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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^Great find.. now we have a time frame.


I wonder why they would be at SeaWorld to celebrate the grand opening of Manta two days before the actual grand opening date. That is why I feel a little bit skeptical of July 3rd as the actual grand opening. However, I'm sure it would already been open for soft previews.

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Talk about crazy crowds in the park that weekend! I was expecting it to be nuts to begin with. That would be purely insane. Maybe though, I will be at a coaster opening for the first time as a result. However, I really am hoping for a soft opening before then. If that is what happens, and the 3rd is really the opening date, I will be heading straight for US fresh off an 18 hour drive from NY on the 2nd. I want to ride at least twice on my trip this year. Just hopefully this is the latest because I would hate to miss it. I didn't plan my trip around these openings. Actually it was planned prior to the announcements, but now that they are here, going home riding one out of two new coasters would suck. LOL.

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Well I just got back from my band trip(yes im a band nerd) and I was at USF yesterday and I must say this thing looked massive!! It looked like they were doing paint touch ups and I saw some workers up on the top of the lift. (?)But I really cant wait to ride it. Thank god I only live an hour away!

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I'm going to Universal (both parks) tomorrow to use my heroes pass! The longer the lines, the more pictures I'll be taking and posting since I'm no fan of waiting in long lines. I'm shooting for them to open an hour early like my last visit, anyone know if that's been happening lately?

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for someone who doesnt really follow harry potter can someone please give a brief description of what those things are. I just dont wanna vote for the sake of voting I wanna kinda be fair lol

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Lemme give you a visual rundown.


Basilisk - Huge Reptilian Snake.



Dementor - Grim Reaper looking things.



Acromantula (Aragog) - Huge Spider



Whomping Willow - Tree that's alive and attacks anything near.



Hungarian Hornback - Dragon from the Tri-Wizard Tournament


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If you're going by looks I would say the scariest would be the Acromantula, but judging by what they would do to you the Dementors are the scariest.


Dementor- wraith-like creatures who can suck the happiness and soul out of a person, make them feel like they will never be happy again, feed on peoples' happy emotions, and force them to recall the most horrible memories they have had in their lives


Acromantula- an enormous, sentient, talking spider that makes a unique clicking noise as he moves in search of prey


Basilisk- giant snake that can kills you when it looks you in the eye


The Whomping Willow- a giant tree that can whip it's limbs around and beat you to death


The Hungarian Hornback- dragon

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