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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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2 people were having a conversation at the exit of Screamin' Eagle at SFSTL last weekend.


I heard one of them say "The lifts here are slow. Really really slow. Won't it be easier if all of the lifts in the park were replaced with launches like on Mr. Freeze?"


Other dude "Yeah! But won't they have to turn the cars backwards for that to happen?"

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I know I recently posted, but this was so GP, I had to post it,


My neighbor was planning a trip to Geauga Lake (he went for his last time 2006. Not knowing it closed) and left on Friday. He thought he would check with me about it first and I tried telling him what happened to it, but he said "Ha Ha, very funny" and left.

He came back yesterday with a sad face on. I knew what happened,

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When I was in elementary school there was a rumor that someone died on Kingda Ka. The story was that a guy was at Six Flags Great Adventure on his birthday, and when he rode Kingda Ka, the ride suddenly slammed to a harsh stop on the top hat. Then he just randomly fell to his death for no reason. ---> Another rumor at the same time was that Great American Scream Machine was re-themed to Medusa, and then re-themed to Bizarro.

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Here's a portion of a one-star review of Quassy Amusement Park. It's simply golden!:


Most overly priced place I've ever been to... How do u charge a 6 yr old an adult price just because he is tall.. No other amusement park does that..


1. The park is very reasonably priced.

2. The price is that way since he can ride every ride, not just a limited selection.

3. Yes, other amusement parks do that.


There's another review on the same page featuring a super true and totally not made up story:


the rides and water slides were completely unsafe my first water slide I went on the tube flipped me over i hit my face and my arm got cut and was bleeding the life guard stood there and didn't do anything


Yep... seems legit!

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You could fill this thread just with the Google 1 star reviews for any and every park. There are some amazingly hilarious reviews. Dollywood has a few great ones.

Yeah, the most fantastic one I've seen was one on TripAdvisor for Hershey Park. It was some old guy talking about how all of the teenagers were searing too much. He claimed that everyone should boycott the park because it was an evil "place of sin"

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This guy getting thrown out of the park.


What a GP!




Goddamn it. I thought that you were linking to that video a few pages back about some idiot at Lake Compounce sneaking into the woods with his girlfriend. You got me, I'll give you that.

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GP Facebook comments about Goliath at SFGAm:


-Wooden coasters suck. Who likes being beat to death and feeling like you can fall out at any moment? It's 2014. Enough crap already.

-With all the friction that will come from the movement of the rollercoaster, I wouldn't be surprised if a fire breakout on the wooden structure. It might even break, but I am sure people will still hop on like a fool, believing inspectors that say it is safe as ever!

-Won't see me on that ride!!! Final destination for real.

-the hell would the build a wooden coaster ?

-that looks like a disaster waiting to happen, they should call it the Titantic instead.

-Nothing but a lap bar and it goes upside down. Not sure I want my son on this thing! Yikes. I am sticking with Raging Bull.

-This is a disaster in the waiting wood is not made to withstand curves and twist that steel could. These people are crazy you will see in the future. They are gonna get the ride of there life!!!!

-This ride is a death trap waiting to happen and its sad this obviously is a sign I'm done with rollercoasters after seeing and reading how many of the incidents on them go unreported is just sad

-Ride is doomed... tear it down and save yourself a lawsuit



Gotta love the GP...



I hear this all the time.

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You could fill this thread just with the Google 1 star reviews for any and every park. There are some amazingly hilarious reviews. Dollywood has a few great ones.

Yeah, the most fantastic one I've seen was one on TripAdvisor for Hershey Park. It was some old guy talking about how all of the teenagers were searing too much. He claimed that everyone should boycott the park because it was an evil "place of sin"


Trip advisor is always good for a few laughs haha.

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People love to complain about crowds when they go on a holiday. I don't get it... how is the park at fault for being a place people want to go?


To an extent, I understand criticisms for special events (haunts, etc) where the experience is so hindered by huge crowds...however... the public wants to see quality, and you can't fund quality when doing soft sell-outs at 1/2 or 2/3 of your real capacity.

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My homepark is ValleyFair and I go there every summer. Every time I go to ride Steel Venom, VF's impulse coaster, I hear the dumbest things.


I hear this crap from my friends too, and people will argue with me on it and it is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Actual conversation below.


Friend: "Dude did you know they put screaming sound effects on the launch and when it stops u in mid air!"

Me: "Oh yea, actually that's just the sound of the voltage on the LSM's and the holding brake."

Friend: "Um, I've been on it I think I would know."

Me: "Um, I'm a roller coaster enthusiast and I go to VF at least 20 times every summer, and I'm working there this summer."

Friend: "But they come out of those owls in the loading place or whatever."

Me: "Those scare away the birds and bugs so there's no nests."

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My homepark is ValleyFair and I go there every summer. Every time I go to ride Steel Venom, VF's impulse coaster, I hear the dumbest things.


I hear this crap from my friends too, and people will argue with me on it and it is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.


Actual conversation below.


Friend: "Dude did you know they put screaming sound effects on the launch and when it stops u in mid air!"

Me: "Oh yea, actually that's just the sound of the voltage on the LSM's and the holding brake."

Friend: "Um, I've been on it I think I would know."

Me: "Um, I'm a roller coaster enthusiast and I go to VF at least 20 times every summer, and I'm working there this summer."

Friend: "But they come out of those owls in the loading place or whatever."

Me: "Those scare away the birds and bugs so there's no nests."

This is actually a very common belief for Steel Venom. The LIMs sound so much like screams. (Heck, I used to think that when I first heard it, and didn't know what an LiM was.


Are there really fake owls in the loading area? I haven't seen any before, however, I never really looked, either.

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You could fill this thread just with the Google 1 star reviews for any and every park. There are some amazingly hilarious reviews. Dollywood has a few great ones.

Yeah, the most fantastic one I've seen was one on TripAdvisor for Hershey Park. It was some old guy talking about how all of the teenagers were searing too much. He claimed that everyone should boycott the park because it was an evil "place of sin"


Trip advisor is always good for a few laughs haha.


That's one of my favorite things to do. I always get a good laugh at the bad ones.

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