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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Personally, I am surprised that the HP people went with Universal. IMO, I think it would fit in a lot better at Disney. Lost Continent seems fine the way it is, and it doesn't have room to add a new island. But if Disney added on a section, it could do wonders. I'm really surprised HP didn't open up its own park! There are so many possibilities for lands/rides/shows. But I'll just have to hope its just a rumor.

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^^Excuse me, but how would a Harry Potter-themed land stop IoA from hosting Halloween Horror Night "anymore"? Those stories are loaded with horrific elements. A Harry Potter maze could be pretty cool.

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^^Excuse me, but how would a Harry Potter-themed land stop IoA from hosting Halloween Horror Night "anymore"? Those stories are loaded with horroific elements.


HHN should be about Horror Movies and such... not children stories...


And what I am trying to say is that the owners of the H.P. name will not allow HHN changes that are to horrific (just look at Seuss, where changes for HHN are not allowed either)


I have no problem with H.P., just with the location and the loss of one land that works so well in IoA...

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^I respectfully disagree. The Potter stories (at least the movie versions I've seen) take a few steps beyond "children's literature" when it comes to horror--werewolves, soul-sucking Dementers, man-eating spiders, and other sorts of monsters abound in them.


As for any contractual requirements between J. K. Rowling and Universal forbidding any "changes that are too horrific," that remains to be seen. (You might be right there, especially if you're referring to the use of excessive gore.)

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I am a huge Harry Potter fan, this make me both excited for this idea and also a little worried. On the one hand, they could do a great job and really make fantastic new attractions and create more Harry fans. On the other hand, they could totally do something on the cheap or crappy and ruin a potentially good idea. I love Dueling Dragons, but not because it is themed to dragons; I love it because I like the feeling that you are going to crash into the other train.


I don't think how you feel about a movie franchise necessarily ties in to how you feel about an attraction. I have never seen the Mummy movies all the way through and I enjoy both Mummy rides. I love the Back to the Future series but hate the ride.

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I can't say I'm a very big Harry Potter fan, but this sounds like a good idea to me. The Lost Continent is really nice in terms of it's amazing theming, but ignoring Dueling Dragons, the place is a bit, meh.


The Sindbad show isn't very good (actually I think it's just plain awful) and Poseidon's Fury is for the most part a large waste of space. Between them there is a lot of room for better attractions, or at least one mega attraction.


Also, as amazing as the queue-line for Dueling Dragons is, the actaully on-ride theming could be a lot better, perhaps a slight re-jig for Harry Potter and that could be fixed.


It seems that a lot of people are against the re-theme, but I'm for it as long as it is done to the same standard as the rest of the park. It would also help to steal back some of the people heading to Disney World and ignoring IOA.

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Argh! They need to focus on a new ride, not retheming the best section of the park!


That was one of the things I liked most about Lost Continent-it wasn't developed from a comic strip or movie series, it was original and really cool, especially in the early morning when it was still cool and there was some light fog rolling off the lake and no one there but you and the employees.


IoA was such a cool park back in 1999....

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I thought Disney was going to biuld a potter theme park due to the western passage thingy being built? Honestly......i would rather have an entire theme park based off of potter then a simple land. How would you be able to fit the world of Harry potter in the lost continent?


As long as they dont touch dueling dragons im all good.

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I am glad, but also kinda upset about this...

I never really like The Lost Continent...I really only went there for Mythos and Dueling Dragons...I'm glad to see those 2 shows go, thats for sure!

But, of all ideas that they could think of, Harry Potter??

I understand it will attract younger audiences, but I just think that a more creative idea could've been thought of to replace the Lost Continent..

I will say that it does have potential for some good rides, but we'll just have to see...

I'm still waiting for my Jurassic Park jeep ride!

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In theory there should be no need to mess with Duelling Dragons. There are dragons in the Harry Potter universe so Dragons could remain untouched and not look out of place with the Flying Unicorn being converted with a heavy Potter theme for the kids.


Fury could be alterted and improved perhaps using footage from the films or newly recorded stuff by the actors. My only idea for Sinbad would be Quidditch but I can't see how that would work in reality.


The main concern is Mythos. Kids who love Harry Potter are going to want Potter burgers and Dementor shakes and at what age group they decide to pitch the whole land at - if they take the darker parts of the Potter universe it could be okay.

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i think could work really well, jsut depends if they match the level of themeing there currently.


just a quick question ( i scanned the thread to see if its been asked but didnt see anything) Does anybody know when abouts the construction would start, i ask because i dont want to miss out on anything at IOA when i visit in easter!

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I like Harry Potter, but just not in theme parks. If they redo the Lost Continent, which is very unique in it's own way, it will suck badly. And how are they going to transform it when IOA is operational year round?? The whole island will be cut off from guests most likely, and when you get to the end of Jurrasic Park or Seuss Landing, you'll have to make another trip around the park again. So I think it's a bad idea, and if has to be done, I prefer it to be done at USF.

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If they do this right, this could end up being huge. IOA has been in some serious need of change and IMO this fits the bill nicely. But they have to go all out for this one. If they only go half way, it will probably fail.

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I can see HP stuff showing up at the park. The PF building can be transformed into a super cool attraction. The whole Sinbad's Bazar can be transformed into a Hogwart's area. Mythos can have a HP character meal. Dueling Dragons will need minimal changes, if any.

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Yeah, I don't think they would need to retheme Duelling Dragons as they could make the coasters each a type of dragon in the Goblet of Fire contest. Don't think they'd need to really do much cosmetically though nor would I want them to. Although, they do have The Flying Unicorn which could perhaps be the one to retheme since it's a family coaster.


I'm a HP fan and part of me thinks this would be really cool. I doubt they would make it lame. I mean, it's Universal we're talking about here...not Dreamworld (for those Australians on the board)


TLC is soo cool at the moment to walk around at the moment though so it will be a shame to lose it. Didn't end up doing Poseidon/Sinbad so can't comment on those.


Glad the changes will be around 2009-10 though which will allow me to visit later this year/next year before they take effect.

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I'm at Portofino now,Last night we were eating at the Trotoria and our waitress mentioned that she also worked at Mythos.I asked her about the Harry Potter Island,she said she hadn't heard anything about Harry potter But,"I have heard a rumor of a new island,I really hope they don't tear down Mythos."She also suggested "Maybe they are doing something with our backlots."

Maybe this whole thing could be the seventh island that was rumored when the park first opened.

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I have always wanted there to be a Harry Potter themed ride. I am a HUGE fan of the books and think the ideas and concepts are amazing.


I do think its a good idea for them to make a Harry themed place and Im glad its going ahead after the final book has been released, as at least the story will be complete and an attraction isnt made and then instantly out of date because a character or idea has changed or died.


But I am slightly worried as Im not sure how much or how well they can fit Harry Potter in to the lost continent. I mean you would have to have Hogwarts... but I have a horrible vision that the castle of Hogwarts is gonna be used as a template as a huge darkride telling the tory of Harry, when personally I feel Hogwarts has so much to offer in itself....


I also hope JK Rowling has some sort of say o how thing are done because that might make it that wee bit more special....


I Guess we'll have to wait and see.....

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