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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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1. The ride itself doesn't really launch, but I've considered drive tires/special LIMs placed on the tower in order to move the train up the lift.


2. The board is fairly active and I post fairly often. I'd like to think that I'm spending a little too much time here.


Overall thanks for the comment.

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if the trains get stuck up at the top there is only one way down..Bungee jumping!!!!!...Thats the new element of the ride...It may take awhile for all the people to get off but its the only way..

I thought that new element was called "stage-diving".

You will dive straight down from the top into the crowd waiting in line for HRRR, with any kind of bungeecord or protecting.

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That loop is enough reasons alone for me to study for finals so that I can get good grades and get a job that will allow me to work out there!


I sure do love some curves on my pretty lady!


Edit: What is the update on the scratches and scuffs on the track and supports?

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I have been trying to follow this thread as best as I can and I know that there was a poll a little while back about your favorite harry potter dragons...what ever came of that? Do we officially know the name of DD or is it up in there air still as to which ones they will be? I would only imagine the the fireball one would be one.


Sorry if I missed out on the answer.

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I believe the coaster is now in the Lift and Retouch phase. Cause the station is almost done. So I'm pretty sure they'll tend to all the scratches and nicks in the next week.


What I really want to see are the trains, cause I know they're X-Cars but I want to see the Color/Design and those ultra-bright LED's they've been talking about. Even though I'm pretty sure the LED's are gonna look the same as they do on Hollywood Dream over at USJ.

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Fireball won by 72.25%. Which is quite surprising to me, since the Hungarian Horntail had such a massive lead.


The current poll is "What type a wand would you prefer?" A replica of a Hero's wand, a Villain's wand, or one that "chooses" you.

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You know, I have been wondering the same thing for four days! I couldn't ask because that would be a double post, and I wasn't able to edit my stuff. It is weird how the topic just dropped off the face of the earth now that the track is complete! I hope there are more updates! Maybe car and testing updates are next!

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Looking back with all the talk about the heartline, and how people said that enough was enough, it's getting boring, etc., as annoying as it eventually got to be, it was something. I found myself more annoyed that no one has posted a thing in days.


I still cannot get over that picture of the uninverted loop from the last page. That is just beautiful!

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