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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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In other words, nobody really knows. Take what ever you hear "on the street" or from the popcorn vendor with a grain of salt, folks.


Thanks for the warm welcome to TPR. I'm glad to see my info is being mocked. I'll remember to keep my mouth shut next time. Maybe I was being vague for a reason...


And after swinging by today I can say the main crane is gone and as others reported the lift track and drop pieces are still sitting in the field down the road from the park.


Don't know where the shortening of the lift came from. That won't happen but word is they are reworking the mechanics of the lift.

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In other words, nobody really knows. Take what ever you hear "on the street" or from the popcorn vendor with a grain of salt, folks.


Thanks for the warm welcome to TPR. I'm glad to see my info is being mocked. I'll remember to keep my mouth shut next time. Maybe I was being vague for a reason...


And after swinging by today I can say the main crane is gone and as others reported the lift track and drop pieces are still sitting in the field down the road from the park.


Don't know where the shortening of the lift came from. That won't happen but word is they are reworking the mechanics of the lift.


He wasnt mocking you...just saying in general to take things with a grain of salt...not really putting 100% of trust in what someone "heard".


Generally when someone who hasnt posted much and give the well I "heard" its kinda iffy since the person hasn't really said anything in the past.


As far as the reach envelope on the top of the NILoop...


I "heard" the clearence at the top is too low and causing some concerns lol.


Jarvis "now take that with a grain of salt" Morant

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How can the "reach envelope" not clear the top of the loop? Is the sky too low?



If you look here..




a crane was on site yesterday doing work. But then it disappears and then today the webcam is now pointed towards IOA. I dont know if that means anything.. but at least the timelapse stuff is cool!


Edit- Ok.. nevermind. the BIG crane has been gone since 3/17 it looks like.

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Hey! Everybody!!!


Take a good deep breath in... do it!


Now breath out.



Feel better? Let's not jump to conclusions because "word on the street" says it to be so. My grandmother used to say: "Believe nothing of what you hear, and half of what you see."

I'm sure we'll see things pick back up soon. Worse case sinerio, we wait a few more weeks for it to open.

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I don't understand, how do we know construction has stopped when the webcam doesnt point to HRRR?


From first hand reports.



Yes, they're working on the station everyday now, and it's coming together very nicely. No one is worried about/denying that. The issue is the lack of the main crane on property.


All the main track work for the ride was completed on the 14th. All that remains now is the lift hill and station track, which as we've seen, has been getting installed recently. But with the lack of the large blue crane, putting up the lift isn't going to be possible, as it's the only crane capable of lifting the track onto the lift tower.


So it begs the question, why is the crane gone in the first place? That crane has been on property since December. Even when they took extended breaks between putting up segments in the past, the crane remained on the construction site. So even if they're taking a week or two off from putting up track, why remove the crane?


Now, when you take the speculation that there's something wrong with the lift, and throw in the fact that they finished all track work that requires that crane EXCEPT the lift and then promptly removed the crane from their property, it would seem that something's up.


There is of course the possibility we're all looking way too deeply into this and nothing is wrong at all. But hey, it's a discussion board and we're discussing what's going on.

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I'm just throwing this out but maybe the reason the crane isn't there is because it had some kind of malfunction and they needed to get it repaired/replaced.


I don't think there is anything to worry about. Before we know it, construction on the lift will resume and the sooner we can all ride it.

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I haven't been following this ride at all, and this is really the first time I've looked at it. It looks like a neat ride, and it's cool that it's being added to USO and not IOA. I'm not sure what it's called, but that crazy element that's like a loop but twisted looks awesome. And to be honest, I didn't even know that Maurer Söhne made coasters like that.

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I'm just throwing this out but maybe the reason the crane isn't there is because it had some kind of malfunction and they needed to get it repaired/replaced.


See, there we go. A very simple/logical explanation for the lack of the crane that pretty much makes my entire post irrelevant. Let's hope this is the case!

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Mine came in Friday. It's pinned to my room door now til probable October use. The funny thing is a Kings Dominion Pass renewal ad came on top of that in in the mail. I will always heckle Dominator - "The World's longest floorless inverting coaster" because it was a shoe horned design that ironically now graces on an open parking lot.

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