride will open.

They say "Summer 2013", but I'm no expert about Universal's behavior.

Do you think that on 21th June I will be able to ride it? (even in a soft opening)


I really appreciate your help, because I can be there just for a few days in the beginning of the summer, and I'd like to know if I can enjoy Tranformers.


Thank you.




There has been no date set yet, but I have read a few "rumor's" that a soft opening possible late May and open sometime in June. But as i said Universal have not given any dates as of yet. Unless someone else has any dates


I will be in Orlando in May but im pretty sure i will miss out by about a month.....same thing happened in 2009 when rip ride rocket opened, i was there a month before that opened before

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The amount of progress on the Transformers building/area alone along with the Potter and Simpson's areas is amazing. I was there in January and Transformers was still finishing the building and well Potter and Simpson's have done a lot in the past couple months, crazy. Props to Universal at the pace they are building all this at, only if Disney could move along with projects quicker.


Anyone know how express is affecting the line at HRRR since it was added finally?

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My family will be visiting end July/beginning August. We will be staying offsite.


Is it worth getting the Express passes for our two days there?

How crowded is the park going to be?

If we can only get one day of Express pass, should we use it on our day at USF or our day at IoA?

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My family will be visiting end July/beginning August. We will be staying offsite.


Is it worth getting the Express passes for our two days there?

How crowded is the park going to be?

If we can only get one day of Express pass, should we use it on our day at USF or our day at IoA?


That is peak summer vacation time, weather will also be disgusting.


Absolutely get Express passes as the parks will be crowded. If you can only get express for one park, look at them both and see what you'd rather ride. Most people would probably choose IOA for the Express passes as it's been more crowded over there with Potter, and more attractions are outdoors and will shut down in bad weather leading to longer lines later if they reopen. Studios at least has more indoor stuff and the big coaster there has a single rider line.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Not much to see here, but it looks like all the surveyors and markers recently spotted in the Jurassic Park section of Islands of Adventure are for "carnival style" games...



Chris "kind of disappointing given the recent rumors" Con


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