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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Heh heh, a month of frantic speculation about what could be going wrong, endless rumors, crying fanboys... and then the lift suddenly springs up as planned all along.


I hope we learned something.


Learned what? The lift didn't go up as planned, heck Universal publicly announced there was a delay in the construction. Going up as planned would have meant the lift would have been completed a month ago. You don't build half the hill, then remove the crane, then restart back up a month later. Trust me there was some issues they had to work out.

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Also.. I cant personally confirm this but I've heard that somewhere near Hogwarts (between Dragons, Unicorn, and the access road) they set up a temporary maintanance bay and have been assembling the ride vehicles. That was probably 8 months ago when I was told about it.


Again.. I dont know if thats true or not but its coming from people I used to work with at Dragons.


That's also where I heard that the track is actually above the riders.. but I dont think that's true so who really knows what to believe!


I agree though.. Hogsmeade is going to shoot up really quickly.

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I agree, there has to be way more work being done on facades off-site, that or theres a bulding bay back there that you just can't see. But I do agree that this thing will most likely come together like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Alot of buildings in Florida (well in Clermont atleast) seem to go REALLY slow in construction and then you wake up the next morning and BAM! It's got a new coat of paint, it's got a roof, that's what I'm expecting in this situation.

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There's no sense in comparing Wizarding World's construction to Everest's. There's too many variables, and quite frankly, Disney tends to be slow with construction anyway. Even if Universal does have to keep a tight schedule, I wouldn't expect a subpar product. Rowling wouldn't allow it.

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Plus all the facades for Hogsmeade and such are being built off-site, and when Universal is ready for them.. they will all be put In place like a giant jigsaw I imagine. I can't say this for the castle exterior for sure.. but i guess it would most likely be the same method.


Ah... so maybe they're not as behind as it looks. Where are the insider pics from the offsite building location?


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^ I think the plan to add Maverick's heartline roll was scrapped when Universal decided it was not feasable.


... and Maurer Sohne wasn't gutsy enough to incorporate an extra world's first element into the lift tower.


I don't believe you.

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^ I think the plan to add Maverick's heartline roll was scrapped when Universal decided it was not feasable.


... and Maurer Sohne wasn't gutsy enough to incorporate an extra world's first element into the lift tower.


I don't believe you.


Me either...wheres the proof? To be honest it was funny at first but after a few pages it got boring. You guys were just dragging it on. Just my opinion though netdvn...

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I'm happy work has resumed on the lift. But I have one question about the ride (that I know no one here will be able to answer but will ask nonetheless lol). Why exactly is the evac staircase for the first MCBR not part of the structure? It looks so strange chilling all by itself away from the track and support structure of the ride.

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Me either...wheres the proof? To be honest it was funny at first but after a few pages it got boring. You guys were just dragging it on. Just my opinion though netdvn...




EDIT: Awesome they finally put the lift into place. Hopefully they'll start testing the ride soon.

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